Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements Care Plan

imbalance nutrition care plan writing services

Imbalanced nutrition is a health state in which a patient intake of a nutrient is insufficient to meet the metabolic needs. The body requires the right kind and amount of nutrients for it to function. There is need of having imbalance nutrition care plan in order to correct the situation.Nursing Writing Services is a top ranked writing organisation and has eligible writers to provide quality imbalance nutrition care plan writing services for nurses at any academic level.

Imbalance Nutrition Care Plan Diagnosis

A patient is likely to be suffering from imbalanced nutrition if there is evidence or reports about lack of or aversion to food. The patient also shows these symptoms and signs for taking inadequate levels in diet:

  • Paleness of mucus and conjunctiva membranes
  • Weakness of swallowing muscles
  • Eating less than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea, steatorrhea or both
  • Hyperactive bowel sound
  • Excessive loss of hair that is dry, brittle and easy to pluck from the scalp
  • Loss of weight
  • Sunken fontanel in infant

A patient with imbalanced nutrition may also complain about experiencing these conditions:

  • Altered taste sensation
  • Inability to digest food
  • Abdominal pain (with or without pathology)

Imbalance nutrition that is less than body requirements causes loss of weight even when the patient takes adequate amount of food. The weight of a patient with imbalanced diet is 10 to 20% below the ideal body weight. The height for children can be below the ideal measurement by the same percentages.

Imbalance nutrition might be as a result of an inability to absorb nutrients or digest food because of psychological, biological or economic factors.

Imbalance Nutrition Care Plan Goals and outcomes

Caregiver practitioners prepare care plans that help to reverse the effects of imbalanced nutrition and increase intake of nutrition. They also help the patient in making these significant steps:

  • Understand the importance of taking an adequate amount of nutrition
  • Stop and eliminate signs of unnecessary weight loss
  • Solve malnutrition
  • Starts taking appropriate calories and proper amount of food
  • Achieves better eating habits without underlying problems

Imbalance Nutrition Care Plan Assessment/ Nurse Actions

  • Assess the patient knowledge on importance and benefits to maintain the body's nutritional requirements to determine the extent to which a patient knows about a right nutritional balance.
  • Look for the signs showing poor dietary intake to obtain objective data about existence of poor nutrition that needs immediate intervention
  • Take the exact patient's weight. It's part of baseline data that helps to determine if there is a presence of malnutrition.
  • Establish a patient’s nutritional history with the involvement of their most close family members such as the spouse. It helps to determine if the patient goes that problems that cause nutritional problems and if there are support groups that can help with recovery.
  • Ask about the existence of current illnesses as they could be likely causes of inadequate nutritional intake.
  • Evaluate the eating environment to determine if it hinders proper food intake.

Imbalanced Nutrition Care Plan Interventions

Assess Access to essential nutrients

Accurate assessment helps to determine the specific cause of malnutrition and ways to prevent it. For example, vegetarians are more vulnerable to iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Take proper care when implementing vegetarian diet for children, expectant women and the aged.

Improve the feeding habits

Consider substituting three large courses with six smaller but nutrient dense meals. Eating small frequent meals reduces the feeling of unpleasant fullness and decrease the urge to vomit. Seasoning of nutritious foods that a patient dislikes because of taste is a good step in improving the flavor and increase appetite for the nutritious, rich food.

Create a pleasant eating environment

A comfortable atmosphere helps to decrease stress, and the patient can take adequate amounts of food. Metabolism will also be at its best. Ask an occupational therapist to provide special feeding devices for physically impaired patients. If a patient has swallowing impairment, they will feed better after adjustment of the food’s consistency and thickness.

Offer Supplements

Depending on individual needs, a caregiver should offer more protein and liquid energy supplements to increase calories, weight and reduce weakness in frail individuals.

When the patient shows signs of recovery encourage family members to bring the food to the hospital and use the opportunity to check if they are nutritious. Upon discharge, teach the patient and family about the right food and feeding pattern to maintain healthy nutrition levels.

imbalance nutrition care plan writing services

There are a lot of online imbalance nutrition care plan writing services available and nursing students should be aware of those that provide quality imbalance nutrition care plan writing services at affordable prices.Nursing Writing Services company is one of the best nursing writing online company. We write detailed paper using the correct formatting style and simple language understandable to all and we proud since we have professional writers with all the required writing skills. We have received lots of positive acknowledgement from our customers in the past years for being good in imbalance nutrition care plan writing services delivery.

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