Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples


Type: Assignments

Subject: Nursing Leadership Course

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: The Communication Plan

Instructions: scholarly paper describing the role of a communications plan in the project planning process and complete attached communication template. think comprehensively and include all people involved, roles, and positions. you would need to communicate with as part of project for compliance of emergency department staff with wearing ppe and the reasons for non compliance. see attached rubric and communication plan template

Also Read: Best Online Nursing Care Plan Help

Focus: see above

Communication Plan assessment plan 


Institutional affiliation




Communication plan for assessment project

Nursing practitioners may be distinguished by their excellent ability to listen critically, observe and also interpret the information carefully before continuing with their healthcare practice. As a result this will enable the healthcare to identify the communication styles that better match the context of the process that adheres to the problems, disappointments and sufferings caused by unsuccessful interactions. There may be a lack of dialog and of fellowship among the professionals due to the effects of lack of dialogue, benefits, encouragement, valuation, being understood. Furthermore, the treatment given to the patient, like the failure in the treatment of the drug, may be considered directly, which may lead to a mistake and endanger patient safety through ineffective communication (Foster, 2018).

Nursing practitioners use internal techniques, such as nursing staff attitudes and behavior, and external strategies such as realistic behavior in order to cope better with stress before they engage with the healthcare workers (Muszynska, et al., 2015).  Professionals said they had to research differences, respect and tolerance for their employees as an internal strategy as each person has been affected by different structures and everyone has a different world-view and his own limits in order to meet a specific stressor Some basic principles of theory references have been used to determine the strategy, and parameters are shown to be positive or negative factors in the process. The elements influencing the communication process and the way such influences normally occur were therefore established. Shortly afterward, the action plan introduced influential elements and descriptions of how professionals work or behave in order to be trustworthy in their interactions (Nazari, 2016).


Foster, A. (2018). A Communication Plan for Organizational Effectiveness in a Youth Development Organization.

Nazari, A. (2016). Developing a social media communication plan. In Strategic integration of social media into project management practice (pp. 194-217). IGI Global.

Muszynska, K., Dermol, K., Trunk, V., Ðakovic, A., & Smrkolj, G. (2015, May). Communication management in project teams–practices and patterns. In Joint International Conference (pp. 1359-1566).


Appendix A: Communication Plan for assessment Project  

Project Team Member/Stakeholder


Preferred Format


Report Prepared by

Moses Aston 

budge /progress update via email


 Lucy  Patrice



David Steven 

Weekly check-in meetings, daily emails as needed 


Bembly loise 

Face to face presentation and E-mail 


George Edwin  



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