Nursing values are critical elements that nurses should possess as it influences the way a patient in a healthcare facility recovers. Nursing is known by many as the country’s largest healthcare job career with many registered nurses working due to high employability rates. Nurses work within the front lines of responding to patient illnesses and conditions. Care does not measure the success of the patients only or behavior in the upkeep of the patients but with their recovery time as well. The decisions that physicians and nurses make around diagnosis can be seen in a patients’ recovery time which is vital to every patient in a hospital facility.
Values can be defined as personal preferences that people learn, organize into systems and determine attitudes and behaviors. They are part of ethics systems that evaluate a person’s moral behaviors.
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An individual’s values often impact one’s values. A person’s social group, culture, education or even past experiences can influence the normal behavior of a nurse. One’s personal values can be consistent with their professional values thereby impacting them in their choice of profession. Each job group often has their own set of professional values which are articulated in their professional codes of ethics. Most nursing associations have a code of ethical obligations and behaviors which are specific to nursing. It is imperative for nurses to internalize professional values in developing and sustaining a professional identity. It is essential for nurses to better articulate their values to promote professional nursing behavior and demonstrate the values of nursing to achieve better healthcare outcomes.
Many concerns are raised regarding the commitment of today’s nursing workforce. One researcher, Horton emphasized the importance of understanding professional nursing values, therefore, uniting and empowering the profession.
Prospective students who see their career advancing in nursing need to understand that it involves nurturing, helping and caring for those who are around them. Nursing is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding career paths many students can opt to follow. Most nursing schools instill core values in students which will carry them into their ongoing careers.
Some of the values that nurses should possess include:
Nurses should be compassionate since most hospitals require them to receive great care in the way they would like to be treated by their mothers. He or she should possess good communication skills to also communicate with each other together as a team both to doctors as well as patients.
Empathy is one of the nursing values which nurses need to have. Their ability to understand, be aware of whatever is going on around them, show sensitivity and understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the patient and their family members.
Great nurses show unconditional love for their jobs through dedication in waking up every day and achieving their goals. They must have that inner drive to want to show a difference in the lives of other people. some of these motivations can be from inspirational talks from either your doctor, family members, having a chronic hunger for knowledge with unmatched feelings to help others and by being committed to the nursing profession.
Showing accountability, responsibility, patience for customer service and have good communication to exchange thoughts and information is vital to the importance of the nursing process. Great communication with patients, families and the staff is a critical nursing value to this profession.
Critical thinking is another nursing value example since nurses are often involved in making critical and appropriate clinical decisions which help resolve patient healthcare issues. Critical thinking involves having an organized cognitive process that helps nurses in exploring and challenging decisions to take risks based on their knowledge in the face of difficult problems.