Type:Discussion Board
Subject:Nursing Discussion Post
Subject area: Nursing
Education Level: Maters Program
Length: 1 pages
Referencing style: APA
Preferred English: US English
Spacing Option: Double
Title: Empowerment
Discussion one: Empowerment
How Does a Leader Use Empowerment Rather than Control strategies to achieve transformational influence over followers and foster ownership
Empowerment entails matching staff’s abilities, skills, and knowledge to appropriate responsibilities, authority, and influence and power levels. Once leaders assign tasks, authority, power, or influence to a follower, they forego their command until the task or authority completes. However, the leader offers guidance, mentoring, and guidance to the subordinate staff depending on their capabilities (Ledlow & Stephens, 2018). Team members and subordinate empowerment build trust among leaders and their followers. Through empowerment, the leaders offer motivations, develops subordinates, and aligns the company’s decision-making process (Liu, 2015). The empowerment practice encourages followers to attain their maximum potential. Therefore, understanding what motivates followers is mandatory to keep them productive, satisfied, and fulfilled in their various positions. In this context, leaders use empowerment instead of control strategies to gain followers’ trust, motivate them and realize their maximum potential.
Leaders also empower their followers through intellectual stimulation. These leaders share the decision-making process with their followers. According to Choi et al. (2016), granting followers the decision-making authority enhances their trust in the leader and their commitment to organizational goals. Power delegation gives followers a sense of being valued by their leaders, resulting in a stronger relationship. Taking an example of the healthcare industry, empowered nurses are productive. These health professionals are often caught between healthcare stakeholders, including logisticians, advocates, counselors, administrators, providers, and patients. Thus, nurses require empowerment to meet the rapidly evolving healthcare demands. Therefore, leaders who empower nurses enhance their growth, support, and nurturing. Therefore, a leader’s ability to give up some of their authority helps achieve transformational influence over followers and foster ownership.
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Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of employee empowerment. Human resources for health, 14(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-016-0171-2
Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H.(2018). Leadership for health professionals: Theory, skills, and applications. Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning
Liu, Y. (2015). The review of empowerment leadership. Open Journal of Business and Management, 3(04), 476-560