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NURS-FPX4040 Assessment 3 | Telehealth Technology

Paper Details

School: Capella University
Subject: Nursing
Topic:Telehealth Technology

Course: NURS-FPX4040

Referencing: APA
Pages: 7


Telehealth Technology

Student’s Name 






With the advancement in technology, hospitals have adopted various forms of electronic systems in their facilities to improve the safety and quality of care. The technology in health facilities is destined to complement the nursing objective, to assure every patient that they will access the care and get satisfactory results. Telehealth is one of the technologies hospitals have embraced in their operations. It is an approach where care providers use digital information and communication technologies to promote remote access and management of care services. The technology can be used from home or used with physicians to improve or support the healthcare service. The technology involves using mobile phones or other digital devices to store logs, medicines, treating, and blood sugar levels for evaluation by nurses responding electronically. It can also be an app used to monitor the progress of a patient and guide them in their healing journey.

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Kayyali, R., Hesso, I., Ejiko, E., & Shereen, N. G. (2017). A qualitative study of telehealth patient information leaflets (TILs): Are we giving patients enough information? BMC Health Services Research, 17  http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2257-5

According to Kayyali, Hesso, Ejiko & Shereen (2017), the provision of patient information leaflets on telehealth is a approach to promote consciousness and implementation of telehealth services. The authors conducted a study to determine whether patients have been given adequate information to guide them in deciding whether to use telehealth technology. The study aims to see how the leaflets on telehealth have portrayed this care technology and explore the patients' insights on the existing telehealth leaflets and their assignation with the idea. The article acknowledges that telehealth technology is a critical development in the healthcare sector. However, the authors appreciate that this technology needs the patients to be aware of everything surrounding the advanced systems and how it can affect or enhance their care services. The study finds that there are certain gaps within the information given to patients regarding telehealth technology. The authors also note the various focus areas that developers need to concentrate on when creating a telehealth system. The article is critical for the topic as it enlightens on the issues associated with this technology and how patients should perceive them. The identified issues include privacy and confidentiality of information which developers need to assure care facilities and patients that these key areas will be well secured.

Zhou, L., Thieret, R., Watzlaf, V., DeAlmeida, D., & Parmanto, B. (2019). A telehealth privacy and security self-assessment questionnaire for telehealth providers: Development and validation. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 11(1), 3-14.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/ijt.2019.6276

Zhou et al. (2019) note that telehealth is a great tactic to offering a high-quality care service to persons with limited access these services physically. However, the authors present major concerns of this technology concerning security issues surrounding the system's data and information. The article recommends that telehealth care facilities demonstrate that they have measures to secure their patients' information. States have provided the HIPAA audit procedure that the providers need to review and ensure their systems meet every regulation aspect. The article's objective is to advance and authenticate the telehealth privacy and safety self-assessment for the providers. The article is a reminder to the provider that while the technology is efficient in providing quality care, the safety part of the system is still a concern. The information recommends that providers conduct a self-assessment of their telehealth services to determine whether the technology is safe for the patients to share their personal information over the system. The technology-oriented devices are vulnerable to malicious attacks or unauthorized access, putting the patient information at risk. The authors note that the technology is an efficient option for individuals in rural settings.

Martin-Khan, M., Fatehi, F., Kezilas, M., Lucas, K., Gray, L. C., & Smith, A. C. (2015). Establishing a centralised telehealth service increases telehealth activity at a tertiary hospital. BMC Health Services Research, 15

Khan et al. (2015) acknowledge how healthcare access is a challenge for many people living long distances from the city centers and those unable to travel. The technology has made health easier for this person and others who have issues such as financial constraints. The authors use a tertiary hospital case to determine how telehealth has helped them improve their care activities and extend services to many people. The article identifies how various stakeholders in the healthcare setting acknowledge and appreciate the impacts of this technology. The patients consulted in the study note their increased satisfaction rates, and the physicians appreciate the increase in access to those previously limited by diverse factors. The article is published in a health journal which makes the information presented credible and reliable for academic and professional use. The authors have various qualifications in the health sector, and the level of knowledge in care and its dynamics makes their work reliable. The information presented is relevant to the topic as it reflects more about how telehealth has enhanced services and how facilities continue to use the technology to serve diverse populations. Physicians can use this technology to increase their reach, especially those interested in community service, and find the need to operate remotely.

Park, J., Erikson, C., Han, X., & Iyer, P. (2018). Are state telehealth policies associated with the use of telehealth services among underserved populations? Health Affairs, 37(12), 2060- 2068,2068A-2068I.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05101

Park, Erikson, Ham, and Iyer (2018) acknowledge that telehealth is an important strategy to improve healthcare access in rural and underserved regions. The authors note that evidence point that the technology is an actual way for patients to access primary care breadwinners, authorities, and mental health services. However, the authors find interest in learning whether the technology's policies tie to the services among the underserved populations. The article uses data from a national survey and examined the trend in telehealth usage and the role of state telehealth rules plan in telehealth use. The use of telehealth has increased over recent years across all populations. The populations with limited mobility are the major beneficiaries of the technology. The article is relevant to the topic and expands the context focusing on the underrepresented people and limited access to care services. The people can spare time and finances and use their devices to seek medical services from their hospitals or physicians. The technology makes access easier and available at any time, provided both users are connected.


Research on telehealth issues presents various issues that providers need to explore and address to make the systems more effective. Security, privacy, and confidentiality of the systems are among the major factors that come up when reviewing telehealth technology. As a result, providers are recommended to conduct self-assessment on their systems to determine the key areas that need to be reviewed and amended. Information communications and technology experts should be consulted to help in developing strong security for these systems. The experts should focus on privacy and protecting confidential data in the system. The laws and regulations on technology-oriented systems in the healthcare setting can help providers define their telehealth systems' best measures. The systems should also be designed in ways that are easier to use. Patients can easily integrate with systems that give them easy prompts to access the services they desire.

Kayyali, R., Hesso, I., Ejiko, E., & Shereen, N. G. (2017). A qualitative study of telehealth patient information leaflets (TILs): Are we giving patients enough information? BMC Health Services Research, 17  http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-017-2257-5

Martin-Khan, M., Fatehi, F., Kezilas, M., Lucas, K., Gray, L. C., & Smith, A. C. (2015). Establishing a centralised telehealth service increases telehealth activity at a tertiary hospital. BMC Health Services Research, 15

Park, J., Erikson, C., Han, X., & Iyer, P. (2018). Are state telehealth policies associated with the use of telehealth services among underserved populations? Health Affairs, 37(12), 2060- 2068,2068A-2068I.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05101

Zhou, L., Thieret, R., Watzlaf, V., DeAlmeida, D., & Parmanto, B. (2019). A telehealth privacy and security self-assessment questionnaire for telehealth providers: Development and validation. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 11(1), 3-14.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/ijt.2019.6276. Do my FlexPath paper

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