Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples


Type: Coursework

Subject: Pathophysiology

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Ulcerative Colitis and Anemia

Instructions: bryan is an 18 y/o freshman college student who presents to the college health clinic reporting increased fatigue over the past several weeks. he is concerned because he is unable to keep up with his course work & fearful that he may not pass this semester. he is a thin young man who appears pale. he reports no history of medical problems or surgeries. he takes no medications. he denies using marijuana or any other recreational drugs. he was an athlete in high school as a long distance runner. he reports smoking cigarettes 1 ppd for 3 years. the health care provider completes a review of systems (ros) to obtain a complete health history & that finds that bryan reports having intermittent various gi issues for the past 6 months, which at times include diarrhea, sometimes including a fair amount of blood. he reports that he was anxious over moving away from home & starting college & thought it was r/t that. pre-college pe: height 6’0”, weight 189 lbs (89.5 kg) bmi 25.96 today: vital signs: bp 128/76, hr 102, rr 20, pox 95% ra, temp 98.6, height 6’0”, weight 165 lbs (75 kg), bmi 22.64 physical assessment: neuro a & x3; lungs breath sounds clear; heart sounds regular, tachycardic; abd soft, tender to touch, nondistended, hyperactive bowel sounds; extremities pp+, no edema. labs are drawn & bryan returns the next day. he is told he is anemic, & probably has developed ulcerative colitis. labs: wbc 6.1 hemoglobin 11.3 g/dl hematocrit 28% platelets 210,000 per microliter na 138 meq/l k 4.2 meq/l bun 16.4 mg/dl cr 1.2 mg/dl response to questions review & contrast the pathophysiology & clinical manifestations of uc & crohns. why is bryan anemic & what type of anemia do you think he has? what diagnostic test(s) should be ordered to confirm the uc diagnosis?



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Pathophysiology is the study of biological and physical deformity occurring within the body due to the outcomes of the disease. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease. Causing irritation, ulcers in your colon and inflammatory, these diseases does not have cure. But the better treatment can assist you keep handle on the disease (Sartor, 2006).

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Anemia occurs when an individual lacks enough red blood cells. The cells saturates with hemoglobin and iron, which is a protein that assist on transferring oxygen through the blood vessels to your organs all through the body. When a person happen to have anemia, they are anemic, this means that feel more cold or tired than normally. They are different types of anemia namely pernicious, hemolytic, aplastic, Mediterranean, and vegan anemia. Bryan has folic acid deficiency anemia causing irritability, diarrhea, and a smooth tongue (Shavelle, et.al. 2012).

Anemia according to disease severity recommends screening regularly, specifically, anemia evaluation in outpatients with proof of endoscopic disease activity, performing at a period of three months. Normal diagnostic anemia assessment should be focused on patient without clinical endoscopic example of active disease (Shavelle, et.al. 2012).

Physical examine can be applied, checking for signs like tenderness and paleness in your tummy caused by inflammation. A sample of stool can be checked for infection such as gastroenteritis can also have similar symptoms to ulcerative colitis. Blood test can also take place to check for anaemia and inflammation on any part of the body (Yang, et.al. 2013).


Sartor, R. B. (2006). Mechanisms of disease: pathogenesis of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Nature clinical practice Gastroenterology & hepatology3(7), 390-407.

Shavelle, R. M., MacKenzie, R., & Paculdo, D. R. (2012). Anemia and mortality in older persons: does the type of anemia affect survival?. International journal of hematology95(3), 248-256.

Yang, X., Kanter, J., Piety, N. Z., Benton, M. S., Vignes, S. M., & Shevkoplyas, S. S. (2013). A simple, rapid, low-cost diagnostic test for sickle cell disease. Lab on a Chip13(8), 1464-1467.

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