NUR 545 Population Health: Analysis and Evaluation Introduction

  • Welcome to NUR 545 Population Health: Analysis and Evaluation.

    We will be learning the important aspects of population health, from the historical foundation of its development to the modern day applications you will utilize as part of your future roles as a DNP. We will be utilizing readings, research, articles, examinations, presentations, discussion boards and a paper to reinforce your learning. I know it seems like a lot but it's spaced out and built so that it will support your education with your other classes and assignments as well. I have included information for both the presentation and paper as part of module 1 so that you can review and start your planning for each of them. Please be sure to review the syllabus for these assignments as there is information there as well. I will open 2-3 of the modules at a time so you can incorporate your school, work, and life schedules together. Discussions, however, will only be available the week they are due to allow learning from interactions and engagement with your peers. 

Online learning can sometimes be harder than the traditional classroom setting due to the expectations each student is responsible to meet in their preparation and participation. I recommend to read the syllabus thoroughly and plan out your semester to allow for proper time to commit to your studies--add it to your calendar and be consistent so you do not get stressed and burned out!

Contact Info

169 Madison Ave STE 11575 New York, NY 10016
10:00 - 17:00

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