Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples


Type: Assignments

Subject: Community Health Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: No Referencing Required

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: “Different Types of Nursing”

Instructions: list different types of nursing with general information, compare and contrast

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Types of Nursing


Institutional Affiliation



Types of Nursing

Nursing as a discipline comprise of different types of nursing activities. The different types of nurses are mandated to practice on specific place based on their educational qualification and experience. There are four main types of nursing within the health continuum namely: home-based care, hospital-based care and population based care.

Population-based care is enforced on the method created to better the health outcomes of a group of people, including outcomes within the group distribution. The progress regarding this type of care, and new payment models that promote the inclusion of social care from  traditional healthcare professional models and provide environmental sustainability to account for both cost and standard of healthcare for the expanded healthcare system have emerged.

Home based-care involves all services that enable a patient to live safely in their home. Home-based care can help old patients on how to live independently; manage chronic problems; recovers from medical retrograde problems; or has developmental disability. Professionals like nurses, helpers and therapists offer indoor care, based on the focus of the person, for short or long periods of time. Home care can be essential for the maximum possible quality of life. It can provide security, safety and autonomy, it can facilitate the treatment of on-going health conditions, it can help prevent inappropriate hospitalizations, it can help recovery after a disease, injury or hospital stay, and it can assist through comfortable and familiar care. 

Hospital based-care in the case of persons in need of urgent physicists, hospital specialists and neonatology specialists specializing in heart, medicine, pediatric and trauma emergencies, those in need of life-threatening treatment are available at any time for seriously ill people, for every stage in life.

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