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Research, EBP, and QI Discussion

Research, EBP, and QI Discussion

The provision of healthcare is increasingly becoming more complex forcing more nurses and other healthcare practitioners to participate in research studies, evidence-based practice (EBP), and quality improvement (QI) initiatives. The goal of nurses in participating in such studies and projects is to achieve patient-centered care that improves the healthcare outcomes of the patients. Various subtle differences exist between research, EBP, and QI projects that make it complicated for nurses to select the most suitable method for evaluating a clinical problem. The paper comprehensively examines these differences to enable nurses to make immense contributions in the nursing field through the development of new knowledge, inventions, and improvements

The difference between Research, EBP, and QI

Quality Improvement: QI initiatives don’t comprise of in-depth literature reviews and are normally specific to one organization. The majority of QI projects aim at correcting workflow processes, improving efficiencies, reducing variations in the provision of healthcare, and addressing problems facing nursing education and administration (Butler, & Prentiss, 2016).

Evidence-Based Practice: EBP projects aim at integrating the best change strategies with patient values and clinical expertise to improve patient outcomes. EBP process entails asking the most suitable clinical question, retrieving the best evidence to address the problem, applying the evidence to nursing practice, and evaluating patient outcomes (Butler, & Prentiss, 2016).

Research: this is a systematic investigation that consists of research development, evaluation, and testing to answer a particular research question (Butler, & Prentiss, 2016).

Application of these Concepts in Practice

There are various ways I can apply research, EBP, and QI projects as a registered nurse. For instance, I can apply research to carry out a systematic study to examine some of the strategies for preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI). I can implement EBP in my organization to prevent chemotherapy extravasation for the patients receiving vesicant therapy. The major steps in EBP include (1) formulation of clinical questions that can be addressed by research evidence, (2) search for and retrieval of evidence, (3) appraisal and synthesis of evidence, and (4) integration of the evidence with own clinical expertise, local context, and patient preferences (Denise & Cheryl, 2018). Finally, I can use QI initiatives to improve wound care in my facility.  

Topic Search using Two Different Databases


Search terms

Hits Results

MeSH, Bolean operators, filters, and limits

New Results


Congestive heart failure

248 232

Free full text,


30 651

Google Scholar

Congestive heart failure

786 000


53 300


There are various observations I made from using both PubMed and Google Scholar to search for the results of congestive heart failure. I realized that PubMed only indexes biomedical literature for peer-reviewed articles only whereas Google Scholar contains indexes of books, articles, abstracts, theses, and court opinions from various disciplines and sources such as academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, and universities among others. Only a small fraction of the sources in PubMed are available as free full text when compared to Google Scholar.

EBP Models

EBP models provide frameworks for designing and implementing EBP projects in nursing environments (Denise & Cheryl, 2018). The Iowa model is fundamental in distinguishing two types of stimulus: problem-focused triggers and knowledge-focused triggers. The identification of the problem is critical as it helps in gathering massive support from the nurses, especially if they have encountered the problem on several occasions (Denise & Cheryl, 2018). The first major step in the Iowa model involves determining whether the identified problem is a priority for the organization, and I think, in this case, congestive heart failure is a priority considering its mortality and morbidity cases. The synthesis and appraisal of evidence are also of importance to the Iowa model (Denise & Cheryl, 2018). The last stage involves implementing and evaluating the change to determine its efficiency. On the other hand, the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) focuses on clinicians and this allows rapid implementation of the best available practices. The model follows a three-step process: practice question, evidence, and translation (McEwen & Wills, 2019). In my opinion, the Iowa model is more comprehensive and will be better for implementing EBP change for preventing congestive heart failure among the general population.


McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Butler, E., & Prentiss, A. (2016). Empowering Nurses through Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), and Research.

Denise, F. P., & Cheryl, B. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins pp-26-27.

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