Can You Reverse Aging?
Aging is the process of growing older, but medically it terms summarizing the set of processes that contribute to deterioration and finally death. The processes contribute to a decline in health, productivity, and performance.
Although aging comes with age, it does not mean that you should not give it some attention. You can take measure to improve the quality of life and health to slow down the aging process and reverse the effects of early onset.</p
There is no magic solution. You should take and implement these steps.
Reverse Aging by eating a balanced diet
Eating any food without nutritional consideration is like turning the body to a combustion engine the burns food like fuel to gain energy. When the body functions as a car, it wears out and breaks down faster.</p
Nutritious meals should have vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients that your body understands. Your body decodes the language of the food you eat. Reversing aging requires that you increase intake of antioxidant. Antioxidants help to slow down aging at a cellular level, decrease the risk heart disease, cancer and memory loss whose risk increases with age.</>
Antioxidant-rich food includes sweet potatoes, garlic, cucumbers, almond, and walnuts.
Stop smoking
When you age advances, it is the best time to stop smoking. The habit has numerous health hazards that increase the risk of contracting illnesses that will affect your quality of life and contribute to aging. Additionally, smoking causes the teeth to start turning yellow and paling of the skin making your appearance to be older sometimes more than your real age.
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Reverse aging by Reducing the wrinkles and fine lines
In most cases, wrinkles appear due to prolonged exhaustion. Fines lines are not just a sign of sun exposure but also a poor diet. Failing to sleep enough trigger the production of excess cortisol, a hormone the causes the formation of belly fat and breaking down of skin cells.
You can restore a youthful appearance on your skin sleeping for 8 straight hours every day. Make sure that you also drink enough water to prevent dehydration and enhance the skin’s appearance.
Reverse Aging by Toning your skin
Aging causes the skin to lose elasticity and to sag. You can reverse the sagging by an effective using anti-aging moisturizer. A good moisturizer will increase elasticity, prevent wrinkles, blemishes and pigmentation. Use the moisturizer on the face, neck and under their eyes. Many people forget to moisturize the hands yet is also necessary. It is essential as the skin on the hands is delicate allowing aging to manifest in the form of thinning and loosening. Dark spots and highly visible veins also occur due to aging. If the signs and feeling of extra slimness appear on your hands, it is important to start applying high-quality lotion daily. Applying it before going to bed is better than during the day.
The skin around the eyes becomes delicate and prone to wrinkles with age. An excellent eye cream anti-aging property and under eye concealer will help to conceal the effect of aging. An eye cream hydrates and protects the area to reduce noticeability of wrinkles or fine lines. An under-eye concealer covers redness and dark circles that make someone look haggard.
Extended use of electronics, poor diet and allergies cause reddening of the eyes and make you appear older. A regular intake of highly inflammatory foods can cause eye reddening. Eating antioxidant-rich diet helps to reduce signs of inflammation.
Prevent hair thinning will reverse aging
Aging is a cause of natural hair thinning. Genetics contribute much to hair loss, but overzealous brushing, hormonal imbalances, and excessive chemical processing also make the hair to appear older.
Scalp massages help to increase blood flow and temporary infusion of nutrients to the hair follicles. It is a natural technique in various cultures as a means of maintaining hair health with much success if it takes place daily. A scalp massage with coconut or olive oil minutes before a shower prevents thinning. A diet of leafy greens, biotin, iron, and zinc also improves hair health.
No one wants to look old, and the above measures will make you look younger or reverse the signs of aging.