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What are the routes to a nursing program in the U.S?


There are many different routes to becoming a nurse. These pathways are different education channels that one can use if they wish to become a registered nurse. To become a nurse, one must be registered by sitting for a National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) state exam where they are expected to pass and qualify known as RN. Nurses today take more specialties than what was required of them in the past. Today, they work in various clinical and healthcare departments like pediatric, surgery, psychiatric

The US employs about sixty percent of Registered nurses for them to work in hospitals while the rest in either nursing homes or private healthcare facilities. Medical professionals are in higher demand since the healthcare industry in the States is rapidly expanding. Registered nurses are in high demand since their services are required in the aging population, the current retiring of nurses leaving new positions waiting to be occupied or as there is a new advancement in technology. So, what are the requirements for nursing in the USA?

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There are many various options that one can choose from:

One of the most popular ways of becoming a registered nurse and getting into nursing was by getting a diploma which can be obtained through various schools of nursing based in hospitals.

The second way to becoming a nurse is by having an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). The course takes one through nursing, anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, microbiology and other specialized subjects. Additionally, it includes several liberal art subjects. Most people choose the Associate Degree in Nursing program which allows one to gain employment in an entry-level position. Many prospective students choose this way as it is the quickest way of eventually becoming a registered nurse.

An Associate Degree Program takes between two to three years to complete. It as well is followed through by taking courses from hospital-based schools and community colleges. Students can also opt for register for a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. The degree program takes four years to complete and can be completed in either a college or university. One may also choose to take part in a fast RN-to-BSN program, which will take two to three years to complete.

Holders of a non-nursing Bachelor’s degree can as well take part in accelerated programs which take a minimum of only one and a half years to complete. A BSN degree helps prepare nurses to work in any type of healthcare setting. Students are taken through human growth, psychology, biology, human development, microbiology, nutrition, organic chemistry, physiology and anatomy within the first two years. They learn on, adult care, child health, maternity, mental health pediatrics, psychiatric health and community health during the final two years. Are also taken through a focus on political, cultural, social and economic issues that affect health, some of the theories of Nursing and so on.

At the graduate level, there are three options for students who are interested in nursing work. They include a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing (MSN), which helps one to become an Advanced Practice Nurse, Nurse educator or a nurse administrator. After completion of the above program with which it takes two years, he or she can then proceed to do a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.) which allows one to become a teacher a researcher after completion.

Lastly, one can undertake a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) which focuses on leadership roles and clinical practice.

Online nursing is also another way that helps students to continue to further their education and grow career-wise. It is a route which offers flexibility since most of the classes are taken online.

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