Nursing Research

Type: Research Paper

Subject: Not Listed (Specify Next Page)

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 7 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: PICOT: In patients with congestive heart failure, does the use of educative material and follow up interventions versus none influence the reduction of hospital readmissions within a 30-day period? For this project: 

Also Read: Online Nursing Research Paper Help

1. Theoretical Framework 

  • Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project consistent the PICOT/PICo submitted 
  • Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Change Model
  • Explain the change model that will be used in this project
  • Describe the steps within selected Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question 

2. Data Collection Methodology: Select and respond to the criteria consistent with research approach (quantitative) selected for use in the project. For quantitative data, the required content includes:

  • Detailed explanation on how data collection will occur • Data collection points • Length of time for data collection
  • Explanation regarding the source of data that will be used (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, bio physiologic)
  • Describe how data quality will be fostered

 3. Analysis: Select and respond to the criteria consistent with research approach selected (quantitative) for use in the project. For quantitative data analysis:

  • Explain the data analysis for the study: o Descriptive analysis---what descriptive statistics do you expect to be used to describe the sample ? Frequency distribution ? Central tendency ? Variability o Bivariate Statistics—which of the following bivariate statistics would be used, if any: ? Crosstabulation ? Correlation ? Describing risk ? t-tests ? ANOVA

 4. Conclusion: The conclusion includes

: • Provides a summary of key elements from paper

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