Developing a Nursing Capstone Project
Today’s nurses make the highest contributions to the health industry. As a requirement to finishing students, they must undertake a final paper before they are eligible to work. Capstone project papers require one to research in detail about a specific subject then write a broad term on it. Capstones are, therefore, intensive and need much attention as they also take more time than most final papers. It is a paper that students should prepare for effectively and write well because it sums up all that learning during the entire course.
Preparation for the capstone project
You can complete an outstanding capstone project paper by consulting your advisor on what the examiners expect you to present. There are various requirements, so it is vital to search for them early enough, i.e., by either developing project ideas. It will helps one to organize your research, writing, revising and still hand it in on time.
Choose a Topic
A capstone project is long; therefore, it is essential for you to choose a topic that naturally interests you and gives you desire to explore more. It is easier to write a paper about a topic that you care about exploring. Make sure that you choose a broad topic that has plenty of material to write about. It should, however, be narrow enough within the limits of something you explain thoroughly.
Professors and individual programs have essential requirements; therefore, you should determine in advance whether your topic is acceptable. The guidelines for writing capstone papers are like writing academic documents.
Research on your topic
Research your topic widely by taking note, brainstorming ideas and highlighting quotes. It will help you to decide the areas on which you should focus and prepare on than others. Begin visualizing the way your complete paper will be. Do not forget to consider about limitations and how to work around them.
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Writing a thesis statement.
Begin your capstone paper by writing a clear, concise thesis statement. Choose your thesis statement carefully because it will be the foundation around which you will build your whole paper. Before writing the thesis statement, make sure that you gather lots of evidence and arguments supporting it. It is the reason why you should start writing your capstone project early enough.
Construct an outline
It is imperative that you start with an outline before you begin writing the first capstone draft. List down all the main points you plan to make. Divide the points into categories putting them into an appropriate order for the paper to flow well from the introduction to conclusion.
Submit it for approval. A well-organized paper will encourage your professors to read through the lengthy paper and give them the impression that you understand what you wrote about and where necessary offer advice on where changes need to be done.
Writing the draft
Write a comprehensive capstone paper with deep research on the topic to indulge the reader. Think of it as a thesis and write in a way that demonstrates to the examiner that you have learned the topic well. Capstone project should be at least 45 pages long with a considerable number of references. This means that you will have around 12,000 words. The sources should not be less than 12-14.
Your paper should include an abstract, table of contents and a list of references. Remember to choose and stick to using the correct referencing style such as APA, MLA, Harvard or Chicago. One can use a software program of the chart to organize your references. Paper folders and word processing folders help to keep notes in place and well organized. It is also vital that you keep track of all changes and decision you decide on during your writing. Some people even keep a diary of the project.
Submission & Conclusion
Just the way you started your capstone project in an engaging note, make sure that it ends in the same way. After concluding revise your work to make sure that it includes all the important details. Look out for any problems with grammar, punctuation and word choice and make the necessary revisions.