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Oncology Nursing

Nursing Ethics

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 Nursing Ethics

Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb's request.

In order to ensure that patients are able to express their deepest desires, procedures must be taken to ensure that patients lay down their wishes before they die, which should eventually influence those who are left behind. I will honor Mr. Newcomb's advance instructions since I am a capable and self-sufficient caregiver. I want him to be able to communicate his preferences and determine his ultimate desires when he loses the ability to make them (Butts & Rich, 2019). Patients should be given their last wishes as a method to give them control over their final decisions as they approach death. Because the patient deserves to make vital choices and have the chance to achieve their wishes, it goes a long way toward reassuring them of their autonomy.

Evaluate how you applied the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice to the scenario.

One of the main concepts of a successful support care program is respect for the patient's choices, which is based on autonomy (Cambra-Badii et al., 2021). Caretakers and nurses are more likely to deliver high-quality treatment and medicines if they are guided by the virtue of beneficence. There is a strong connection between no malice and the concept of common good, which stresses the need to do the least damage to patients while striving for improved health outcomes. In a risk-benefit relationship, beneficence and non-maleficence coexist (Dijkstra, 2020). Rather than criticizing Mr. Newcomb for his personal choices, I would allow him to see whoever he chooses while also spreading love in my community. You cannot tell him that his mistress can't see him before he dies because it's not up to you, and I'm not going to inflict any emotional suffering on the man.

As a result of this situation, Mr. Newcomb would be able to freely pick who he would want to see him in the hospital. If he is sound of mind and capable of making his own judgments (as I assume he is in this circumstance), then he should be allowed to do so. Mr. Newcomb receives justice simply by not being held accountable for his own decisions. If he has a mistress and wants to visit her before he dies, that is entirely up to him, not to mention the provider or the hospital. The only thing we can do is provide him with comprehensive treatment, not pass judgment on his behavior.

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Examine how personal beliefs and values influenced your response to the scenario.

When a patient is in a serious condition, their death wish should be given regardless of their wishes or the wishes of their carers, even though the patient may not be able to logically decide at the time (Pickles et al., 2019). Denying the patient's preferred request or making a statement against the patient's death want or the doctor's reasonable choice would be a violation of my professional code of conduct, since I am required to respect the patient's death wish.

Only a little portion of my reaction was influenced by my own opinions. I don't think he should have a mistress, but it's not up to me to tell him what to do or make him stop seeing her. So that he could meet his mistress, I just said that I would not lie to his wife on his behalf. My role isn't in telling him a lie in front of his wife; if he doesn't want her to come visit, let him say he's occupied for a few hours.


Physical activity is one way to improve one's well-being. Activate your body by getting up and moving. It will help avoid the primary causes of death, cardiovascular disease and obesity (Ross et al., 2019). A third method is to improve your sleep habits. A good night's rest is essential. Memory processing and the functioning of your immune system depend on a good night's sleep (Ross et al., 2019). When you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely to have memory loss and executive dysfunction, as well as slower response times and overall movement and reaction time. Stress management is a third method that should be considered. Ross, et al. (2019) noted that "chronic stress is connected with weight gain, abdominal adiposity, and obesity; extended stress is associated with binge eating and an increased intake of sugar, fat, and salt". Stress levels among nurses are at an all-time high because they have little influence over what occurs during their shift and work 12-hour hours, often back-to-back, are at an all-time high.


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (2019). Nursing ethics. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Cambra-Badii, I., Pinar, A., & Baños, J. E. (2021). The Good Doctor and bioethical principles: a content analysis. Educación Médica, 22(2), 84-88.

Pickles, D., Lacey, S. D., & King, L. (2019). Conflict between nursing student’s personal beliefs and professional nursing values. Nursing ethics, 26(4), 1087-1100.

Ross, A., Yang, L., Wehrlen, L., Perez, A., Farmer, N., & Bevans, M. (2019). Nurses and health‐promoting self‐care: Do we practice what we preach?. Journal of nursing management, 27(3), 599-608.

Six Dijkstra, M. W., Siebrand, E., Dorrestijn, S., Salomons, E. L., Reneman, M. F., Oosterveld, F. G., ... & Bieleman, H. J. (2020). Ethical considerations of using machine learning for decision support in occupational health: An example involving periodic workers’ health assessments. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30(3), 343-353.

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