Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Quality Improvement Initiative for Lupus Disease

Type: Coursework

Subject: Quality Improvement

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Maters Program

Length: 5 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

    Generally, with regards to patient safety as well as an economic crisis, it is significant to develop and asses patient safety efforts besides their prioritization. Over the years, there has been a growing concern for the improvement of patient safety and various regulations as well as the initiatives has been developed to enhance the same. According to Casey et al., (2017), organization, the case of costly healthcare steadily increases, thus leading to an economic crisis. To curb this calamity, the Member States have set together with the efforts to improve patient safety by cutting down the associated expenditure for the services. This resolution has dramatically assisted Lupus patients with the handling of the disease. Concerning the increased costs of Lupus disease, the patients have also lost their trust to healthcare professionals as well as the healthcare services, and this has greatly diminished satisfaction levels within the healthcare facilities. Therefore, the implementation of quality initiatives reduces the harm inflicted to Lupus patients. To prevent and evaluate this irritating condition, this study highlights quality improvement initiatives which include efficient and affordable investments to patient safety programmes as well as a comprehensive display of competence patient safety programmes to the Lupus patients.

Lupus Disease

           Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus) is a dangerous disorder that can affect any organ within the body due to threatening life conditions. More specifically, ladies, as well as the African-Americans, are at the peak of suffering from the disease. The chronic multisystem disorder is normally as a result of cytotoxic antibodies circulating and even resulting to tissue-damaging, which can also lead to mortality. A survey held for the last four decades reveals a constant increase of mortality for the victims with survival not less than 50% at five years (Aggarwal et al., 2019). Therefore, several therapeutic initiatives have been drafted in order to reduce the tissue-damaging disease and decrease mortality cases. As a control measure, the therapeutic interventions have closely focused on the incorporation of corticosteroids as well as the cytotoxic agents with regards to prescription by the medics to minimize morbidity and also ensure treatments at the early stage of the disease. Additionally, several [programs have been established to assist in addressing this disease for the enhancement of patient safety. Firstly, self-management programs have contributed significantly to the prevention of this disease with demonstrated significant advancements in the health distress for the people with Lupus. The programs have educated a greater population regarding the causes, symptoms as well as the opportunistic disease that rises as a result of the disease. This has made the public aware of the symptoms and causes, thus facilitating medical access. To successfully inform the public, self-selection programs have also been incorporated to reach a more significant percentage of the people. Similarly, this program has also made the public aware and has also led to trending improvements with regards to the handling of the disorder. The self-reported programs have generally ensured reduced indicators of stress to the victims, enhanced quality of life and also decreased the perception of depression.

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Quality Initiatives to Lupus Disease

           As an integral part of quality initiative that has been implemented to reduce the deadly disease significantly, the process of healthcare within the reserved facilities should be on the higher end. This calls for remarkable actions of care as well as services to the victims of the Lupus disease. The rheumatic disorder has been of great interest, with several efforts to evaluate the quality of the applied processes and measures. This is mainly because process measures are of actionable targets, thus leading to quality patient care. Effective process measures also result from increasing patient safety as well as affordable healthcare costs (Casey et al., 2017). With regards to professionalism, several healthcare providers have implanted various paradigms to help in reducing the associated risks of the disorder.


           To address the cost-effectiveness for the treatment of the disorder, the American Foundation has announced the establishment of the LFA-REAL system which calls for reduced costs of treatment of the disease and also the development of effective tools and kits to monitor LFA-REAL (Rapid Evaluation of Activity in Lupus) system. The tools tremendously improved quality of care, associated costs as well as an understanding of the autoimmune disease. The system allowed the professionals to be in a position to effectively assess the condition and call for an appropriate alert. To the professionals, the tool enabled the sharing of decisions, thus improving the quality of patient care services. The physicians now can work on accurate benchmarks with reliable justifications leading quality-assuring programs to the patients. The quality initiative has provided the physicians with a more reliable way of diagnosing the disorder and quantifying the progression of the disease. The system is also compatible with web-based applications, thus providing valid and significant data for lupus therapies. With insurance, the system supports value and cost care for patients, thus leading to simplified and affordable treatments. As a benchmark for the quality initiative, the intervention has led to increased clinic show-rate by 58%. Since the system automatically alerts the medics for the response, it has led to the increased appointment of about 76.74% (Liu et al., 2019). Initially, patients used to miss appointments due to failure of remembrance but right now, the whole situation is solved, which has led to a satisfactory value of p-value of 0.0062. Moreover, the machine has also enabled more call reminders, thus improving Lupus clinic services to the patients. This has dramatically improved health paradigms in the Lupus population.

Patient-Centred ‘a-la-carte’ Program

           This is a three randomized self-application program for the practical approach of treatment for the people with Lupus. The program offers a variety of interaction modes between the patient and the physician, thus providing a conducive and also enabling environment for expressions. To a more considerable extent, the program also the approach offers a comprehensive menu interaction mode for usual care. The ‘a-la-carte’ program self-management system allows sharing of data through centralized database systems with longitudinal observational web-based medical research programs. Concerning interaction, the kit provides 1-4 options which include enrolment, support messages and also e-mail kits for easy management. As a result, the healthcare professionals’ ensures efficient health care utilization and behaviours due to standardized control of the Lupus patients (Harris et al., 2017). The results of the self-cantered program are evidential. Currently, cases of stress, depression and quality of life have been of average as expected. Accurate documentation of patients’ information by the professionals has also led to quality services to the people living with Lupus. The system also offers better training to the professionals, thus making it easy to make informed decisions resulting in better choices better health. The primary outcome for the intervention has been excellent and advantageous. Firstly the system triggers self-report measures that validate the chosen techniques. It also indicates positive participation of the patient with regards to neuroendocrine and psychosocial responses. The secondary outcomes of the self-centred system are visible. Firstly is the improved coordination of the patient navigation process with regards to socioeconomic status. The system requires zero transaction fee to offer a communication platform for the patient and the medic. This has led to an increased consultation service by about 14% with increased participants for periods 2017-2019. Indeed, the ‘a-la-carte’ system has ensured improved community-based interventions, reduced isolation besides improved coordination of healthcare services for better Lupus care.

Lupus and Allied Diseases Association

           This is a quality improvement initiative for people living with Lupus. The program is dedicated to ensuring an improved quality of life through fostering collaboration amongst the healthcare stakeholders and also the patients. Additionally, patient-centred research and also wielding patient voice empowers the people with Lupus. The program has ensured both the healthcare professionals and patient perspectives have been carefully considered and adhered to across the research arenas (Aggarwal et al., 2019). The program has also supported and led to autoimmune research which has consequently conducted to improved diagnostics with better treatments. Moreover, the fostered collaboration has significantly reduced isolation cases besides also leading to other advocacy programs for hopeful improvement as well as participation.


           Lupus being a systematic chronic autoimmune disease that leaves behind damages to body tissues and even causing inflammations to body organs, the disease should be treated with a lot of caution. The risks of the disease are extraordinary, and therefore, quality improvement initiatives should be visited regularly for future advantages. Despite the existing limitations, tireless efforts should be channelled into research processes to find the real solution to the disorder. A better understanding of the disease calls for adequate provision of care services by the medics as well as the reliable benchmarks for patient navigation services (Harris, et al., 2017). Effective interaction mechanisms should be established for better decision-making processes. I recommend adoption of friendly software to increase awareness and also provide education to the public regarding the disease. Effective treatments and developments should be established to eliminate barriers to participation ion clinical surveys. Furthermore, the victims should gain access to specialists for the attainment of quality care at affordable costs. Finally, all the stakeholders should work together to enhance lives by empowering and enlightening Lupus disease.


  1. Aggarwal, I., Li, J., Trupin, L., Gaynon, L., Katz, P. P., Lanata, C., ... and Yazdany, J. (2019). Quality of Care for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Management of Lupus Nephritis Across Multiple Healthcare Settings. Arthritis care and research.
  2. Casey, C., Chung, C. P., Crofford, L. J., and Barnado, A. (2017). Rheumatologists’ perception of systemic lupus erythematosus quality indicators: significant interest and perceived barriers. Clinical rheumatology, 36(1), 97-102.
  3. Harris, J. G., Maletta, K. I., Kuhn, E. M., and Olson, J. C. (2017). Evaluation of quality indicators and disease damage in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Clinical rheumatology, 36(2), 351-359.
  4. Liu, L. H., Choden, S., and Yazdany, J. (2019). Quality improvement initiatives in rheumatology: an integrative review of the last 5 years. Current opinion in rheumatology, 31(2), 98-108.
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