Can the odors of our bodily fluids give us clue about our health
Bad breath when waking up, smelly sweat or armpits are something usual that happens to everyone and not a cause of alarm. These odors will clear up after brushing the teeth, bathing and applying deodorant. Everyone knows their body odors and even others can smell if they are too strong. A stronger than usual smell can point out to some infections.
Odors of Body Fluids That Can Give Us a Clue about Our Health
1. Strong sweat odor after stress
All people can become sweaty during stressful moments, but excessive sweating is more common for people with anxiety disorder. Sweating can make a person with anxiety disorder to have a layer of extra pungent sweat. This sweat comes out of different glands from those that emit usual sweat with a stronger odor. Excess smelly sweat after stress should be a reason to visit a therapist for advice on how to calm nerves and manage stress. It is also essential to keep in mind other ways that can make thebody odor to trip this problem.
2. Bad breath after brushing the teeth
Oral hygiene should clear bad breath. A stench that lingers after brushing could be coming from the gut. The most likely cause could be hypochlorhydria or a lack of stomach acid that hinders proper digestion of food till it affects gut health.
3.Fruity odor on the breath
It is not always that morning breath is unpleasant, but it signals the existence of a problem if it is persistently sweet or fruity. A fruity smell on the breath is not something to ignore as it might be an indication of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) a metabolic condition with a potential to become life-threatening and might progress as a complication of uncontrolled diabetes.
4. Bad smell on the skin
There is a difference between a normal body odor and that which occurs when there is an infection on the surface. The difference lies in the strength of smell. Skin infections can be a cause putrid odor from byproducts of bacterial growth. A dying tissue, gangrene causes one of the incredibly offensive odors as it smells like rotten meat.
5. Smellier than usual sweat
People with hyperthyroidism may sweat excessively the point of an increased classic BO. An overactive thyroid might cause extra sweat which might be difficult to notice, but the increased scent of the bacteria will be extra smelly.
6. Bad breath after sickness
Bad breath after suffering from an infection such as a camera is s sign that it is lingering on. Chronic bad breath could be a sign of bacterial overgrowth inthe gums. It might also be an acute or chronic infection of the sinus. A course of antibiotics might be necessary to clear this problem. Consulting a doctor about the right medication is the best course of action.
7. Vaginal odor
Every woman has her odor,and there is no need to start panicking because of scent from the vulva. A reason to worry and take note is when the smell is new. A change in odor that persists deserves the attention an examination by a gynecologist who should be able to determine if there is an infection and diagnose the precise type. A woman should avoid using products like scents and perfumes to cover up natural odors because they might irritate.
A strong or fishy smell also deserves a check-up by a doctor. The fishy odor might be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. BV occurs as a result of a change in a vaginal bacterial community that might increase odor and discharge, especially after sexual activity. BV requires treatment as soon as possible to prevent more severe gynecological issues.
8. Strongly smelling pee
Poor gut health is the most likely cause of stronger than the usual smell from the urine. It is like similar occurrence in bad breath or stinky sweat. The pungent smell in the urine is as a result of toxins finding their way out of the body.The body should not stink if you practice good hygiene. A stronger than usual smell from nowhere should get the attention of a doctor. It might be a sign that the body has lost the natural balance to fight odors or is a sign of an STI or another disease.