Nursing Care Plan referring to John Nash "A Beautiful Mind" - Paranoid Schizophrenia

Type: Nursing Care Plans

Subject: Mental Health

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: College

Length: 4 pages

Referencing style: MLA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: all of this information will go into a simulation chart so it doesn't need to be fancy only straight forward with the information iisted here: i need the pathophysiology (in as much detail - how it affects the family, the patient, what is happening in the brain, anything you can add), therapeutic regimen, and current health problems and related functional changes directed toward paranoid schizophrenia. my three nursing diagnosis are as follows: 1. impaired verbal communication related to inaccurate perception as evidenced by difficulty expressing thoughts verbally with people. 2. ineffective coping related to unrealistic perceptions as evidenced by difficulty in organizing information. 3. fear related to altered contract with reality as evidenced by feeling of panic. for each diagnosis i need 3 goals and under each goal i need an 4 interventions that include an assessment, dependent order, independent order, education/referral. all interventions need a rationale. a pdf is available to show exactly how it needs written. for the care plan information please use the nursing diagnosis handbook for as much information as possible. if you use other information, please site the source.

Focus: my focus is to get a very detailed paper about the pathophysiology (in as much detail - how it affects the family, the patient, what is happening in the brain, anything you can add), therapeutic regimen, and current health problems and related functional changes directed about paranoid schizophrenia. this care plan is based on john nash and the movie "a beautiful mind" - site sources.

Structure: the information provided by the writers will be going into a simulation website so the paper does not need to in a special format. i have included a pdf showing what i need for each nursing diagnosis. each nursing diagnosis should have there own sheet.

Important notes: thank you and i already appreciate you help. if you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

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