Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Sample reflection paper for nursing student

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please submit a short reflective statement regarding the information you received from this video and how you feel it can be applied to your practice. There is no specific word count necessary, but your reflection should be least one paragraph.   

Transition from the nursing graduate to becoming a nursing practitioner is usually and experience with mixed feelings for many.  I was excited to hear about the experience and the challenges of Dr. Jessica who has vast experience in different areas of nursing practice (bellarmine nursing education, 2021). I agree with Dr Jessica that nurses are very important people when it comes to the issue of disease prevention and provision of care as this is the reason that we pursue the nursing practice after all. 

Among the things that I took note during the zoom meeting prevent was the aspect that the board of nursing has been able to play in regard to transition from education to practice and how this has impacted the practice especially with the current Covid 19 pandemic. For example, when it comes to primary state of residence and licensing, this has provided a lot of challenges in the nursing practice, since most of the nurses have been made to practice in other states due to the levels of emergency (bellarmine nursing education, 2021).  One of the most important authentication institution to ensure the practice of nurses from education to institution is the Board of nursing which is supposed to regulate nursing and nursing practice. 

In my opinion such professional organisation could do a lot when it comes to transition of nursing practice during the Covid 19 crisis. This is because nursing programs have been affected highly with the crisis since most courses could not continue amid the need for nursing practitioners to take on the challenge of supporting and caring for infected patients around the country (bellarmine nursing education, 2021). With the temporary work permits, another challenge of finding out the practitioner’s background was also an issue especially in regard to competencies, however criteria such as educational and internship program could help support such qualifications.  

In conclusion the presentation by Jessica reveals a lot of nursing practicing issue especially in regard to transitioning from education to practice. Other issue that have   come in question is the fact that during emergency cases, practice jurisdictions need to be reviewed in regard to state licensing which is a positive approach not only for gaining experience but also coming to meet the needs of healthcare in the country.  


bellarmine nursing education. (2021). Clip of SIGMA: Lambda psi chapter presentation new graduates transitioning to practice Jessica Estes, DNP, APRN-NP director of the Kentucky board of nursing for use by bellarmine nursing education. Bellarmine University - Kaltura Mediaspace. https://video.bellarmine.edu/media/Clip+of++SIGMAA+Lambda+Psi+Chapter+Presentation+New+Graduates+Transitioning+to+Practice+Jessica+Estes%2C+DNP%2C+APRN-NP+Director+of+the+Kentucky+Board+of+Nursing+for+use+by+Bellarmine+Nursing+Education/1_6flwtbe1


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