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Module 3 Assignment: Impact of Climate Change

Type: Essay

Subject: Global Community Health Planning & Interventions

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 4 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

School: Chamberlain University

Title: Module 3 Assignment: Impact of Climate Change

 Instructions:  investigate the far-reaching impact of climate change, and select one issue that is impacting global health as a result of climate change. read about emerging efforts to address the selected climate change issue, and consider additional solutions to prepare for its impact and to advocate for improved outcomes. address the elements below. use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. see rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the paper: 1. provide an introduction to the paper. 2. identify and describe one issue that is impacting global health as a result of climate change. explain how this issue influences global health and the health of individuals. describe current efforts to address this climate change-related health concern. 3. propose one strategy at the local level to prepare for or address the impact of this issue and explain the resources that would be needed. discuss how the strategy would impact the health of individuals locally, as well as global health.

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Structure: essay must have each of the following assessment criteria bolded in paper: introduction,climate change-related issue impacting global health, proposed solutions, conclusion.



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Human health has always been affected by the weather and environment to some degree. Weather extremes, such as droughts and floods, significantly impact the ecosystem that sustains life on Earth by providing shelter, food, water, and clean air. Climate change has a range of effects on human health and well-being when combined with other man-made and natural health stressors. Globally, people are feeling the impact of this on their health. Climate change is influencing global health, and this article will show how that impact extends to the human level as well. At the same time, it will update current initiatives to address the health consequences of climate change. A local plan to prepare for or manage the effect of this problem will be proposed, as well as the resources required and how the approach will influence regional and global health on the individual level.

Temperature change Related Impact on Global Health

There has been an increase in the frequency and severity of long-lasting heat waves due to climate change. Heat-related mortality is expected to rise worldwide, but particularly in the United States. By the end of the century, the yearly death toll is expected to reach tens of thousands during the summer months (WHO, 2018). It's apparent that the more fatalities caused by, the lower temperatures during the winter months will not outweigh the deaths that would be prevented. Human adaptive activities, like air conditioning equipment, may, nevertheless, be expected to negate the predicted mortality toll from very high temperatures.


Influence of extreme temperatures on Global health

Heatstroke and dehydration may occur due to prolonged exposure to very high temperatures, as can cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and respiratory disorders. As a result, those who reside in the northern hemisphere are more likely to be affected by extreme temperatures. As a result of spending a lot of time outdoors in the hot weather, certain groups, such as the homeless, outdoor workers, and student-athletes, are more vulnerable than others. Additionally, the elderly and families with poor socioeconomic levels may not afford air conditioning equipment, increasing excessive heat exposure (Burke et al., 2018). Other groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women, and small children, are less able to control their body temperatures, making them more sensitive to heatwaves. There is a tendency to see higher temperatures in metropolitan regions than in rural places. Cities are expected to become more vulnerable to heat-related health consequences due to climate change. Air pollution and its implications on human health are also sometimes linked to heatwaves, similar to periods of stagnant air.

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Efforts to Address Temperature-Related Health Concerns


It is feasible to avoid the negative health impacts of exceptionally high temperatures if enough local, regional, and global preparation are in place. Health care readiness and early warnings from meteorological systems are current initiatives to address climate change-related health issues. In addition, timely medical and public guidance and advances in urban planning are also part of these efforts. When it comes to providing health-related alerts and advisories, most nations often hit by record-breaking heat have well-established national meteorological services in place. Public health groups, state health agencies, and health care providers work together to implement the warnings' communication efforts. The health care system, including hospitals, doctors' offices, and pharmacies, is critical for disseminating medical and behavioural advice to the public (Nicholas & Breakey, 2017). They are responsible for executing the stated heat-health standards in their respective locations with their linked employees. In addition, health centres, general practitioners, and social agencies are critical partners in monitoring those at high risk of harmful consequences from heatwaves.

Local Strategy to Prepare for the Impact of Extreme High Temperatures

All incident commanders from influential organizations participating in any crisis should be brought together in one structure to aid in the coordination of successful responses while also completing jurisdictional obligations as part of a local response structure (Yang et al., 2019). The strategic plan will include measures for disaster readiness and response, such as emergency management and public health and homeland security and emergency management. Strategic planning for all-hazards, including heat planning, will include suitable accommodations for special needs populations and the demands of mass care events requiring evacuation, transportation, food and shelter. An essential aspect of a local response framework is to bring together all incident commanders from influential organizations engaged in disaster coordinated reactions, and jurisdictional requirements must be met simultaneously. The strategic plan will include measures for disaster readiness and response, such as emergency management and public health and homeland security and emergency management. 

For all-hazards planning, the requirements of unique populations and mass care events necessitating evacuation, transportation, food, and shelter will be considered. Using a strategic plan will assist in finding the best ways to deal with heat preparation efforts to reduce both the local and global repercussions of excessive heat exposures. Providing cooling facilities, air conditioners, and outreach activities will be possible (Aflaki, 2017). To address extreme heat exposures at the local level, the approach campaigns and mobilizes resources, political will, and community-based groups. The plan's other goals include locating and reaching out to at-risk groups, collecting and effectively using health data, and managing resources according to the specific requirements of each community.


A warming climate has led to hotter days and longer heatwaves, which are becoming more common as a consequence. Excessive temperature exposure can cause heatstroke and dehydration, in addition to a host of other health problems. Heat-related illnesses may be avoided with sufficient planning on the parts of communities, regions, and the whole world level. For effective response and jurisdictional requirements, it is vital to have an all-hazard strategy plan built around a local response structure that includes the heads of all the major groups who participate in an even


Aflaki, A., Mirnezhad, M., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Omrany, H., Wang, Z. H., & Akbari, H. (2017). Urban heat island mitigation strategies: A state-of-the-art review on Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Hong Kong. Cities62, 131-145.

Burke, M., González, F., Baylis, P., Heft-Neal, S., Baysan, C., Basu, S., & Hsiang, S. (2018). Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico. Nature climate change8(8), 723-729.

Nicholas, P. K., & Breakey, S. (2017). Climate change, climate justice, and environmental health: Implications for the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Scholarship49(6), 606-616.

World Health Organization. (2018). Climate change and health country profile 2017: Kiribati (No. WHO/FWC/PHE/EPE/15.51). World Health Organization.

Yang, J., Jin, S., Xiao, X., Jin, C., Xia, J. C., Li, X., & Wang, S. (2019). Local climate zone ventilation and urban land surface temperatures: Towards a performance-based and wind-sensitive planning proposal in megacities. Sustainable Cities and Society47, 101487.

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