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Fundamentals of professional practice

Fundamentals of professional practice

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NMC Prioritise people Standard 3

The current study will focus on a critical appraisal of NMC prioritise people standard 3 that ensures that nurses identify and respond to the people's psychological, social, and physical needs. The rationality of choosing this topic is due to the overarching need to provide wholesome care to the patients. Nursing dictates that nurses must base the treatment modalities and interventions on their patients to attain optimum results (Sevilla Guerra et al., 2018, P.101). This aspect is a fundamental factor of consideration since it culminates in a positive overall outcome for the patients. This NMC code compels nurses to offer wholesome care to their patients through addressing their physical, social, and psychological needs. According to Keyko et al., (2016), these are the most fundamental parameters that must be addressed in a patient to ensure overall positive recovery. The consideration of this topic is also informed by the need to adopt person-centred care in nursing practice. Virtually, this approach ensures that all treatment interventions are done after critical consideration of patient-specific parameters. 

According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017), evidence-based practice must be done by adopting a patient-centred approach. On the other hand, nurses must ensure that treatment interventions conducted on a patient are informed by evidence collected thereto. This proposition implies that nurses must focus on physical, psychological, and emotional attributes to determine rational interventions that will improve specific patients' overall improvement. The consideration of this topic is vital as it offers a helpful direction to nurses regarding patient's diagnostic criteria and medications to be prescribed in managing specific conditions. 

 Habibi et al., (208) cite that it is the prerogative of nurses to assess a patient's needs and interpretive results for effective treatment. This aspect also incorporates nurses' ability to deliver up-to-date care in a record time to avert lethal consequences such as comorbidities or mortalities. In this respect, ensuring that all fundamental interests of a patient are taken care of is critical to achieving the desired positive results. The NMC code 3 calls for increased efforts by nurses to pay close attention to the patients by promoting well-being, prevention of ill health, and meeting the challenges that patients may experience during their care process. These objectives are achieved by ensuring that nurses form a close relationship with their patients to monitor deviations from normal health. As Cagle et al., (2017) pointed out, the formation of a close bond between a patient and the nurses allows for the assessment of vital signs that inform evidence-based medication. As dictated by NMC standard 3, the formation of such a relationship is vital to enable nurses to recognise and respond to the patients' needs compassionately. 

The chosen chapter also calls for nurses to advocate for their patients by addressing their health needs and mitigating discriminatory advances that may hinder effective treatment. In this respect, this standard encourages nurses to stand up for the patients' rights, including challenging poor health practices relating to their care. The fundamental benefit of this attribute is that patients receive high-quality care.

Patient advocacy has been cited as a fundamental aspect of ensuring that service users attain high-quality care that improves their overall outcome (Davoodvand,  Abbaszadeh & Ahmadi, 2016, p. 9). Therefore, the focus of this topic guides nurses to act in the best interest of the patient. One of the focuses of the nursing code of conduct concepts is to allow for inter-professional collaboration in the delivery of quality patient care. This approach ensures that people's physical, social, and psychological attributes are assessed and responded to. As pointed out by Reeves et al., (2017), inter-professional collaboration in healthcare allows for a critical assessment of relevant health and social care, including providing vital information to support the patient when needed. The proposition that patients will receive care from specialists implies that it is possible to address the psychological, social, and physical needs that negatively impact the attainment of high-quality care.

From a similar perspective, healthcare specialization dictates that nurses will handle the task that they are best suited to perform. From the preceding discussion, the rationale for choosing standard 3 of the NMC is informed by its ability to confer wholesome care to the patients and its imperativeness in addressing fundamental attributes in the nursing profession that impact care delivery modalities. Nurses' ability to address the social, psychological, and physical needs of a person leads to managing other factors related to improvement in overall patient outcomes (Ferrand et al., 2019, p.22). Therefore, this topic's selection is rational in the current context, considering that these factors are the primary metrics that nurses must address if at all delivery of high-quality care is to be achieved. Also, addressing this topic ensures that the patients derive optimum value proposition from a health care system.

Primary article 

The article by Hansen, Hauge, and Bergland (2017) focuses on addressing a person's psychosocial needs as dictated by the NMC code 3. The qualitative study addresses the need to address a patient's physical, social, and emotional needs. The authors note that the psychosocial needs of a person form the basis for attaining adequate health care. In this aspect, nurses need to address this aspect as directed by the NMC code of professional practice. The rationality of choosing this topic is due to its close focus on the need to pay close attention to promoting well-being among the patients and preventing cases of adverse health. Besides, the article addresses the dynamic health needs addressed by health care systems to achieve improved patient care. One of the fundamental aspects of this article is assessing the patient's needs to observe compassionate care to the individuals in need or those at the end of life. Technically, Hansen, Hauge, and Bergland (2017) critically apply the NMC code 3 to describe the rationality of addressing psychosocial needs for dementia patients. This article recommends that it's fundamental to address a person's holistic and individual needs to achieve high-quality care. These are the significant concepts enshrined in NMC code 3 of identifying and addressing a person's physical, emotional, and psychological needs. 

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Article appraisal 

 To make an informed decision regarding the selected article in this paper, a critical appraisal is warranted. Essentially, this is the systematic examination of research evidence to determine its reliability, validity, results, and relevance before using it in making a decision. The following 8 criteria were used to determine the article's appropriateness and its reliability in addressing the topic of interest as guided by NMC standard 3.

Appropriateness of qualitative approach

The article employed a qualitative approach in assessing the imperativeness of addressing a person's psychosocial needs with dementia. The qualitative approach employed was useful as it focused significantly on developing knowledge and understanding relating to the phenomena of interest. As noted by Greggs et al., (2019), a qualitative approach incorporates the collection and analysis of non-numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, and experiences. This approach can also be used in gathering in-depth insight to generate new ideas out of the research. In this respect, qualitative research aims to study in a theoretical perspective the rationale for the existence of specific behaviour or attribute and make a rational conclusion from such an undertaking (Greggs et al., 2019, p. 891). Considering that the qualitative approach collects non-numerical data, methods typically employed include in-depth interviews, focused group discussions, and ethnography (Davoodvand, Abbaszadeh & Ahmadi, 2019, p. 91). 

 The qualitative approach adopted in this article was appropriate and in tandem with qualitative research protocols. For instance, the research adopted focused group discussion as a data collection method to obtain participants' views relating to the need to address people's psychosocial needs. The qualitative approach adopted focused on identifying personal views regarding the inquest's phenomenon to come up with a rational intervention. The study adopted a descriptive approach to data analysis as dictated by qualitative research protocols. These approaches increased the conformance of the study to qualitative research approaches.

Sampling strategy

 The sampling strategy applied was appropriate for the current study. The strategy adopted in the study for sampling included a purposive approach where leaders of home care services recruited participants for focused group discussions (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim, 2016, p. 3). This sampling strategy was essential to ensure that bias was averted in the results attained. The rationality for adopting this approach was to obtain in-depth information relating to the metric under analysis. This strategy was also appropriate since it enabled only those participants who had adequate information related to psychosocial needs. The sampling strategy also included nurses to obtain their view of the need to address the psychosocial needs. The purposive approach enhanced the reliability of information attained from focused group discussion, considering that it emanated from participants with adequate knowledge. One of the vital considerations during sampling is to attain a reliable sample size for the study. The current study employed 24 participants based on adequacy and rationality. From the following proposition, the sampling strategy was effective in enhancing the success of the study. 

Data collection methods

Semi-structured focused group interviews were conducted with 24 health care providers. The data collection method was appropriate for the research objective settings. The approach adopted in this study was also comprehensive enough in-depth and breadth to generate and support interpretations. The data collection method considered explicit aspects that could influence participants' strong opinions in focused groups. 

Data analysis methods

The study analysed data through the use of systematic text condensation. The data attained from audio recording from focused group discussion was transcribed verbatim by the first author and then analysed several times to check for accuracy. This method ensured that there were no errors in transcribing the audio records (Hansen et al., 2020, p.8). The use of NVivo -10 software was also done to facilitate a systematic organization of data. The methods used in data analysis were transparent to allow for interpretation of results attained. As cited by Schilling et al., (2016), the use of a systematic approach in data analysis enhances qualitative data reliability and ensures that there is little bias in the final data. For the current study, multiple coding was done such that more than one researcher corroborated findings. The first author in the article was tasked with conducting analysis, but all three authors were in constant engagement through the data analysis method. This procedure informs that the results attained look credible and justify conclusions. 

Researcher's position 

 The researchers submit that the focus on the physical, social, and emotional needs of people with dementia is a contributing factor to the attainment of positive recovery. The researchers' position is that there is a need to clarify the concepts of psychosocial assessment for people with dementia as it enables a person-centred focus by nurses. Therefore, the author's position is precisely related to the research, which warrants its reliability and validity. 

Rationality of results

The results attained in this study apply to practical settings. The results showed significant differences in how care provides perceive the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of home-dwelling patients with dementia. The results also showed a need for nurses to address personal needs in the management of chronic diseases such as dementia. 


 The study concludes that the differences in perceptions of health care providers towards the personal needs influence how the psychosocial needs of a patient were met. The conclusion drawn from this study relied on the results attained from the focused group interviews. The interview guide questions inform these conclusions.  From this aspect, the findings attained in this study were from a reliable approach and data collection method as used in the study.  The implications of this method are that the conclusions derived in this study were evidence-based and that they could bear a significant degree of averting bias. This aspect increases the reliability of the results attained and conclusions drawn from the study. 

Transferability of research findings

Transferability is a fundamental factor of consideration in qualitative research to determine data effectiveness (Mackey and Bassendowski, 2017, p. 52). The study's findings cannot be generalized and, therefore, cannot be transferrable to other clinical settings. As noted by Connelly (2016), qualitative research is contextual, and this method does not seek to be generalizable. However, the concepts analysed in this paper can apply to other clinical situations. The authors describe the transferability and the real world implications of the research findings in an honest and transparent manner. This notion adds to the reliability of the article to focus on the topic of interest. 

Reflective account 

 The process undertaken in this paper is vital to equip me with critical analytical skills in professional practice. Essentially, this process has significantly impacted on my ability to apply rigor in qualitative research in assessing the suitability of primary research for a given scenario. This paper has been vital in understanding the need to adopt NMC standard 3 in practical perspectives. Through this process, I can understand the rationality for authenticity and credibility in nursing research and the application of critical appraisal and integrity in such undertakings. One of the focuses of NMC standard 3 is to adopt patient-specific parameters in enhancing the attainment of evidence based data for rational intervention. This process incorporates conducting a primary study to assess the metrics under study. This process has enlightened me on the need to appreciate and understand qualitative methodologies and principles, including their nursing practice implications. The process undertaken in this paper shows that individual skills are vital for qualitative nursing. The critical appraisal process has contributed to an in-depth understanding of the need to adopt patient-centred care to attain critical information such as physical, social, and psychological needs. The credibility and reliability of primary research have been cited as an imperative aspect of nursing. In this aspect, the process undertaken is essential in improving data obtained in qualitative nursing research. 

I feel that understanding qualitative research modalities in nursing could be imperative in increasing patient care through a needs assessment. I am convinced that the attainment of credible information regarding patient care modalities is vital to enhance overall nursing objectives. During the process, I felt that researchers in healthcare must be honest and credible in their undertakings, considering that this impacts patient care. One of my primary concerns during the process was the ability of research to manage conflicts of interest and provide actionable data in a health care concept. I was convinced that success of such undertaking could be vital in addressing patient needs through providing unbiased and accurate primary evidence that would help in improving care modalities. Essentially, this aspect would lead to restorative care delivery, including assessment of patient's needs. From an evaluation of the process undertaken, I am happy that most of the objectives were met. The process attained success in attaining an article for a critical appraisal and analysis of the author's motivation to creditability and reliability of data. From an analytical perspective, I think that the things that worked well and the process were attributed to my ability to apply practical articles appraisal skills. This aspect enhances my ability to determine the effectiveness of primary research in a contemporary set up. 

 Action plan for future learning and role development

 One of the impetus attributes I attained from this process is the need to adopt professionalism in the nursing profession. I am determined to adopt these guidelines as dictated by NMC to identify and assess patients' needs to determine an effective intervention. I have gained essential skills in the nursing study, including determining a reliable, evidence based approach in making clinical decisions. From the preceding analysis, I am obliged to include ethics in my future role development to achieve the nursing objectives of patient-centeredness and high-quality care delivery. My future learning will be driven by a professional assessment of reliable materials such as qualitative researches. This aspect will be informed by evidence-based practice as dictated by NMC standards. I am motivated to learn the fundamentals of professional practice in nursing, as this will enable me to handle diverse clinical situations. 

In essence, this approach will improve my skills in clinical practice and role development. From the activity conducted herein, I am motivated to uphold ethical and professional guidelines in my future role to achieve my personal and professional objectives. Prioritizing people is one of my focuses on role development as it will enhance my ability to practice safely and effectively. Therefore, this approach will contribute to attaining personal competency and leadership as envisioned by NMC standards for competence for registered nurses. 


Cagle, J. G., Unroe, K. T., Bunting, M., Bernard, B. L., & Miller, S. C.,2017. Caring for dying patients in the nursing home: Voices from frontline nursing home staff. Journal of pain and symptom management, 53(2), pp. 198-207.

Connelly, L. M., 2016 Trustworthiness in qualitative research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), pp. 435-437.

Davoodvand, S., Abbaszadeh, A., & Ahmadi, F., 2016. Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses' viewpoint: a qualitative study. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 9.

Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S., 2016. Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American journal of theoretical and applied statistics, 5(1), pp. 1-4.

Ferrand, C., Martinent, G., Deliot, M., & Pont, V. (2019). Need satisfaction and frustration in older People living in French nursing homes. GeroPsych.

Greggs, W., Burns, T., Egeghy, P., Embry, M. R., Fantke, P., Gaborek, B., ... & Plotzke, K., 2019. Qualitative approach to comparative exposure in alternatives assessment. Integrated environmental assessment and management, 15(6), pp. 880-894.

Habibi, M. R. M., Abadi, F. M., Tabesh, H., Vakili-Arki, H., Abu-Hanna, A., & Eslami, S. ,2018. Evaluation of patient satisfaction of the status of appointment scheduling systems in outpatient clinics: Identifying patients’ needs. Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research, 9(2), pp. 51.

Hansen, A., Hauge, S., & Bergland, Å.,2017. Meeting psychosocial needs for persons with dementia in home care services–a qualitative study of different perceptions and practices among health care providers. BMC geriatrics, 17(1), pp. 1-10.

Hansen, M. I. T., Haugen, D. F., Sigurdardottir, K. R., Kvikstad, A., Mayland, C. R., & Schaufel, M. A., 2020. Factors affecting quality of end-of-life hospital care-a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway. BMC Palliative Care, 19(1), pp. 1-9.

Keyko, K., Cummings, G.G., Yonge, O. and Wong, C.A., 2016. Work engagement in professional nursing practice: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61, pp.142-164.

Mackey, A. and Bassendowski, S., 2017. The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), pp.51-55.

Reeves, S., Pelone, F., Harrison, R., Goldman, J., & Zwarenstein, M. 2017. Interprofessional collaboration to improve professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6).

Schilling, M. R., Heginbotham, A., van Keulen, H., & Szelewski, M. 2016. Beyond the basics: a systematic approach for comprehensive analysis of organic materials in Asian lacquers. Studies in Conservation, 61(sup3), pp. 3-27.

Sevilla Guerra, S., Miranda Salmeron, J. and Zabalegui, A., 2018. Profile of advanced nursing practice in S pain: A cross‐sectional study. Nursing & health sciences, 20(1), pp.99-106.


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