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Should  restaurants  be  required  to  include  calories  on  all  menu  items?

Should restaurants be required to include calories on all menu items?

In line with the recent health and fitness trends, a health and fitness enthusiast would expect restaurants or rather the hospitality industry to pick up the pace and include ingredients on their menus and for the more nitpicky customers, a calorie count.

Now while this may appeal to those who are watching their weight either through diet or exercise, it may not be beneficial for everyone. There are some people who get so caught up in weight watching that they tend to deny themselves the nourishment their bodies need. They also become obsessed with calorie counting to a degree that has a negative effect on their bodies and their mental health.

Providing the calories to meals also has a good side. It will help diners avoid obesity by eating a balanced diet among other eating disorders. Being mindful of the food we consume is always a good idea when it comes to maintaining a balanced diet and healthy weight. It is not really about who is fat or thin. It is more important to focus on a healthy blood sugar levels and consuming good fats and cholesterol as opposed to trans fats and overloading on carbohydrates.

It should not be a requirement for all restaurants to have calories on their menus. For some diners, this puts them off and they would rather go and eat at a place that does more to focus on delicious food and a pleasant customer service than diet. There are some people customers, who are more invested in maintaining food diaries and counting their calories in a bid to maintain them maintain their optimum health. The key lies in knowing your customers and understanding what they value.

If your clientele prefers to be informed about their menu in detail, then it is something to consider. For them, it adds value by making the service for convenient and accessible. This is through the detail on your menus instead of googling how many calories each item on the plate amounts to. It is easier just to read the menu and get all the information you want.

Under the law, restaurants should be required to make their ingredients clear, so as not to mislead their customers, who may either be allergic or restricted by their religion. In the event where information is purposefully hidden, then a customer can even sue for the damage caused. Be it emotionally, mentally or physically. For those who are allergic to certain substances, it is important to make the ingredients known, or avoid any distress for the customer if it is possible. This includes having a good ambiance and adhering to the required standards of hygiene for the food preparation and facility it is being prepared in.

Additionally, menus should constantly update their menus to reflect the changes in their servings. This will avoid displeasure with the customers when they make an order for a dish that is no longer being served. More so, a menu usually has four categories. This immediately lets the customer know what they are serving. A typical American menu has the appetizers section, coupled with side orders and then the entrees, desserts, and beverages. The side menu includes the extra servings, and special offers they have for the customers to choose from.

A menu that includes the a la carte option refers to items such as soups, salads, and dips. Whenever a restaurant that does not make their dishes clear is one that is underperforming. To be among the best top-rated restaurants, it is not just important to stay up to date on marketing trends but to be in touch with their clientele. This will establish customer loyalty through satisfaction.

In conclusion, the requirements of the menus at a restaurant should not have to include calories, unless their customers prefer this or it is done at request.

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