Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Systematic Review Protocol

Type: Assignments

Subject: Systematic Review Protocol

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 4 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: UK English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Systematic Review Protocol

Instructions: please ensure you have completed unit seven in the learning resources prior to commencing this assessment as the materials in this unit directly inform this assessment. 1. brief you are required to write a brief protocol of a systematic review. the protocol will broadly follow the recommendations set by the protocol guidance from prisma (https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2[removed]-4-1) and prospero international prospective register of systematic reviews (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/). prospero is a database of systematic reviews in health-related areas. you will not need to register your review officially, but the follow their guidance of some the key information that is required to develop a systematic review. the information that needs to be on your assignment is the following: 1. review title 2. introduction a. rationale b. review question 3. methods a. eligibility criteria b. databases and search strategies c. selection process d. main outcome(s) and additional outcome(s). e. risk of bias (quality) assessment. f. strategy for data synthesis. references on how to write a systematic review protocol are listed below. 2. learning outcomes lo1. analyse the different approaches to research including processes, methods and designs. lo3. critically analyse the systematic process of reviewing published research.

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Systematic Review Protocol

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Systematic Review Protocol

A systematic review protocol refers to the assessment of the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods a particular study. In particular, the review can help identify, evaluate, and interpret important research variables and phenomenon. The protocol should be prepared before the commencing the actual review and used as an important guide. The systematic review protocol will cover the background, objective, review question, inclusion criteria, evidence gathering and study selection, data synthesis, dissemination, resource implications, and references.

The systematic review topic: The relevance of smoking cessation interventions among patients with tuberculosis. 


The background should include important definition, questions and the description of possible interventions. Smoking is a public health issue assisted with numerous chronic health complications. For instance, persistent exposure to cigarette smoke can cause lung cancer. Notably, while there is an increase in public knowledge on the impact of smoking, most people are still struggling to eliminate the habit. Smoking cessation, especially among TB patients can help promote health and reduce the burden of the disease and related comorbidities.      


The section identifies key objective and aims of the proposed systematic review. In this case, the objective is to investigate the significance and effectiveness smoking cessation programs on TB patients. 

Review question

The review will seek to ascertain, through the selected literature, the best practices for promoting smoking cessation programs. The targeted review questions will include:

  1. What are the best smoking cessation programs and best practices in hospitalized settings?
  2. What are significance of the smoking cessation interventions for TB patients in clinical environments?

The review question should be based on the PICO (population, intervention, comparators, and outcome) framework. The PICO question is effective because it informs the readers about the targeted objectives and outcomes. In this case, the targeted population comprise of TB patients, the intervention is the tobacco cessation programs, and the comparison is the lack of appropriate cessation plans, while the outcome is smoking cessation. 

Inclusion Criteria 

Study participants: The review will use human subjects from different age groups with smoking cessation problems. The review will also focus on hospitalized TB patients who still smoke. Participants in non-hospitalized settings will also be considered because the outcome or interventions are applicable in hospital environments.  

Types of interventions: The systematic review will include detailed explanations of relevant interventions and will include various smoking cessation programs.  

Outcome measure: The primary or targeted outcome of interest in this systematic review will be smoking cessation. Secondary outcomes will include the suppression of withdrawal symptoms and other intervention-specific side effects.  

Type of studies: The review will integrate and evaluate the relevance of various smoking cessation strategies and interventions using a comprehensive review of literature. 

Evidence gathering or search strategy

The review’s search strategy will aim to access both the published and unpolished research articles and materials. For instance, an extensive search using the CINAHL and Medline websites will identify relevant keywords. Keywords such as “smoking,” “cessation,” “withdrawal,” and “reduction” will help locate appropriate articles for the systematic review.  

  • Other important databases will include:  
  • Medical Teacher and International Journal for Academic Development
  • Biomed (http://www.biomedcentral.com/) and WHO's Library Database (WHOLIS)
  • Website of the Foundation of Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER)
  • International Council of Nurses and Council on Graduate Medical Education 
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College of Physicians
  • Embase and Cochrane Library Web search 

In essence, the articles identifies through the search strategy should satisfy the inclusion criteria based on their titles, information in the abstract, and other subject descriptors. The selected studies should meet the publication criteria and categorized as experimental, cohort, case control, interpretive, and critical studies. Moreover, the reviewers can also integrate a group of health care professionals consulted by phone calls or email. The experts should help identify possible gap in literature and knowledge.    

Exclusion criteria: The review will not rely on the articles and materials from editorials, newspapers, and other forms of popular media. Similarly, failing to satisfy the stipulated eligibility criteria will imply exclusion from the review process.

Data collection 

The selected materials or articles will be grouped based on whether they are quantitative, opinion-based, or qualitative. The review will also rely on a data extraction too to generate relevant information from the articles. The reviewers will be responsible for the independent performance of the data extraction process. 

Data synthesis 

The quantitative data in this study should have a 95% confidence interval. The review will also calculate the odds ratio (for categorical outcome data) or standardized mean differences (for continuous data) from the data generated by each of the randomized controlled trials. The review should generate appropriate data and information from comparable groups of studies. Overall, the data synthesis process will ascertain the availability of relevant data and resources needed to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the selected topic. 


The review should also include a descriptive evidence table to help retrieve and summarize the selected materials and resources. The reviewers will use the information in the table to conduct a comprehensive review of journal literature relevant to the topic.

The proposed milestones and timescales

  • Clear identification and retrieval of evidence-based resources and materials will take about 1 month
  • A comprehensive review of relevant literature will take about a month 
  • A clear summary of the descriptive evidence and appraisal will take approximately 2 months
  • The development of the evidence table, summarizing systematic literature reviews in about a month 
  • Data extraction, synthesis, and writing-up the actual systematic review will take another 2 months.

Overall, the systematic review will focus on different program that can help TB patients control their urge to smoke. They review focuses on continuous development of relevant programs targeting the stipulated population bases. 


The WHO standard citation format (Harvard system) or the APA format will help with citing and identifying the correct articles. Overall the systematic review addresses important concepts and ideas that will be critical in the current and future clinical settings. In particular, the evidence or outcome and of the systematic review will enable evidence-based outcomes.   

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