NSG/513: Inter-professional Leadership And Management

a topic for discussion

To be eligible for full participation, you must post a total of three substantive comments over the course of two distinct days. This includes your first post, as well as two replies to classmates or a faculty member on the subject. In a minimum of 175 words, respond to the following question:

 Examine the relationship between transformational leadership theory and another leadership theory. Explain how each theory affects change and innovation in your own words.

 Post two responses to either your peers or a faculty member. Be positive and professional in your approach.

This is a great place to start a discussion!

Create a first post in order to kick off a debate. Participants can post remarks and replies to the discussion.

 Greetings, fellow students.

 According to the definition, transformational leadership is leadership that entails a positive change in order to develop followers into leaders. This type of leadership style motivates followers to accomplish extraordinary results. They concentrate on specific difficulties with individual followers in order to get beneficial results. This technique brings about positive change in the lives of those who follow it. Management theory, often known as transactional leadership, on the other hand, is concerned with the supervision, organization, and performance of a group of people. This particular leadership style places a strong emphasis on performance, both in terms of rewards and penalties. This is the type of style that you would generally see in the business world. Followers would often concentrate on delivering amazing results in order to receive reward, and if they failed to achieve outstanding results, they would be penalized (Western Governors University, 2021). Both transformational and transactional leaders employ leadership styles that are similar. The transformational style, on the other hand, improves motivation, morale, and performance through the use of variety mechanisms. For example, establishing a feeling of identity among followers and serving as a role model to drive them.

 Western Governors University is cited as an example (2021, March 23). Theories and styles of leadership are discussed. Western Governors University is a public research university in California. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/leadership-theories-styles2004.html#close was visited on November 11, 2021, and the information was retrieved.

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 A key component of transformational leadership theory is the creation of awareness of a common mission that can only be accomplished through the involvement of all members of the team. No-limits thinking and proactive attitudes are fostered by transformational leadership in the creation of solutions and in the resolution of problems. Followers of transactional leadership collaborate with organizational leadership to achieve the mission statement's goals by having a clear understanding of the vision, making proposals, and providing feedback (Alegbeleye, & Kaufman, 2020). Transformational leadership theory is predicated on followers developing interpersonal skills that will allow them to communicate and function as a team in a constructive manner. Transformational leadership is concerned with the long-term vision of the company rather than individual goals or successes. Change and innovation are influenced by transformational leadership theory because of the motivation it inspires among followers. Trust is a crucial notion in transformational leadership theory, and it is used to motivate organizational change and creativity (Islam & Furuoka, 2021). Continuous attempts to bring people together, form associations, and reaffirm the population's sense of belonging are required to develop motivation.

NSG/513 Interprofessional Leadership and Management Essay

 The fundamental focus of transactional leadership theory is on the effectiveness of results. Transactional leadership is defined as the ability to comprehend organizational processes, commitment to organizational policies, and authoritarian management. Transactional leadership is focused on achieving a common purpose. Transactional leadership is built on the foundation of the exchange of something of value in exchange for following directions from a higher-ranking official (Brown & Nwagbara, 2021). When it comes to influencing change and creativity, transactional leadership theory employs a reward and punishment structure. Personality traits such as individualism and imprudence are at the heart of transactional leadership. The majority of transactional leaders possess a strong personality that allows them to direct behaviors toward a desired objective.


 Alegbeleye, I. D., and Kaufman, E. K. (in press) (2020). Organizational transformational leadership and effective followership behaviors are associated with middle managers' transformational leadership. The Journal of Leadership Studies, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 6–19. https://doi.org/10.1002/jls.21673

 Brown, C., and Nwagbara, U. (in press) (2021). The nexus between emotional intelligence and transformative leadership in the era of covid-19 pandemic problems is explored in Leading Change with the Heart. economic insights - trends and challenges, vol. 3, no. 1, pages 1–12. https://doi.org/10.51865/EITC.2021.03.01

 M. N. Islam, F. Furuoka, and A. Idris published a paper in which they argued that (2021). When it comes to organizational change, mapping the relationship between transformational leadership, trust in leadership, and employee championing behavior is essential to success. The Asia Pacific Management Review, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 95–102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmrv.2020.09.002

 Adaptability is a highly crucial leadership characteristic to possess.. It is necessary for leaders to be able to shift gears in response to the current scenario. If you're in a crisis, a competent leader can demonstrate appropriate behavior and make decisions in the heat of the moment. Have you ever had a boss or manager who handled a crisis successfully or poorly? If so, tell us about it. During a crisis situation, what effect did the leader's behavior have on how the rest of the team responded?

 Is it possible for you to describe and provide examples of leadership in comparison to management? What are the reasons that health organizations might require both leaders and managers?

Leadership is the art of influencing others to follow a particular path of action. Leadership that fosters innovation and change is known as transformational leadership. It is a management style that helps an organization grow and affect its future success by encouraging, inspiring, and motivating people to innovate and create change. This is accomplished by supervisors that set a strong example of organizational culture, employee ownership, and workplace independence by acting as role models for their employees. Employees are encouraged to be more innovative, look ahead, and come up with new solutions to old problems when they work under this management style. Mutual respect, organizational skills, innovation, responsibility, and integrity are just a few of the characteristics that distinguish good transformational leaders from their counterparts. Transformative leaders are dependable, honest, and believable in their actions. They conduct themselves in an ethical manner, are transparent in their dealings, and are morally mature. Transformational leadership is critical in the nursing profession, since it helps to increase production while reducing turnover.

Writing assignments for nursing students

 The Laissez-Faire leadership style, also known as delegative leadership, provides no oversight or input, and the team is in charge of making decisions. This type of leadership needs a great level of confidence on the part of the followers. Leaders must have faith in their team members' ability, competence, and perseverance in order to complete a project without the need to micromanage them. It is advantageous to put together the right team of people in certain situations. Laissez-faire leadership promotes growth and development because it is hands-off, stimulates creativity and innovation, and gives people the freedom to make their own decisions without interference from management. Members of a team that are subjected to laissez-faire leadership may experience the lowest levels of team productivity. As a result, if the wrong team is assembled, this leadership style is also associated with non-leaders who do not oversee their teams and result in a lack of productivity, bad service, or inability to meet deadlines, as well as a lack of control and a consequent increase in expenses (Zulfiqar et al, 2021).

Murari, K., and Mukherjee, U. (in press) (2021). In order to achieve managerial excellence and long-term sustainability, authentic transformational leadership is required. https://doi.org/10.17051/ilkonline.2021.04.297 Ilkogretim Online, volume 20, number 4, pages 2592–2605.

Abid, G., Arshad, M., Ashfaq, F., Muhammad, A. A., and Hassan, Q. Zulfiqar, A. I., Abid, G., Arshad, M., Ashfaq, F., Muhammad, A. A., and Hassan, Q. (2021). Consciousness has a moderating influence in the relationship between prospering at work and authoritative and laissez-faire leadership. Six hundred and sixty-seventh issue of the European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology, and Education (667). http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe11030048

When it comes to management, leaders use a variety of strategies and motivational techniques to motivate their people to improve their performance or make adjustments. Transactional leadership, on the other hand, is characterized by the utilization of predetermined goals and organizational limits. The leader concentrates on urgent concerns and motivates followers through rewards, all while sustaining the current circumstances in which they find themselves. Transformational leadership, on the other hand, empowers followers with the purpose of having them take primary responsibility for the same vision while placing personal improvement as a secondary goal. Transactional leaders are concerned with rewards for performance exchange, organization, and supervision, whereas transformational leaders are concerned with motivating and collaborating with employees at all levels, as well as team building, in order to achieve a better future vision for the organization. Furthermore, rather of focusing on the contrasts between the leader and the followers, transformational leadership emphasizes the achievement of a common goal as well as mutual growth and development (Huber, 2018).

 When it comes to problem solutions, transformational leadership is affected by change and innovation. Creativity is at the heart of employee engagement and encouragement to pursue the vision and the organizational purpose. According to the other view, transactional leadership produces less creativity since it is predicated on everyone being crystal clear on its goals and objectives. According to research, transformational leaders place a higher value on innovation than transactional leaders (Church & Waclawski, 1998; Howell & Higgins, 1990).

Diane L. Huber is the author of this work (2018). Nursing Care Management and Nursing Leadership (6th ed.). Elsevier, Inc. is a publishing company.

Church, A. H., and Waclawski, J. (in press) (1998). What the relationship is between individual personality orientation and leadership behavior in the corporate world. In the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 71, no. 99–125, the authors argue that

Leadership theories such as transformational leadership emphasize common goals among leaders and employees in order to facilitate progress among all personnel (Huber & Joseph, 2022). It is motivated by a drive to exceed expectations and the urge to find significance in the social and practical aspects of work that this development occurs. Workers are able to initiate change and creativity when they recognize and respect a goal and vision. This is because transformational leadership ideals place a high priority on honest feedback among employees in order to build trust. The self-esteem of all employees grows as a result of their feeling included, which provides them with more motivation to innovate in the workplace (Huber & Joseph, 2022). Serving as a model of attentiveness and teamwork, servant leadership is comparable to transformational leadership in that it promotes growth. The foundation of this leadership is also built on trust, because employees must have confidence that their leaders are motivated to provide a safe atmosphere and demonstrate caring behavior (Huber & Joseph, 2022). Transformational leadership differs from servant leadership in that transformational leadership places a high value on the status of the organization and strives to increase employee satisfaction in order to meet the needs of the organization, whereas servant leadership thrives on leaders setting examples for employees in order to foster a culture of caring, with the goal of ultimately benefiting the organization. Change and creativity are promoted under servant leadership because individuals are given greater autonomy and are encouraged to become genuinely involved in their jobs (Huber & Joseph, 2022). Employees have more opportunity to concentrate on their current responsibilities because their priorities have been addressed.Huber, D., and Joseph, M. L. (in press) (2022). Nursing leadership and nursing care administration (Sixth). Elsevier.

Maxine Ularte is a model and actress.

5:56 a.m. on November 5th, 2001

Leadership characterized by transformational qualities is exemplified by a leader who motivates and inspires others to achieve their full potential, to go above and beyond their expected levels of performance, and to transcend their own requirements. The ability to transform perceptions and corporate culture is possessed by transformational leaders. Generally speaking, these types of leaders are called upon to act when significant growth or change is required, as well as during times of crisis. These leaders use their charisma and expertise to bring people' attention to the demands of the company as a whole, rather than just their own. Because of a clearly defined joint objective, this leadership style frequently results in higher levels of job satisfaction. This type of leader has a vision and is excited about sharing it with individuals in their immediate vicinity.




Transactional leadership focuses more on the incremental, "day-to-day" operations. While the transformational leader looks at things with a larger scope, the transactional leader has a micro view that functions well at ensuring tasks are accomplished. They work within an organization as it exists. During times of change (that can be brought about by a transformational leader), they would ensure the tasks are being carried out as expected.

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