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MSN-FPX 6111 assessment 1


School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University




Enhancing Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

When creating a new course for a nursing degree program, it is crucial to carefully consider the program's objectives, learning outcomes, assessments, and external benchmarks (Sharifi et at., 2019). "Enhancing Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice" and related courses have to be regarded as obligatory elements of any hospital-based continuing education program in this context. This program is excellent for experienced nurses who want to further their education and professional growth via specialized training. The instructional environment incorporates both indoor and outdoor classrooms, along with simulation laboratories, as essential elements. The program's objective is to include cultural sensitivity into the process of making healthcare decisions, provide a healthcare setting that welcomes persons from many backgrounds, promote successful communication despite cultural differences, and improve the ability to offer culturally competent patient care. The objective of designing this curriculum is to align it with national nursing standards, enabling nurses to instruct their students in the cultivation of sensitivity and competence in diverse cultural healthcare environments (Roux & Ridosh, 2023).

Course Definition: Enhancing Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Course Description, Vision, and Rationale

This six-week, two-credit course offers a comprehensive learning experience that combines didactic lectures, case studies, and extensive clinical exposure in many healthcare settings. The developers of this initiative want to empower nurses by equipping them with the necessary information and abilities to comprehend and manage the intricate cultural conventions that patients bring to their healthcare. Our primary objective is to guarantee that nursing staff has the requisite knowledge and skills to proficiently handle patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. To ensure the delivery of care that is kind, polite, and encompassing, it is imperative to not just understand but also wholeheartedly accept other cultural perspectives (Lekas et al, 2020). The main goal of the course is to enhance cultural competency and inclusion in nursing practice. This mindset perfectly corresponds to the organization's steadfast commitment to provide culturally proficient, patient-centric care that accepts people from many origins and cultivates an atmosphere favorable to personal development.

Course Learning Objectives

The course learning goals focus on developing a thorough strategy to promoting cultural competency in healthcare delivery. First, participants explore the crucial importance of cultural competency in delivering efficient healthcare. They extensively examine and use several communication techniques specifically designed for engaging with a broad range of patient demographics. The fundamental purpose is to include cultural sensitivity into clinical decision-making, highlighting the significance of matching treatment with cultural subtleties. Furthermore, the course's objective is to provide participants with crucial tools for promoting cultural inclusion in healthcare. This will ensure that every patient is treated with respect, understanding, and worth within the care system.

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Evaluation and Assessment Strategies

The assessment methods consist of pre- and post-course self-assessments, case studies investigating communication in various cultural contexts, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) simulating patient interactions across different cultures, and reflective journals documenting personal insights gained from clinical rotations. These methods thoroughly assess the acquisition and practical use of cultural competency. Self-assessments monitor personal development, while case studies evaluate the capacity to adjust in communication. OSCEs assess the level of applied cultural sensitivity, whereas reflective diaries promote self-reflection. Each technique functions as a tool to gauge comprehension, flexibility, and the incorporation of cultural proficiency, promoting a comprehensive assessment while promoting ongoing education and improvement of cultural proficiency in practical healthcare situations.

Alignment of Learning Objectives to Program Outcomes

Learning Objectives

Program Outcomes

Assessment Strategies & Domains of Learning

Alignment with External Standards

1. Understand cultural competence significance

Enhanced cultural competence (Program Outcome 1)

Didactic sessions (Cognitive domain)

QSEN Competency: Patient-Centered Care

2. Apply effective communication strategies

Effective communication across cultures (Program Outcome 2)

Case studies (Cognitive domain), OSCEs (Psychomotor domain)

AACN Essentials: Communication Skills

3. Integrate cultural sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity in healthcare decisions (Program Outcome 3)

Reflective journals (Affective domain)

Specialty Organization Standards for Cultural Competence

4. Foster a culturally inclusive environment

Culturally inclusive healthcare setting (Program Outcome 4)

Clinical rotations (Cognitive and Affective domains)

The Joint Commission Standards: Cultural Competence

This course aims to enhance nurses' cultural competence by aligning with program goals and external national nursing standards such as QSEN, AACN Essentials, specialty organization standards, and The Joint Commission's cultural competency requirements (Roux & Ridosh, 2023). This course aims to enhance evidence-based nursing practices that prioritize cultural sensitivity in the healthcare setting via a systematic alignment of learning objectives, assessments, and program outcomes.


Lekas, H. M., Pahl, K., & Fuller Lewis, C. (2020). Rethinking cultural competence: Shifting to cultural humility. Health services insights, 13, 1178632920970580. https://doi.org/10.1177/1178632920970580

Roux, G. M., & Ridosh, M. (2023). Forces and Issues Influencing Curriculum Development. Teaching in Nursing-E-Book, 103. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Gf_SEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA103&dq=Roux,+G.+M.,+%26+Ridosh,+M.+(2023).+Forces+and+Issues+Influencing+Curriculum+Development&ots=KoLFN3dV50&sig=1--lrLWr0PsNKC-ROxq_7UdiOZU

Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 99, 103386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103386

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