Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Diabetes and Health Education


Student Number: 336755620301

Search Strategy Assessment

Leeds Beckett University

School of Health and Community Studies

Module: Becoming a Nursing Student

Topic to be searched:  Self-Management Education Program’s Impact on Glycaemic Control in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Rationale for topic:  According to the Royal College of Nursing(2022), more than 3.8 million individuals across the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Also, approximately one million of the population have the condition, but are not aware. Thus, I wanted to explore the impact of diabetes self-management education program in enhancing patient’s self-care behaviours like controlling glycaemic.

Full PICO question:? Is self-management education program than usual care effective in improving glycaemic control in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus

PICO table 





Search term 

Diabetes patients, self-management education program, usual care, improved knowledge and self-care behaviours

Synonym 1

Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, educational intervention, glycaemic control

Synonym 2

Diabetic patients  Health education          Improved glucose monitoring

Synonym 3

Synonym 4

Synonym 5

Rationales for specific search terms chosen:  I chose diabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus  so that I limit my search to diabetic patients

I have chosen self-management education program  because it is the intervention proposed to improve the health outcomes of patient’s diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus

I have chosen  health education and education intervention because they are synonyms to self-management education program

I have chosen self-care behaviours like glycaemic control and improved to highlight the impact of self-management education program on improving health outcomes.

Rationale for Chosen Databases:


Name of Database

Rationale for use (please include evidence/ support)



Is a reliable and credible database (Oermann et al., 2021). Thus, the resources retrieved to answer my PICOT question will be credible from authoritative authors.



The database accommodates top nursing and related health literature certified and validated for inclusion as nursing journals. Thus, resources from the database will provide significant insights into the effectiveness of  self-management education program on diabetes management



The database enhances access to peer-reviewed articles

Inclusion/Exclusion criteria (please provide some evidence/ support for your ideas)

Inclusion Criteria 


Exclusion criteria


-Only peer-reviewed articles within five years

-Journals written in English language

  • Provide up-to-date information
  • Online databases contain journals in diverse language.

-Articles more than five years old

Do not provide current information and limit my search to a management number of articles

Record of your search results below

Database used

Search keywords/ synonyms

Including combinations, truncations, wildcards etc. 

Limiters Used 

Number of Results

Further limiters used (if applicable) and final number of results



Diabetes type 2, self-management health education, glycaemic control

Journal articles between 2017 and 2022 written in  English Language


Type 2 Diabetes and self-management health education 

19839  results

In this search, I wanted to identify articles that provides significant insights into the significance of self-management health education program in diabetes management


Self-Management Education Program, Diabetes, Glycaemic Control

-journals published between 2017 and 2022

-English Journal articles


Diabetes and self-management education program 

5,075 results 

In this search, I wanted to identify articles that highlight the significant of  self-management education program impact on diabetic patients


Diabetes,  self-management education program or education program, type 2 diabetes mellitus, glycaemic control

Peer reviewed journals published between 2017 and 2022 and written in English Language 

35 articles

-Self-management education and diabetes

-Number of results 410

In this search, I wanted to identify articles that highlighted the impact of self-management education program on self-care behaviours among type 2 diabetes patients. 

Presentation of the Best Article you Have Found From Your Searches (Max 450 words).

Title: Impacts of self-management education on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Authors: Abdulah,  Hassan, Saadi, & Mohammed 

Year: 2018

Description of the main points from the article (no more than 150 words): 

According to the article, self-management education program increases diabetes patients’ awareness of type 2 diabetes symptoms and risk factors.  Exposes diabetic patients to dietary counselling, engagement in physical activity, medication, glycaemic monitoring, and insulin use. The foundation of self-management education program is to change the patient’s lifestyle in line with clinical guidelines to reduce diabetes-related morbidity and mortality. Thus, self-management education helps type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in glycaemic control by encouraging physical activity, healthy eating, insulin use, and glucose monitoring.

Brief evaluation of quality of article (no me than 150 words):

The article conducted a three-month self-management intervention in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes to determine its impact on glycaemic control. The researchers used experimental and control group to determine the effectiveness of the self-management intervention program on glycaemic control. The study participants’ information remained confidential and they signed an informed consent before taking part in the study. Additionally, the researchers did not interfere with the study participant’s pharmacological treatments during the study period. 

Summary of usefulness to and application in your own practice (no more than 150 words):

The article is useful in my practice because it provides significant insights into the significance of self-management education in managing diabetes and other chronic conditions. Thus, as a student nurse, I will educate diabetes patients and others with chronic conditions on the importance of self-managing their conditions through healthy eating, being physically active, and monitoring their glucose levels.  Health education programs boosts knowledge, attitude, and practices, resulting in improved health outcomes and effective self-management of chronic conditions

Reference list (following Quote/ Unquote guidelines):

Abdulah, D. M., Hassan, A. B., Saadi, F. S., & Mohammed, A. H. (2018). Impacts of self-management education on glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 12(6), 969-975.

Oermann, M. H., Wrigley, J., Nicoll, L. H., Ledbetter, L. S., Carter-Templeton, H., & Edie, A. H. (2021). Integrity of databases for literature searches in nursing: avoiding predatory journals. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science, 44(2), 102-110

Royal College of Nursing.(2022). Diabetes. Retrieved from  https://www.rcn.org.uk/clinical-topics/Diabetes

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