Week 2 Walden Prompt Assignment

Submit a 2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above, following the APA format guidelines:
Produce an essay that demonstrates your strongest writing abilities by providing a focused and clear central idea that responds to all questions in the assignment prompt with developed thoughts; demonstrating your strongest writing abilities by providing an essay that Incorporates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted and cited evidence from the marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis - you may use your preferred citation style; organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases; maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriate citations; uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers Included in this essay are no other sources other than those mentioned in the marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt; however, if you do use outside sources, you must cite any content you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in your preferred citation style.

 Earn Your Online PhD in Nursing  Walden University

By enrolling in a doctoral program at Walden, you will be joining a group of career professionals who are working toward the university's stated objective to "transform themselves as scholar-practitioners in order to influence good social change. " pursuing this goal brings with it a variety of emotions, obstacles, and benefits While many people begin PhD programs, not all of them are successful in completing their studies. It is possible to boost your chances of success by gaining an awareness of and reflecting on the difficulties that many doctorate students encounter, and by finding and implementing the solutions that will work best for you. It is from the paper "Dissertation completion: no longer higher education's unseen problem," which was published in the journal of educational research and practice by marshall et al., that the abridged reading is based on (2017).


A literature review and qualitative interview study are conducted in this paper in order to better understand the problems and supports that PhD students face in order to achieve success in their studies. The article's literature review section, which focuses on "challenges to completion" and "supports to completion," as well as the "implications" section, which offers reflections on the findings of the authors' qualitative study, are included in the reading list below. During your reading and engagement with this section from marshall et al. (2017), identify the content from the reading that is important to your doctorate journey; then, prepare an essay in answer to the questions mentioned below. As a PhD student, what obstacles do you believe you will face in order to complete your degree program? Consider the following: what techniques for effective completion do you believe will be most beneficial for your situation, and how will you go about putting these strategies into action to achieve your objectives? Include important paraphrased and cited content from this marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in your essay, following your preferred citation style: marshall et al. (2017) obstacles in the way of completion Cassuto (2013) identified three types of doctoral completers: (a) those who are unable to complete their degrees due to time constraints, a lack of research skills, personal challenges, and other external factors; (b) those who are able to complete their degrees but choose not to, leaving the program for personal or professional reasons; and (c) those who successfully complete their dissertation. Specifically, how the personal and professional hurdles of completing a dissertation affect those who do so became the subject of this research. It is necessary to limit the impact of external issues such as managing work and family (flynn, chasek, harper, murphy, and jorgensen, 2012) in order for students to successfully complete their dissertations and achieve their academic goals. This is especially true for practitioner scholars who must navigate both the practical and academic arenas of their respective fields. The requirements of families are a regular source of difficulty in completing the project (cassuto, 2013; dominguez, 2006). Another significant impediment to completing a PhD degree is a lack of financial resources. During this final stage of the PhD process, dissertating doctoral students may find themselves conflicted between work and financial worries. Financial help and scholarships for PhD students are essential tools for ensuring successful completion of their studies (ehrenberg et al., 2009). Flynn and colleagues (2012) went on to explain that professional circumstances such as unemployment were obstacles to completing a dissertation.

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According to Smallwood (2006), many of the issues associated with non-completion can be traced back to the selection process for admission. "When considering doctoral students for admission, academic and affective aspects must be considered in terms of the student's capacity to complete program requirements and ultimately be given the PhD degree" (mccalley, 2015, p. 4). The intransigence of these challenges has been demonstrated over three decades, with doctoral degree candidates reporting identical obstacles to completion (bair & haworth, 2004). syndrome of the impostor Clance and Imes (1978) conducted a study of high-achieving persons and discovered that high-achieving professionals frequently deal with anxieties of being exposed as impostors. They found several groups, including people who achieved success fast, first-generation professionals, people who grew up with high-achieving parents, members of minority groups, and students, among others. Impostor syndrome, according to Nelson (2011), is defined as "the crushing feelings of self-doubt and predicted failure that hound those who ascribe their achievement to chance or help from others rather than their own ability" (p. 129). This self-doubt can result in a paralyzing dread of failure, according to Sherman (2013): "impostor syndrome can cause performance anxiety and lead to perfectionism, burnout, and depression" (p. 31). "Impostor syndrome," according to Hendrikson (2016), frequently manifests itself "after an extremely significant achievement, such as admission to a highly selective university, widespread public recognition, winning an award, or getting a promotion" (p. 1). According to Young (2011), persons suffering from imposter syndrome mistakenly believe that they lack intelligence, abilities, and competencies, and as a result, they believe that they are undeserving of success. Even in normally confident and high-performing people who have a history of success, Young anticipated that sentiments of being an impostor could appear during times of change, new challenges, and high-pressure assignments. citing a conversation she had with pauline clance, cuddy (2016) asserted that impostorism is non-discriminatory and knows no bounds: "impostorism is non-discriminatory and knows no limits." "To add one more thing, if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would refer to it as the "impostor experience" because it is not associated with any syndrome, complex, or mental illness. It's something that practically everyone has gone through " (p. 95). The imposter syndrome, according to Cuddy, may be exacerbated by high rates of perfectionism, performance anxiety, and cultural expectations, among other factors. Although fear of failure was identified as the core cause of performance paralysis across multiple research in various professions, Cuddy showed that it was the most common reason for paralysis in otherwise highly skilled individuals.


Those who experienced writing anxiety were more likely to experience it when generating doctoral-level work, particularly because "specific teaching in areas such as thesis writing and writing for publication" did not appear to be standard practice in higher education (ferguson, 2009, p. 286). When students receive feedback for revisions, they may feel overwhelmed by the complexity and breadth of the recommendations. This is owing to the fact that they have had little exposure to academic writing before entering the program (ondrusek, 2012; thomas, williams, & case, 2014). When students have the opportunity to revise their work in response to comments from instructors or peers, students who lack research abilities are more likely to concentrate on making minor grammatical corrections rather than improving their overall argument (ondrusek, 2012). Being a competent writer necessitates a sense of vulnerability and discomfort that is inherent in the discipline of writing and is experienced through several edits. Also according to O'Connor (2017), when students confront their intellectual inhibitions, it is not merely a matter of confidence in delivering ideas, but rather a compelling worry about the nature of creating concepts. Writing is a personal experience, and receiving feedback necessitates a certain level of openness and willingness to accept constructive criticism in order to be successful (ferguson, 2009; liechty, schull, & liao, 2009). The capacity to write from a scholarly perspective is a skill that does not necessary precede acceptance into a graduate program, as stated in the statement above (ondrusek, 2012, p. 185). "Providing supportive groups or peer review opportunities, as well as prompt and meaningful feedback, may help students improve their writing efficacy" (lavelle & bushrow, 2007, p. 817). For students, writing can be both a blessing and a curse, according to O'connor (2017), who writes, "in the negotiation with the dissertation, there is a frustration in the limitations we encounter in ourselves, the lack of fluidity in expression, and the sometimes tortuous space between what we seek to express and what we actually express" (p. 3). Critical thinking, synthesis, and clarity of communication are stressed as crucial for overall doctoral achievement in the academic writing skills required in PhD programs.

Productivity The final barrier to completing a PhD degree successfully is a decrease in overall productivity.

In part due to the fact that graduate students are, on average, older, they must often manage the expectations of their families, friends, community or civic activity, and their professional lives. Therefore, obtaining committed dissertation time may prove to be a significant obstacle (ondrusek, 2012). Holmes, Robinson, and Seay (2010) discovered that instruction in self-regulated learning, in conjunction with appropriate mentorship, can ensure success for all students enrolled in doctorate studies during the dissertation period. According to ehrenberg et al. (2009), graduate students who have assistantships and are given opportunities to engage in research have higher levels of overall productivity and develop more swiftly than their peers who have other occupations. dominguez (2006) defined the hurdles to graduation that are associated to productivity as follows: an inability to plan, procrastination, perfectionism, a lack of research abilities, and difficulty picking a topic (see figure 1). provides assistance till the task is completed According to the strategic intervention for doctoral completion project, there are four conditions that must be met in order for a doctoral degree to be completed successfully (council of graduate schools, 2007). Recruiting the most qualified candidates for doctoral study and ensuring that they are fully aware of the rigors of doctoral education are the first two conditions to meet. It follows that condition 2 should include only those applicants who are suitable prospects for PhD study. Admissions committees are in charge of properly assessing applicants and introducing them to the rigors and expectations of the program, among other responsibilities. As a result, under condition three, the researchers advocate creating an environment in which students encourage and support one another's efforts in a way that prepares them for future professional interactions that are collegial by nature. Last but not least, condition 4 underlines the need of developing effective professional relationships between faculty and doctoral students in order for doctorate students to obtain the support and mentorship they require to successfully complete their degrees. Cohort or peer support outside of the family can be beneficial for doctorate students. Cohorts or writing groups can give support for doctoral students. "Advisor motivation, family support, and supervisor/institutional considerations" are all examples of external influences that have been linked to success (dominguez, 2006, p. 23). According to Varney (2010), the usage of a cohort model is a program design choice that has a beneficial impact on completion rates in educational programs. When it comes to improving academic abilities linked with writing, teaching, and publishing, Krueger and Peak (2006) found that creating interpersonal relationships during the course of a program of study was critical for their research. Mentors in academia A faculty mentor can give social and emotional guardianship to a doctorate candidate during the dissertation process, in addition to the typical academic support. It has been discovered that the dissertation chairman is critical to the productivity and timely completion of the dissertation (barnes, williams, & stassen, 2012; burkard et al., 2014; spillet & moisiewicz, 2004). The advocate, manager, leader, and judge, according to Garger (2011), are the four fundamental responsibilities of dissertation chairpersons. He claims that the clever chairperson utilizes the position that is most relevant to the demands of the protégé in a variety of settings. Bloom, Propst Cuevas, Hall, and Evans (2007) asserted that the relationship between the chairperson and the candidate is a key component in deciding degree completion and that this relationship must be founded on genuine concern for the candidate. This means that early in the dissertation process, gaining a grasp of the selection criteria will be beneficial in guiding decision-making. According to neale-mcfall and ward (2015), selecting a chairman should not be taken lightly because it can influence the candidate's productivity and, ultimately, whether or not the candidate completes a PhD program. In previous decades, students listed several characteristics to consider when picking a chairman, including similar research interests, a potential chairperson's publication record, and whether or not the chair was competent in technique (lovitts, 2001; smart & conant, 1990). A chairman who is prepared to encourage and foster existing candidates is preferred above a chairperson who is highly credentialed and has an impressive research background or reputation (neale-mcfall & ward, 2015).

A student's success will be aided by the selection of a chairman who demonstrates real concern and accessibility. A candidate should also think about if the potential chairman serves as a role model in professional and personal matters, gives individualized counseling, and actively incorporates students into the profession, all of which are characteristics of a good dissertation mentor. In a meta-analysis of 118 research on doctorate attrition, bair and haworth (2004) discovered that the number and quality of communication between doctoral students and their chairperson was directly connected to degree completion the majority of the time. A beneficial influence on completion rates has also been observed to be associated with collaborative ties with committee or other faculty members (dominguez, 2006; neale- mcfall & ward, 2015). When PhD candidates have the opportunity to engage with research and learn about publishing, they are more likely to have a sense of belonging to the academy's community (smallwood, 2006). When applicants do not complete doctorate degrees, there are immense holes in research, both for the university and for the academe, in addition to psychological and economic losses that are experienced (gilliam & kritsonis, 2006; grasso et al., 2009). It is possible that, despite 40 years of research and advances in technology, pedagogy, and curriculum, the noncompletion rate is continuing to rise despite these advances (miller, 2013). It was the goal of this study for the researchers to better understand the elements that propel PhD applicants to completion, whether it be fast or on a delayed timeline. ] [The sections on the methodology and significant findings have been left out of this clip.] consequences of the findings, including a variety of implications that impact practice for students, professors, chairpersons, and program directors in PhD programs The implications of these findings for the completion of a dissertation are not intended to be used as a template for other projects. Furthermore, the outcomes of this study support the assumption that individual students' degrees of desire, drive, and confidence impact the rate at which they complete their PhD degree programs.

The importance of individual needs was emphasized by doctorate students as they reflected on their dissertation completion, despite the fact that common approaches to the dissertation exist across disciplines and institutions. To be successful, students needed to be self-aware and communicate their preferred learning style, writing preferences, and support systems. Based on the findings, there are a variety of implications for students to consider as they prepare for their dissertations. In order to overcome imposter syndrome, pupils must first comprehend, recognize, and address their own anxieties. To avoid being hindered by imposter syndrome, students can enhance productivity by forming partnerships with fellow students who can act as an accountability partner and help the writer to be more productive in their writing (ferguson, 2009). These collaborations may include the establishment of deadlines for which students are held accountable. If a student is unable to complete the assignment by the deadline for any reason, reflection, discussion, and problem solving should be utilized. It is also necessary to maintain constant communication with the chairperson. Regular, student-initiated communication with the chairperson is crucial to a student's successful completion of the course requirements. It is essential for students to talk openly with their chairperson about their issues and insecurities, as well as to seek their help and counsel. Following that, self-awareness is essential during the dissertation period. Students must be able to maintain their commitment to the process by fully comprehending their reasons for participating. This is due to their strong desire to finish the task, which may include making a family member proud or advancing to the next level of their professional development. Additionally, pupils must understand what is most effective for them. Examples include communicating with their chairperson about what they require, knowing their productive writing times, understanding the hurdles that may impede them from making progress, and putting in place reward methods to ensure that they continue to make progress in their studies. Last but not least, developing writing and research abilities throughout the coursework may increase a student's sense of confidence when it comes time to write the dissertation. By actively searching out research opportunities throughout the degree program, students' research understanding and skills will grow. Additionally, producing related literature reviews helps students get more comfortable with the synthesis process and gives them the opportunity to receive feedback on their writing. During the dissertation completion process, the doctorate program director, faculty, and chairpersons play critical roles.

The doctoral program director, faculty, and chairpersons play critical roles in the dissertation completion process. Building in internal attributes associated with success, such as "preparation, personal temperament, and communication," is one strategy to assist students in achieving their graduation objective (dominguez, 2006, p. 22). The ability to overcome imposter syndrome is critical to their successful accomplishment. The importance of faculty cannot be overstated. Providing regular encouragement, offering constructive criticism, and including relevant assignments that are connected to or inform the dissertation are all ways in which professors can assist students in developing and enhancing their dissertation-related abilities and confidence. Pilot studies, literature reviews, article critiques, and dissertation reviews are all examples of assignments that can be given to students. Students can use course-related activities to inform their understanding of a dissertation topic if they identify a topic early in the process of writing the dissertation. Additionally, the chairperson's position is important to a student's success in completing his or her degree.

The establishment of mutually agreed-upon goals and timeframes, as well as accountability methods, are essential (ferguson, 2009). Students are more inclined to create in an environment that is similar to a classroom setting when deadlines and consequences are imposed. We highly urge students and chairpersons to communicate with one another on a frequent basis. Using an autoethnographic inquiry, Gearity and Mertz (2012) provided suggestions on the student-chair connection and effective mentoring in the dissertation journey in order to inform practice. understanding that imposter syndrome causes students to withdraw, chairpersons must regularly check in with students to offer encouragement, support, and guidance. departmentally, faculty and program directors cannot assume that because students completed their doctoral coursework, they are confident and prepared to write the dissertation. departmental training in dissertation writing and research is recommended to aid students. this training can come in the form of workshops, additional coursework, or faculty consultations. we found that students often needed just-in-time dissertation information. they needed information and explanation of different components of the dissertation, when they were at that stage. we recommend using technology and the availability of virtual learning environments to provide students with dissertation-related resources including pre-recorded lectures.

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The reading above is excerpted from the following article which follows the publishing guidelines of the 6th edition of the publication manual of the american psychological association: marshall, s. m., klocko, b., & davidson, j. (2017). dissertation completion: no longer higher education's invisible problem. journal of educational research and practice, 7(1), 74-90. https://doi.org/10.5590/jerap.2017.07.1.06 prompt: what challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? what strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals? by day 7 (sunday) of week 2 at 11:59 pm mst (please adjust this time to your current time zone) write a 1-2-page, double-spaced essay in response to the prompt above. to present your strongest writing skills, submit an essay that: provides a focused and clear central idea that responds to all questions in the assignment prompt with developed ideas; integrates relevant and accurate paraphrased and/or quoted and cited evidence from the marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt in support of the argument, accompanied by appropriate analysis - you may use your preferred citation style; organizes ideas with logical structure, clear paragraphs, and transitional words/phrases; uses grammar and mechanics to effectively communicate meaning to readers; maintains academic integrity by demonstrating your original work and appropriately paraphrasing and citing relevant information from the marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt. including outside sources beyond the marshall et al. (2017) reading excerpt provided above is not required for this essay; if you use them, however, then you must cite any information you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in your preferred citation style.

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