Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Response to Webinar Discussions

Type: Anwser question from 2 webinars - transcripts will be provided

Subject: Health Policy Residency

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: AU English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Answer 2 questions 250 words each question, about two webinars.

Instructions: in week 3 a panel of experts has been organised to explore important issues of access and equity in health care in contemporary australia. following initial panel member discussions, students will have the opportunity to pose questions to the panel, and to engage in discussions about the extent to which health care services are distributed equitably in australia. this session will take place via a webinar on monday 23rd august, 2021 from 4-6 pm and will combine with the master of nursing final year students. please note this time slot differs from your other lecture time slots for this unit. the panel session will run for 120 minutes. q1 – 250 words reflecting on the access and equity panel discussion (week 3), provide a summary of the three (3) key access and equity issues that were discussed and that you see as critically important to nursing engagement in health care in australia. provide one (1) strategy for each area that might address these concerns. use literature to support your discussion. in week 4, a multidisciplinary panel of health care professionals has been organised to engage students in thinking about the scope of practice for several health professions other than nursing, and to explore how these health professions can interact and work together for the benefit of patients and their families. the panel session will run for 120 minutes. this session will take place via a webinar on monday 30th august, 2021 from 4-6 pm and will combine with the master of nursing final year students. please note this time slot differs from your other lecture time slots for this unit. q2 - 250 words reflecting on the interprofessional panel discussion (week 4), identify and briefly discuss one (1) positive feature of, and one (1) barrier/challenge to, effective interprofessional practice when facilitating patient care. critically discuss how these might inform your future clinical practice to enhance patient outcomes. use literature to support your discussion. for both questions: you will need to show evidence of engagement with the webinar discussions including an: • o ability to link key discussion topics of access and equity to clinical nursing practice o ability to link concept of interdisciplinary care with clinical nursing practice o engagement with broader aspects of the health care system and their impact on the nursing workforce o evidence of an understanding of the roles of health professionals from disciplines other than nursing o evidence of critical thinking in relation to relevance for future nursing practice we need to provide evidence-based references to back up our argument. please everything is related to australia health system. please read and listen to the files attached also please follow the rubirc mark.

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Response to Webinar Discussions

Student Name

Institutional Affiliation

Response to Webinar Discussions

Question 1

Access and equity are major concerns for Australian nurses. People have been experiencing an upsurge in discrimination while accessing care. The first issue discussed through the webinar was how the rural population in Australia does not access equal care in rural areas. For example, some people in the rural areas have not been vaccinated against covid-19 compared to urban centers where almost everyone is vaccinated. The rural population is treated unequally in the Australian healthcare system. The best strategy to reduce disparity in care access in the rural areas can be by deploying more nurses to the rural areas, especially during a time like this when the covid-19 vaccine is in high demand.

The second issue that emerged during webinar discussions is that minorities are discriminated against when accessing care in Australia. The greatest concern is how a developed country like Australia could put people's lives at risk by insisting that they make prior appointments for covid-19 vaccines. Webinar discussions focused on a case of an elderly Aboriginal who was turned away when trying to access covid-19 vaccination in a clinic on the basis that he had not made an appointment earlier. However, a deeper analysis of the scenario reveals disguised racism in access to care. The nurses could have just vaccinated the older man and let him go. Now, here is the question: How will the minorities survive if racism prevailed in the health care system? Are vaccine appointments really necessary at a time like this when a lot of people are succumbing to the virus? Nonetheless, racism could be eliminated by formulating anti-racism policies in the healthcare sector. 

The third issue on access and equity in health care is the language barrier. Language plays an important role in care access and equity. The language barrier is considered among the top causes of misdiagnosis in care delivery. Thus, the use of difficult terminologies by caregivers excludes the patients from actively participating in care delivery. For example, it was quoted that one aboriginal complained that they neither understood the terms used by nurses nor did they find such words in the dictionary. Thus, the language barrier hinders access to quality care among patients. However, the language barrier could be eliminated by employing culturally diverse nurses with a multi-cultural language background. Alternatively, healthcare institutions could use interpreters or translators to improve communication between the patients and nurses. As such, both nurses and patients will feel included in care delivery. 

Question 2

Inter-professionalism plays an important role in improving patient outcomes. Nurses get better patients outcomes when collaborating with professionals from other fields. Inter-professional collaboration promotes the collective involvement of different specialized healthcare providers working closely with communities, patients, caregivers, and families to communicate and evaluate each other's unique opinions in providing the highest possible care quality. Therefore, inter-professional collaboration gives different healthcare stakeholders opportunities to offer different views on diverse clinical scenarios, thus settling on the best option of the highest care quality. 

One positive feature of inter-professionalism is improved patient outcomes. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are increasingly advised to work as teams in care delivery (Schot, Tummers, & Noordegraaf, 2020). Webinar discussions used Emir's case as a referral to explain the importance of inter-professional collaboration. Emir had severely hurt his back, but combined efforts of different health professionals helped manage Emir's case. For example, Emir's fall must have traumatized many people, especially close relatives and his family. However, social workers were got involved in managing the traumatic situation through different counseling sessions. Therapists also helped in managing Emir's back injury so that he could now perform simple tasks. Therefore, Emir's progressive healing took combined efforts of many professionals, thus a recommendation for inter-professional collaboration in nursing. 

The biggest challenge of inter-professional collaboration is the lack of team members' commitments. Collaboration requires the members to work towards a shared purpose. However, sometimes it could be not easy, especially when some members are not committed. In the future, I would like to be in a team comprising professionals with different specializations. 


Schot, E., Tummers, L., & Noordegraaf, M. (2020). Working on working together. A systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care34(3), 332-342. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2019.1636007

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