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Hispanic Women Sexual Risks
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Hispanic Women Sexual Risks
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Hispanic Women Sexual Risks in Relation to HIV Infection
HIV & AIDS has been on the rise especially among women who live in societies that have given men more social and cultural power compared to women. In the United States, such a rise has been witnessed with the majority of the transmissions occurring among Spanish women. It is estimated that Spanish women suffer three times as compared to women from other races. The allegations led to several kinds of research being conducted which came up with factors that might be the leading cause of increased infections among Spanish women. Such factors included psychological variables like sexual sensation seeking, cognitive variables such as knowledge and attitude towards the use of condoms during sex, the Spanish culture and religion such as Catholicism that seems to be against safe sex, and gender inequality among Argentinian and Spanish speaking women.
The study was meant to evaluate the role of different risk factors in the Spanish speaking women. The study was done in Argentina and Spain whereby information about sexual health was disseminated, and women were allowed to provide information about the same. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect information from young women who met the qualifications. A total of 342 participants were involved. The questionnaire had 65 items including yes no type questions, open questions, and multiple choice questions. The questions assessed knowledge of HIV infection and prevention and sexual experience. Several instrumentations were used including the Spanish version of the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale and the Spanish version of the Sexual Compulsivity Scale.
In data analysis, differential data analysis was used to examine differences between Argentinian and Spanish wo