Importance of Written Communication in Nursing
Written communication is the use of written words to express ideas. It is suitable for a practice like nursing because it makes future referencing convenient and is appropriate for sharing information or instructions using formats like tables and diagrams.
Written communication skills are developed while undertaking nursing education - before attaining licensure to become a registered nurse. This takes place by completing academic nursing writing assignments, which come in different forms and have different objectives. The most common nursing writing services orders we get at are for research papers, essays, case studies and term papers.
One of the skills instilled by carrying out academic writing assignments is that of doing research. This skill is important in the professional setting as well. Research skills equips a nurse to successfully maneuver through postgraduate education in order to advance their career. They will, after all, be required to undertake increasingly complex research work. Research is a time consuming and complicated affair that can only be successfully undertaken by individuals skilled to carry it out.
Written communication develops research skills which aid a nurse in making decisions in his or her practice. Research encourages evidence-based approach to problem solving. This enables a nurse to remain objective and as such make the best decision in administering medication or guiding a patient on treatment plans.
Written Communication is different from other forms of communication in that it allows a nurse time to think through his or her response or input. This characteristic encourages an individual to organize their thoughts and evaluate relevance of their response. This habit develops critical thinking skills as reflection over issues becomes second nature. The process occurs through the documentation a nurse is obligated to make or through carrying out academic writing assignments.
Critical thinking skills in turn improve the decision-making skills of a nurse and drives them more towards creative and autonomous duties. It is also important that a nurse makes good decisions because their choices affect the health of patients looking to recover from illnesses or injuries.
It goes without saying that writing is useful for nurses to share their ideas with the world. This is not just limited to the routine recording they make as part of their job description. Nurses are trained to address clinical issues and other matters touching on the social, political and economic issues influencing provision of healthcare services. Writing is the perfect channel of communication to share views on such complex ideas as it provides for permanency and eliminates change of meaning when the idea is shared.
Academic papers like proposals, case studies and concept analyses are options a nurse can consider in their quest to make a greater contribution to their field. These papers can only be successfully written by individuals who excel in written communication by way of properly structuring their work, making great arguments for their views and use of appropriate language for the intended audience.
It would not be convenient to use any other channel of communication to carry out the daily documentation that nurses do. Can you imagine trying to recall physical examination results of a patient if it was only carried out using verbal communication? No hospital would operate optimally under such circumstances. Therefore, written communication contributes to effective and efficient operations of healthcare service provision institutions.
Writing undertaken by nurses makes it easy to coordinate activities like switching of shifts. Nurses are able to switch shifts while treatment plans are implemented unhindered because writing provides a reference point that allows smooth continuity.
The documentation also serves the purpose of making it possible to refer to previous treatment plans to either pinpoint mistakes or serve as guides on how novel conditions and injuries will be treated. Written communication also makes it possible for hospitals and similar institutions to share knowledge on best practices thereby improving the practice of nursing as a whole.
What is more, documentation through writing makes audit of nursing activities much simpler. Written communication can be presented in a court of law to confirm or defend the position of a hospital or nurse. This makes it necessary to standardize formats of written communication in a hospital and put in place ways of ensuring records are safely stored for future reference.
The practice of nursing has oriented towards a more collaborative approach with patients in order to realize treatment plan outcomes. An important aspect of this is ensuring that patients have adequate information to manage aspects of the treatment plan themselves or with help from their families. Written communication stands out as a reliable tool to ensure actualization of this goal. It guarantees that patients always have a consistent reference point on instruction of administering medication or carrying out any other set out activity to aid their recovery.
This kind of structure goes some way in helping patients stay disciplined to the road map of their treatment plan. You can imagine ensuring patients of chronic conditions adhering to healthy living practices or self-administering education as those diagnosed with diabetes do. Written communication provides them with reliable information and gives them the dignity of independence in some way.
While written communication is a formidable tool in the practice of nursing, it can only be helpful if put to use in the correct manner. It is a must for nurses to adopt good practices of written communication