Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Nursing Discussion Response Sample

S- Well organized and informative work, which is thoroughly researched especially in the background of the county, the study population, nursing diagnosis and the objectives set. Well-articulated objectives for the study as well as and procedures put in place to carry out the exercise and measure the outcomes. There is also an opportunity to reevaluate the population to assess the success rate and how to address the shortcomings.

W- the difficulty in arranging and scheduling educational seminars and trainings for the community at different places and at periods with different stakeholders to improve and increase accessibility of services by the community (Vitale & Cotella, 2020). Varied interests of stakeholders make it hard to align synergy in service delivery.


O- Numerous stakeholders’ willingness at empowering the target population to identify, access and utilize them at local level to improve their access to healthcare (Biancarelli et al, 2019). 

T- Relying mainly on government funding sources for those living in poverty may jeopardize the program in case there are delays in funds disbursement. The target population may also not be willing to seek help when needed, to identify barriers to accessing healthcare (Stephen et al, 2018). Relapse of those treated for drug addiction may be another threat. 


Biancarelli, D. L., Biello, K. B., Childs, E., Drainoni, M., Salhaney, P., Edeza, A., ... & Bazzi, A. R. (2019). Strategies used by people who inject drugs to avoid stigma in healthcare settings. Drug and alcohol dependence198, 80-86.

Stephan, A., Bieber, A., Hopper, L., Joyce, R., Irving, K., Zanetti, O., ... & Meyer, G. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to the access to and use of formal dementia care: findings of a focus group study with people with dementia, informal carers and health and social care professionals in eight European countries. BMC geriatrics18(1), 1-16.

Vitale Brovarone, E., & Cotella, G. (2020). Improving rural accessibility: A multilayer approach. Sustainability12(7), 2876.

Strength: The strength is in the nursing diagnosis, because of limited access to healthcare, poor health maintenance among the disadvantaged population is shown by a low number of established primary care practitioners (Meng et al., 2019).

Weaknesses: You said in your smart goal that you would collaborate with SIH to develop a program geared at high school students that will educate them about adolescent pregnancy, poverty rates, and accessible community assistance. How are you going to reach people who cannot afford school?

Opportunities: By June 2023, there would be an opportunity to maybe give an incentive for impoverished moms and to build a support system particularly tailored for adolescent pregnancy that would provide welfare help and appropriate coping methods. This is great.

Threat: To teach about adolescent pregnancy, you will only be able to reach out to students. Most at risk of becoming pregnant are the low-income youths who can't afford to go to school. According to Mohr et al. (2019), as a deterrent to adolescent pregnancies, social work policies and programs should focus on access to education and retention in school.


Meng, Q., Mills, A., Wang, L., & Han, Q. (2019). What can we learn from China’s health system reform?. bmj, 365.

Mohr, R., Carbajal, J., & Sharma, B. B. (2019). The influence of educational attainment on teenage pregnancy in low-income countries: A systematic literature review. Journal of Social Work in the Global Community, 4(1), 2.

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