Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan
A caregiver is someone who helps and supports a person who is ailing, the elderly or helpless children. Care giving may extend to the family of the affected person. Caregivers have some knowledge in the health field, and it is the reason for their title that makes them different from family members and friends caring for a patient. Seeking Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan writing help assists nurses or caregiving team come up with a clearly written nursing care plan for their patients.
Caregiver strain is the state where the person who offers healthcare experiences difficulties in assuming the role and performing the necessary functions. The hindrances can be physical or emotional that occurs when the care demands exceed resources or ability.
Caregivers experience varying challenges during different phases of patient care and can affect their functioning and state of their life significantly.
Caregiver Role Strain Diagnosis
To determine the existence of a caregiver role strain care plan and determine the suitable care plan, a nurse should check for these signs and symptoms on the patient.
- Complaints of frustration
- Apprehension about future ability to provide care
- Anger
- Expression of fear form health risk
- Ignoring or violating patients
- Allegations of inadequate support systems and free time
- Negative changes such as excess weight loss, stress, sleepiness and regular complaints of sickness.
Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan Assessment
It is essential to determine the degree of strain by observing the physical condition of the person and surroundings.
Assess the current state of the functioning: Personal appearance, asking about dietary intake and sleeping hours are good indicators. Some caregivers experience strain as they have no adequate time for a good meal, bath or rest. Investigate if there are instances of abusing drugs, alcohol or prescription medicine as a way of dealing with strain as it can put the life of clients at risk.
Determine the cause of Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan: High-risk situations, level of responsibility and frosty relationship with a patient of their family are some of the causes. Supervisors should ascertain the ability and knowledge of a caregiver to implement care plans. An inability might be the cause of stress and inability performs.
Emotional Caregiver Role Strain Interventions and Rationales
A nurse or care manager handling a case of Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan should provide ways of relieving stress that is affecting the caregiver. One of the ways is to help in setting aside personal time to increase relaxation time for body and mind the next duty. Some caregivers forget their emotional and physical needs. With creating some to rest from a busy routine, the caregivers are unable to reenergize thus continue working under strain.
It is essential to allow time for a caregiver working under strain to discuss the feelings, fears, and problems. After listening, it is possible to make appropriate decisions and identify the available resources for the healing process. It is also essential to enhance the ability of a straining caregiver to deal with situations by identifying practical strategies for coordinating care tasks and other responsibilities. Help them to identify classes or support groups where they can be getting an opportunity to share professional issues, mutual support, and guidance.
Treat underlying health issues
It is essential to determine if the caregiver has health conditions that can cause straining when at work. Illnesses such as vision challenges, musculoskeletal weakness or other impairments will influence the quality of care giving. In turn, the caregiver will suffer from anxiety due to the feeling of underperformance. If such health issues exist, it is imperative to treat caregivers for them to be in the right shape for their role.
Discuss the challenges by the caregiver and possible solutions
Sometimes it is necessary to discuss the issues facing the caregiver and possible solutions with their supervisor and family members for the clients. A supervisor can relieve the affected caregivers from specific duties such as those that involve working for long hours or caring for patients with demanding conditions. Family members can agree to help the caregiver with some of the duties to create more time for relaxing and help with the most straining functions.
Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan Writing Help
Coming up with a clear nursing care plan may be a bit challenging for the nurse on duty. For this reason, most of the nurses seek Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan writing help online for a good and detailed care plan. We offer exclusive Nursing Care Plans Writing Services to nurses and nursing students at affordable rates. Our Nursing care plans are original, structural and well-written to provide an easy guide to assessment and treatment for patients. Hire our competent writers for an affordable Caregiver Role Strain Care Plan writing help online with 100% money guarantee.