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How to write an Essay on Nursing Leadership

How to write an Essay on Nursing Leadership

Leadership is an action of leading a group or an organization and having the ability to guide other individuals to a certain job specification. It is a process of interaction between the leader and the other members influencing them toward goal achievement.

Nurses today are taking on more challenging roles than what they had been used to in the past. Some of the roles that are taken by them were reserved for physicians. Today’s nurses are beginning to become more specialized compared to the past. The field of nursing has generally grown to introduce more areas than what used to be a few years ago.

Leadership is widely recognized as a vital part of the effectiveness of general health care. Nurses are key important people in the running of health facilities. The roles nurses did in the past have significantly changed as they are now involved in many activities.

Nursing leadership is a crucial element in the health industry as nurses form the largest discipline. It was observed that general leadership is different from nursing leadership because the latter emphasized on nurses taking responsibility in influencing and improving the practice environment. In most health facilities, it is seen that stuff nurses are leaders to the student nurses and patients. Managers play a different role as they administer, maintain and control whereas leaders innovate, develop and inspire others. It is important to realize that there is a clear difference between the roles managers and leaders play and that thereareas where these roles do not overlap.

Challenges facing the National Health Service (NHS) today is nurturing a culture that allows the delivery of high-quality healthcare and by doing so it is important to them to reiterate how leadership is important.

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What are some of the factors that contribute to leadership in nursing?

Research in leadership lies in two categories i.e., studying practices and actions of nursing leaders and the effects of different educational backgrounds of nurse leaders. It has been found out that leadership from nurses can be developed by the stronger emphasis on education through modeling different styles which have been seen to be successful in the work area. Studies show characteristics which are said to promote the leadership qualities which include: -

  • Motivation
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Compassionate
  • Reliability
  • Fair

Emphasis on interpersonal skills and the relationships between workers strongly suggests that it is an important skill. These interactions can also be promoted through education as thorough understanding is needed to for their effectiveness.

Nurses are expected to act as leaders across a wide variety of settings. It is important that they are trained as it is vital in the improvement of their skills. The current studies show that it is unclear as to what is usually taught as much of the content is focused on the transition period from student to qualified nurse. It is, however, noticeable that the current expectations within the National Health Service are not advisable to be taught as some of the elements within the curriculum are not embraced.

Leadership in an organization comes with a lot of responsibility as it is not an easy task. The various types of leadership styles that one employs proves to be effective. One should demonstrate clear levels of commitment, motivation and lead others to high achievements.

Therefore, it is important to start by explaining to people what leadership is when writing your essay. Highlight some of the importance of leadership in nursing and their importance to daily and the skills most of them should have.

Good, effective leadership is important to the provision of quality healthcare.

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