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Effective ways to reduce the stress levels of a teenager in the hospital environment


Stress is a body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat after sensing the danger that can either be real or imagined. A person’s body defenses kick in a quick process known as fight-or-flight.

Teenage stress is always common since it enables them to cope with the challenges to get ready for any action beforehand. Here are some of the signs of teenage stress that can show up in their body behavior, thinking, and emotions. Some of the signs include:

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  • Not wanting to take part in any activities or see their friends as they usually enjoy. Spotting your child or friend who just wants to be by herself more than usual.

  • They may seem nervous or anxious in their everyday activities

  • Showing signs in lacking enough sleep

  • Lacking the urge to eating food

  • Becoming skeptical of going to school

  • Taking alcohol or other drugs and using many caffeine products

  • Behaving aggressively towards colleagues or friends

These types of signs can affect the thinking of a person as he or she may find it hard concentrating as there is the frequent loss of thoughts or conversations when speaking to others. Many teenagers have trouble organizing, making decisions and even planning as they often get confused and become irrational.

There are various types of stress. They include:

  • Acute Stress

    It is a short-term stress and is the most common way to how stress occurs.

  • Episodic Acute Stress

    This is stress that is frequently experienced by present frequent triggers.

  • Chronic Stress

    It is a harmful type of stress and if not managed can have a detrimental effect on the human body for a lengthy period. Some of the triggers may include, unhappy marriages, poverty, etc. many get heart attacks and even strokes while some end up taking their own lives.

There are tips that can help a teenager relieve stress. They include going out for sporting activities by exercising, getting plenty of rest and eating well i.e. a full day three-course meal. Having an immediate and close partner who will listen to you discuss your problems with them. Management of some of your time well since it is known that becoming too busy is a big source of stress and thus planning on how to effectively.

Allocating appropriate time for every activity being undertaken is crucial and the key to most teenagers. Time management helps save the rush of trying to complete tasks at the last minute. Division of some of the work helps one in managing their time well hence finding plenty of time for other moments such as attending to personal matters.

If the above ways of managing your symptoms fail to help you, then seeing a doctor is the most viable thing to do. A professional opinion may want to have a look at other potential causes that may make you feel that way. Considering seeing a therapist is another effective way since they can help identify the sources of your stress and help you learn a new way of cope.

Stress is a bad health wise as it makes changes to your body like slowing normal bodily functions like digestive and immune systems. Teenagers often experience higher pulse rates coupled with faster breathing. The human digestive system slows down making muscles become tense decreasing a person’s immune activity.

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