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America and Terrorism in the 21st Century

America and Terrorism in the 21st Century

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America and Terrorism in the 21st Century

1995: Oklahoma City Bombing: According to Magnuson & Supalla (2008), A truck bomb was used in a terrorist assault in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City's Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building exploded on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds more. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were the victims of this incident. The worst terrorist assault in history, with 168 people killed and almost 700 injured, and a third of the structure destroyed. Additional surrounding structures, including 325 other buildings, had their glass broken, and 86 automobiles had been demolished as a result of the explosions, resulting in an estimated $652 million in damage. The federal, state, and municipal governments, as well as private citizens, were all involved in the rescue operation after the attack. They also received contributions from throughout the country to help with rebuilding. 

 2013: Boston Marathon Bombings: The 2013 Boston Marathon was marred by the detonation of two homemade explosives near the finish line (Lonky, 2017). 210 yards apart, two homemade pressure cooker bombs detonated 14 seconds apart at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Three individuals lost their lives and hundreds were injured in these two bombings, including 16 people who lost limbs as a result. The Chechen and Kazakh-American brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were photographed by the FBI and eventually identified as the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. To avoid arrest, they shot and murdered a police officer, abducted a guy from his vehicle, and engaged in a gunfight with officers, in which they injured many officers and killed one of them later that year. Later that day, Tamerlan died as a result of his injuries. After stealing the automobile, his brother evades capture by hiding in a neighboring boat at the boatyard.

 2018: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting; Pittsburgh's synagogue massacre was an act of anti-Semitism, according to Young, R., and Anderson (2019). A 46-year-old man targeted a church due of its members' religious beliefs. On October 27, 2018, gunmen opened fire on the Tree of Life-Or L'Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill area. Six people were injured and 11 were killed in what is believed to be one of the bloodiest assaults on the Jewish community in the US. It was during the morning service of Shabbat when this incident occurred. (2018).

I believe that if someone had the power to halt global terrorism at this moment, it would have been done so long ago. If I'm not mistaken, I'm sure many others have tried and failed. As a country, I'm not sure what we could do to put an end to worldwide terrorism. Because of the history, there will always be strong feelings of hostility against other races. The idea that we can eliminate acts of terrorism and hate in our society by letting go of the past and looking toward the future is plausible, but it is something for which we must strive and work as a community as a whole.

As the policeman of the world, the United States is tasked with ensuring the safety of our friends across the world in the same way that a police officer patrols his or her own area. The United States ensures that individuals adhere to regulations and do not renege on agreements made in the past, such as treaties, in order to prevent links from being severed. When it comes to international issues, there's no better place than the Middle East to look for answers (Corbett, 2014). Yes, a stable economy in the United States depends critically on the Middle East being peaceful. In the early stages of the Middle East conflict, petrol prices in the United States topped out at more than four and a half dollars a gallon.

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Corbett, P. S., Janssen, V., Lund, J. M., Pfannestiel, T., Waskiewicz, S., & Vickery, P. (2014). A New Political Style: From John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson. US History.

Lonky, H. (2017). REVISITING THE PUBLIC SAFETY EXCEPTION TO MIRANDA FOR SUSPECTED TERRORISTS. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 107(3), 393-420.

Magnuson, E., & Supalla, D. J. (2008). Life with Hoyt: Avoiding Misrepresentation Claims in Negotiating Settlement Agreements. William Mitchell Legal Studies Research Paper, (103).

McIlroy-Young, R., & Anderson, A. (2019, July). From “welcome new gabbers” to the pittsburgh synagogue shooting: The evolution of gab. In Proceedings of the international aaai conference on web and social media (Vol. 13, pp. 651-654).

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