Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Nurs 4212 week 6 Assignment

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  • Due Jan 5, 2025 by 10:59pm 
  • Points 200 

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  • Allowed Attempts 2 

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Week 6: Assignment 



Nurses are well positioned to help create healthier communities on a broad and long-term scale because they know what is working and what is not working. By actively embracing Walden's mission and vision of positive social change, strategies can be created and enhanced to improve population health and reduce disparities. "Media engagement is an important tool for amplifying messages about societal problems amenable to public policy, educating stakeholders, bringing diverse stakeholders together for a common purpose, and promoting policy change" (Myers, 2020). 

In this Assignment, you will create a Power Point presentation with a voice-over and present how nurses can lead in population health strategies guided by change theory and inspired by Walden's vision and mission thoughts on social change. You will also present how the desired change is sociocultural and/or linguistically responsive. 


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. 

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 

WEEKLY RESOURCES (https://waldenu.instructure.com/courses/144099/modules/items/5701938



12/27/24, 6:58 PM 

To prepare: 

Week 6: Assignment 

  • Review the required and Learning Resources for this module. 
  • Download the PowerPoint Presentation Template 



  • Review Walden University's mission and vision statements. 
  • Review Lewin's model of change. 

The Assignment 

please follow there closely 

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation with voice-over for hypothetical stakeholders 

in your community concerning a change for your target population. 

Your presentation, with voice-over, should include the following: 

  • Articulate a need for change for a particular population group within your community. You may use the same population and one of the health problems discussed in Module 4. 
  • Discuss how Lewin's Change Management Model can guide community and system-level strategies in health promotion and prevention concerning the population's health problem. 
  • Provide one proposed system-level strategy for the specific population would like to see occur. How might the desired change be evaluated for effectiveness? 
  • Provide two examples of how the proposed system-level change is sociocultural and linguistically responsive and promotes equality. 
  • Describe how you and your fellow nurses can improve on becoming more self-aware of personal biases in relationship to culture and environment. 
  • How does Walden's central focus on social change influence your nursing views and professional values concerning a population health approach in healthcare? 

Explain how the concepts explored and insights gained from this course will impact your future goals and development as a nurse leader of social change? 

Identify three shareholders who would appreciate learning from this presentation. Include their name, title, and position within your community. 

  • Be sure to include your voice-over notes pages. 


Submit your Assignment. 




12/27/24, 6:58 PM 

Week 6: Assignment 

Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as 


2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page. 

3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review. 





12/27/24, 6:58 PM 


Explanation of 

30 to >24.0 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response 

need for a 


change to 

improve a 


change for a particular 



comprehensively and clearly explains the need for 

population group. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the explanation. 

Week 6: Assignment 


24 to >22.0 pts Achieved Expectations The response explains the need for change for a particular population group. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the explanation. 

22 to >0 pts 

Does Not Meet Expectations 

The response inaccurately and vaguely explains the need for change for a particular population 

group, or it is missing. The 

response includes 

inaccurate and vague 


30 pts 


Lewin's Change 


Model in 

relation to 


community and system-level 


Proposes a 

system-level strategy within the community 

and how the 

change might be evaluated 

30 to >24.0 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response comprehensively and clearly discusses Lewin's Change Management Model for guiding community and system-level strategies for promotion and prevention of a population health problem. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the discussion. 

20 to >16.0 pts Mastered Expectations The response comprehensively and clearly proposes a system-level strategy and how the change will be evaluated. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the proposal. 

24 to >22.0 pts Achieved Expectations 

The response discusses Lewin's Change Management Model for guiding community and system-level strategies for promotion and prevention of a population health problem. The response includes 

relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the discussion. 

16 to >12.0 pts Achieved Expectations The response proposes a system-level strategy and how the change will be evaluated. The 

response includes 

relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the proposal. 

examples that do not 

support the identification, or it is missing. 

22 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 

The response inaccurately and vaguely discusses Lewin's Change Management Model for guiding community and/or system-level strategies for promotion and prevention of a population health problem, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support the discussion, or it is missing. 12 to >0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 

The response inaccurately and vaguely proposes a system-level strategy and how the change will be evaluated, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague 

examples that do not 

support the proposal, or it is missing. 

30 pts 

20 pts 



12/27/24, 6:58 PM 


Explains how 

two examples 

of a proposed system-level change are 



responsive and 



Describes how 

to become 

more self-aware 

of personal 

biases in 

relationship to 

culture and 


Explains how 



central focus on 

social change influences your 



health nursing 

views and 


30 to >24.0 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response 

comprehensively and clearly explains two examples of how a system-level change are sociocultural, 

linguistically responsive and promote equality. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the explanation. 

10 to >7.33 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response comprehensively and clearly describes how to become 

more self-aware of personal biases in relationship to 

culture and environment. The response includes 

relevant, specific, and 

appropriate examples that fully support the description. 

20 to >16.0 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response comprehensively and clearly explains the influence of Walden's central focus on social change and practice. The response includes relevant, specific, and 

appropriate examples that fully support the explanation. 

Week 6: Assignment 


Walden University Assignment Help by Premium Experts

24 to >22.0 pts Achieved Expectations 

The response explains two examples of how a 

system-level change are sociocultural, linguistically responsive and promote equality. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the explanation. 

7.33 to >6.0 pts Achieved Expectations 

The response describes how to become more self- 

aware of personal biases in relationship to culture 

and environment. The 

response includes relevant, specific, and 

appropriate examples that support the description. 

16 to >12.0 pts Achieved Expectations 

The response explains the influence of Walden's 

central focus on social 

change and practice. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples 

that support the explanation. 

22 to >0 pts 

Does Not Meet 


The response inaccurately and vaguely explains two examples of how a system-level change are sociocultural, linguistically responsive and/or promote equality, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague 

examples that do not support the explanation, or it is missing. 

6 to >0 pts Does Not Meet 


The response inaccurately and vaguely describes how to become more self- 

aware of personal biases 

in relationship to culture and environment, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and 

vague examples that do 

not support the description, or it is 


12 to >0 pts Does Not Meet 


The response inaccurately and vaguely explains the influence of Walden's 

central focus on social 

change and practice, or it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and 

vague examples that do not support the explanation, or it is 



30 pts 

10 pts 

20 pts 



12/27/24, 6:58 PM 


Reflects on how 

the concepts 

and insights gained from the 

course might 

impact future 

goals and 

development as a nurse leader 

of social 


Identifies three 


who might appreciate learning from 

the presentation 

30 to >24.0 pts Mastered Expectations 

The response comprehensively and clearly reflects on how insights gained from the course might impact your future goals and development as a nurse leader of social change. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the 


10 to >7.33 pts 

Mastered Expectations 

Week 6: Assignment 


24 to >22.0 pts Achieved Expectations 

The response reflects on how insights gained from the course might impact your future goals and development as a nurse leader of social change. The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the 


Response identified three shareholders who might appreciate learning from the presentation. Identification incudes name, title, and position. 

7.33 to >0 pts 

22 to >0 pts 

Does Not Meet 


The response inaccurately and vaguely reflects on how insights from the course might impact your future goals and 

development as a nurse leader of social change, or 

it is missing. The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support the reflection, or it is missing. 

Does Not Meet Expectations 

Response did not identify three 


30 pts 

shareholders who might appreciate learning from the presentation, or response does not include name, title, and position. 

10 pts 



10 to >7.33 pts 


organization, audience, 

purpose, tone, style, clarity, 

flow, voice-over 

notes included 

Mastered Expectations 

Demonstrates full 

awareness of writing 

context, audience, and purpose Content is generally clear, logical, and well organized, with appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free of bias. Style is consistently appropriate for a professional setting/workplace context. Mostly free of spelling, punctuation, and grammar/syntax errors 

7.33 pts 

Achieved Expectations 

Demonstrates some 

awareness of writing context, audience, and purpose Content is mostly clear, logical, and 

well organized, with adequate sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free of bias. Style is mostly appropriate for a professional setting/workplace context. Contains a few spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax 


7.33 to >0 pts Does Not Meet 


Demonstrates minimal 

awareness of writing context, audience, and purpose Content lacks clarity, logic, 

and/or discernible organization; content does not use proper sentence and paragraph structure. Tone is not professional/scholarly and/or contains bias. Style is inconsistent with a 

professional setting/workplace context. Contains significant spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors 

10 pts 



12/27/24, 6:58 PM 






credibility, and 

attribution of 


10 to >7.33 pts Mastered Expectations 

Content fully reflects original writing and proper paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates full adherence to reference 

requirements, including the use of credible 

evidence to support a claim, with appropriate 

citations and references 

in APA format. 

Week 6: Assignment 


7.33 to >6.0 pts 

Achieved Expectations 

Content adequately reflects original writing and paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates adequate 

adherence to reference 

requirements, including the use of credible evidence to 

support a claim, with appropriate citations and references in APA format. 

There are a few minor APA 

formatting errors. 

6 to >0 pts 

Does Not Meet 


Content does not reflect 

original writing and/or paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates minimal or 

no adherence to reference 

requirements, including 

the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate 

citations and references in 

APA format. There are 

numerous APA formatting 



10 pts 


Total Points: 200 



Presentation Title 

Your Name 

Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University 

COURSE XXX: Title of Course 

Instructor Name 

Month XX, 202X 

Slide Title 

Go to the "Home" tab at the top and click on the "New Slide" or "Layout" button to access different formatting for your slides. 

Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way. 

Use a consistent, grammatically parallel format for bulleted lists (for example, on this slide, each element begins with an imperative verb). 

Consult APA's suggestions on formatting lists, as necessary. 

End bullet points consistently, either with or without a period. 



Slide Title 

Keep text font consistent. 

Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc. 

Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation's points (like an abstract for a paper). 



Slide Title 

Your slides can also contain entire paragraphs, like this one does. In both paragraphs and bulleted lists in your presentation, citation rules apply just as they do in papers: When using or referencing another author's ideas, you must cite that source. When incorporating a citation in a slide, do so just as you would in a traditional paper: According to Jones (2020), presentations are not very different from papers. 

According to Smith and Cat (2020), you should make your presentation great, not just good. 



Use APA style rules to format any tables and figures in your presentation: 


Category 1 

Category 2 

Category 3 

Category 4 

Series 1 

Series 2 

Series 3 

Figure 1 

Title Reflecting Figure Information 

Note. Any needed general notes on figure. From 

"Utilizing Bar Graphs," by A. 

Jones, 2020, Journal of Handy Graphs, 76(2), p. 3 (https://doi.org/10.123.45/ abc). Reprinted with permission. 



Slide Title 

Remember to adhere to any assignment guidelines regarding presentation format. This template contains suggestions only. 

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an "APA standard PowerPoint." Review our presentation tips for more information! 

  • Visit the Academic Skills Center for more tips on how to use PowerPoint or visit Microsoft's PowerPoint help and learning website. 



Slide Title 

Always include a reference list at the end of your presentation, just like you would in a paper. Reference list entries take the same format they would in a paper, including a hanging indent. Visit the Common Reference List Examples page for the correct APA format. Here are a few examples: 

Jones, P. (2020). This great book. Publisher. 

Smith, W., & Cat, D. (2020). How to make a good presentation great. Presentations Quarterly, 45(4), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.123.45/abc 



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