Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples


Type: Assignments

Subject: Qualitative Methods: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: PhD Program

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Qualitative Methods: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting

Instructions: answer this in a page or 275 words only. * do you think there is one type of research (quantitative or qualitative) that is inherently more rigorous than the other? if so, identify which one and why. if not, discuss your reasoning. * post a brief summary of your research article analysis and the correct apa citation for the article. * outline how the study’s qualitative data collection and analysis did, or did not, promote rigor, provide scientific or systematic scaffolding, and/or generate a more thorough analysis of the research topic.

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Focus: to prepare: * consider your readings about and understanding of quantitative and qualitative research. if you had to choose, which type of research (quantitative or qualitative) do you think is more rigorous and why? do you think it is useful to make such generalizations and comparisons? * locate an article describing a qualitative research study related to a health care topic. * formulate a research question to address the problem and that would lead you to employ correlational statistics. * with information from the learning resources in mind, critically analyze your selected study. ask yourself: how rigorous was the study in terms of the researchers’ efforts, the data collected, and the conclusions drawn? what might the researchers have done to improve the rigor?

Structure: discussion 1: qualitative research in nursing practice which method of research provides the best evidence for nursing practice? is there a place for both quantitative and qualitative research in evidence-based practice? how do these research methods improve patient outcomes? return to and reflect on your thoughts and postings from week 1’s discussion on the respective characteristics, strengths, and limitations of quantitative and qualitative research. consider the uses of each type of research in the health care field. also reflect on the amount of quantitative versus qualitative research that exists in the health care field in particular. there is an impression among some researchers that qualitative research is inferior to, easier than, or not as rigorous as quantitative research. in this discussion, you consider the idea of rigor, or thoroughness and scope of study, with regard to qualitative research. you examine the methods of qualitative research outlined and recommended in this week’s learning resources and how they aim to create standards of rigor by which to assess qualitative studies. you also have the opportunity to assess an article of your choice in terms of rigor and recommended methods of qualitative data collection.

Qualitative Methods: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting


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Qualitative Methods: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting

Basically, there two major types of research methods that researchers use to analyze data i.e. quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research method attempts to quantify a given phenomenon. This type of research method seems to be more objective, structured and enables researchers to reduce biases. Moreover, it attempts to seek to answer the question of the behavior of an individual like how many, how often, and to what extent?( Grove, Burns & Gray, 2012). This type of research method uses numerical data like length, size, amount, price, and duration. Data gathered using quantitative research method can be used to affirm or disaffirm a specific hypothesis or predict relationships. As a result, the quantitative data gathered is analyzed through statistical approaches and presented in tables, graphs, percentages, or other statistical representations. 

On the other hand, qualitative research method is a descriptive data collection approach employed to acknowledge information that enables researchers to explain the behavior of an individual or a scenario (Bradley, Curry & Devers, 2007).Qualitative research helps researchers to understand the why, how, or in what way behind a particular action or behavior. The two types of research methods seems to differ in terms of their objectives, data flexibility and the way in which data is gathered as well as the results of data. Rigorous in quantitative research method determines the meaningless and reliability comparisons of participants’ responses (Smith, & Firth, 2011) Nonetheless, qualitative research methods tend to be less formal and flexible.  Between qualitative and quantitative research methods, none of them can be termed as more rigorous than the other given that both of them employ systematic analysis and research techniques. Moreover, the power of both quantitative and qualitative research methods depend on their ability to be employed to different research scenarios. 


Bradley, E. H., Curry, L. A., & Devers, K. J. (2007). Qualitative data analysis for health services research: developing taxonomy, themes, and theory. Health services research42(4), 1758-1772.

Grove, S. K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2012). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Smith, J., & Firth, J. (2011). Qualitative data analysis: the framework approach. Nurse researcher18(2), 52-62.

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