Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Writing Services

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Writing Services

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Writing Services is mainly about a deficit or excess of oxygenation or elimination of carbon dioxide at the alveolar-capillary membrane. Both situations can cause hypoxemia and hypercapnia.Nursing Writing Services offers the best Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan writing services online.

Gas exchange takes place by diffusion between alveoli and pulmonary. Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion occur passively according to their normal concentration differences that should be maintained by air flow (ventilation) of alveoli and blood flow(perfusion) of pulmonary capillaries.

A balance exists between the two, but these individual conditions might cause an alteration hence the impaired gas exchange.

  • Altered oxygen, oxygen supply, alveolar-capillary membrane and blood flow are other contributing factors.
  • Exposure to cold, smoke or allergens and sleeping on the stomach for infants can cause impaired gas exchange.

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Diagnosis

A care plan should anticipate the existing factors that help to diagnose the existence of impaired gas exchange.

The following signs and symptoms show the presence of impaired gas exchange:

  • Abnormal breathing rate, rhythm, and depth
  • Nasal flaring
  • Hypoxemia
  • Cyanosis in neonates decreases carbon dioxide
  • Confusion
  • Elevated blood pressure and heart rate
  • A headache after waking up
  • Restlessness
  • Somnolence and visual disturbances


Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Goals and Outcomes

A caregiver should have goals to achieve for the benefit of a patient after care giving. At the end of care session, a nurse should have seen some of these outcomes on the patient:

  • Maintenance of optimal gas exchange of in unlabored respiration at 12-20 per minute.
  • Maintenance of clear lung fluids free of any respiratory distress symptoms.
  • Understanding of the oxygen and other essential therapeutic interventions
  • Participation in oxygenation optimizing and other management regimens within the level of condition and capability

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Nursing Assessment

Despite the need for other diagnostic tests, a caregiver should begin by looking for clues about the status of the respiratory system and individual responses. These assessments help to determine if there are signs of impaired gas exchange.

  • Assessment of respiratory rate, effort, and depth: Shallow or rapid breathing patterns and hypoventilation will affect gas exchange.
  • Monitor mental and behavioral status: Behaviors such as restlessness, confusion, and agitation are pointers to impaired gas exchange.
  • Crackling breathing sound and limited chest excursion: Collapse of alveoli will increase perfusion without ventilation thereby causing hypoxemia.
  • Check for interactions in heart rate and B: These conditions and respiratory rate increase when there are underlying conditions such as hypercapnia or hypoxia that put the patient at risk of impaired gas exchange.
  • Observe the color of nail beds, oral mucous membranes and tongue for cyanosis(bluish discoloration appearance.
  • Central cyanosis or oral mucosa or tongue indicates serious hypoxia( deficiency of oxygen reaching the body tissues) that require immediate medical attention.Peripheral cyanosis can be severe or not but still needs a medical check.
  • Determine the patient's nutritional status: Obesity restricts movement of the diaphragm and excessive weight in chest wall thus causing labored breathing. Malnutrition reduces respiratory mass and also strength.
  • Assess the ability to count and hydration status: Retained secretions can weaken gas exchange while insufficient hydration reduces the ability by patients to clear secretions if they have COPD and pneumonia. Over hydration impairs fair exchange especially for patients with heart failure.

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Interventions

Control concentration of oxygen in COPD patients

Oxygen concentration increases the urge to breathe in making the patient retain carbon monoxide chronically

Administer humidified oxygen through the most appropriate device

Using a breathing device helps to overcome hypoventilation during oxygen therapy for a patient with chronic lung diseases that may need the more hypoxic drive.

Teach slow breathing techniques

A caregiver should use an incentive spirometer according to an instruction to teach deep breathing techniques to the patient. It helps to increase oxygenation.

Perform suction when necessary

Suction helps to clear the secretions if a patient is unable to clear the airway.

Help the patient to sleep in the proper position

There are various sleeping positions for patients with impaired gas exchange due to multiple causes. For instance, a caregiver should position a patient with the head of the bed in an elevated position at 45 degrees to allow lung expansion, increase thoracic capacity and prevent crowding of abdominal contents. Patients with lung conditions such as abscess and hemorrhage should lie with affected lung down to avert drainage on the working lung. It is essential to turn a patient after every two hours.

Caregivers should inform that their patient at the hospital or home stay in an irritant-free environment.

Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Writing Services

Due to the vast knowledge and expertise by our nursing careplan writers, nursing writing services offers the best Impaired Gas Exchange Care Plan Writing Services. 

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