Does the influenza vaccine reduce pneumonia rates in geriatric patients?


Subject: Nursing Research

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters

Length: 5 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: nurs 5170 evidence-based practice project guidelines and grading criteria this individual scholarly paper provides an opportunity for students to prepare a systematic plan to apply evidence into a clinical practice. instruction: students will use feedback and suggestions from the picot question and database search assignment to work on this ebp project. students must follow specific requirements in this guideline to receive a full credit. assignment submission: submit the final ebp paper with research articles in the pdf files to the ‘assignment drop box’ provided. label each pdf file with the first author's last name. label the ebp project template file with your last name. this ebp project is worth 220 points and due on week 13, sunday midnight. criteria/outline score i. introduction (25) (estimated length: 2 paragraphs) provide a clear background by describing the nature of the problem that leads to picot question (5) articulate the significance of the clinical problem and the need for an ebp investigation by 1 or more of the following methods (5): use of evidence to establish the prevalence/incidence of a specific clinical problem/situation use of evidence to establish the risks associated with a specific clinical problem/situation use of evidence to establish the potential impact of a specific clinical problem/situation on clients’ quality of life introduce the clinical question and set the stage for the subsequent ebp inquiry (2) address how this problem is of great significance to nursing with a clear link to the clinical practice (5) a clinical question must be written clearly in a picot format with all five components identified, patient/population, intervention, comparison (if applicable), outcome, and time (5) introduction must contain at least 3 citations from credible sources (3) /25 ii. database search process (25) presentation of evidence investigation must be objective, written in past tense using appropriate language in an active voice and subheadings selection criteria (5): (estimated length: 1 paragraph) state the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria you established and used for selection of “best evidence” (2.5) describe all selection criteria used and explain how you ensure they are appropriate for picot question (2.5) search process (15): (estimated length: 1-2 paragraphs) describe the search process in details that you followed in your comprehensive review of the literature relevant to selected topic. provide rationales for the final selection of the studies included for the best evidence. (5) include details about databases, sources of evidence searched, the specific mesh terms/key words utilized in your search process, and the specific types of evidence targeted in your search process. (5) describe details of search results including number of articles found. too narrow search may give few results and need to adjust the search terms used. too broad may give too many results and need to use appropriate limiters. provide rationales. (5) selection of best evidence (5): (estimated length: 1 paragraph) accurately identify relevant research articles (primary sources, variables matched with picot components) and refer readers to the matrix in the appendix a for a summary of each selected evidence document. (2) assure your readers that you selected all sufficient proportion of best evidence that met your pre-established selection criteria without bias by evaluating: credibility (is the article an original research from a peer reviewed journal? what’s the level of evidence?), validity (do the study variables match well with pico elements?), and reliability (does the study answer research questions and address limitations? (2) discuss reasons behind any exclusions of located applicable evidence. (1) /25 iii. critical appraisal of collective evidence (30): (estimated length: 3-4 paragraphs) use appropriate critique templates according to the type of the study design provided at the bottom of this guideline for evaluating each selected study. critique each selected article and organize templates in appendix b. (3) offer your critique of collective evidence through the use of synthesis (are the results valid?). critiques must reflect the overall quality of the study in terms of study validity by evaluating strengths and weakness of the study methodology including adequacy of sample sizes, types of sampling methods, measurements of major outcomes, and possible bias that could influence study findings in a systematic way, e.g., selection bias, blinding, measurement bias, attrition, bias demonstrated in inclusion/exclusion criteria, data collection, interventions, etc. determine studies’ reliability (what are the results?) and level of significance of study results. determine appropriateness of statistical test, magnitude of effect, or degree of the difference or strength of association. evaluate the applicability of collective evidence to clinical question/situation through the use of synthesis. examine the congruency/match between study variables and pico components —population, intervention, comparison, and outcome. also, evaluate how these study findings mean for clinical practice. the purpose of this evaluation of applicability is to show the reader that application of the findings from the selected best evidence to your ebp clinical problem/situation is warranted/valid. (10) evaluate the sufficiency of selected collective evidence to address the clinical problem/situation through the use of synthesis. included in your evaluation of the sufficiency of collective evidence is your perception of the need (or lack of need) for further research.

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