NURS 6630: Psychopharmalogical Approaches to Treat Psychopathology

We will write  NURS 6630: Psychopharmalogical Approaches to Treat Psychopathology

 Walden Nursing Assignmemt Writing Assistance

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 43 million people in the United States suffer from a behavioral health issue. (SAMHSA, n.d.). By offering evidence-based pharmaceutical therapy, psychiatric nurse practitioners (PNP) are ideally positioned to assist these individuals. This course is meant to help you gain a better knowledge of psychopharmacotherapy and how it can be used to treat behavioral health conditions in adults.

In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of neuroscience and how they relate to the care of individuals with behavioral health issues throughout their lives. You will utilize pathophysiology and health assessment ideas as you construct treatment plans for individuals with behavioral health issues, which will be accomplished through discussions, short answer assignments, quizzes, and interactive decision tree assignments throughout the course. You will also look at the effectiveness of medicines as well as their ethical and legal ramifications, among other things. In the final section, you evaluate how your position as a PNP can enable you to serve as a social change agent for those who are experiencing behavioral health problems.

Guidelines for the School of Nursing's Academic Integrity Grading Policy Rubrics 
10% of the total points for the assignment may be deducted due to concerns about academic writing, such as the lack of proper citations or the inability to synthesize or paraphrase reference material. Academic writing lacks originality when students copy and paste a major percentage of their scholarly work word for word from a referenced reference, using quotation marks and either proper or improper in-text references to support their claims (e.g., a website link but not the author etc.). For discussion posts, assignments, and other academic work, students are expected to utilize critical thinking to develop assertions that include unique views, synthesis and analysis that are supported by evidence from external sources. In order to obtain more detailed information about the importance of originality in scholarly writing, please consult the Scholarly Writing section of Walden University's Academic Guides, which can be found at, as well as the Course Assignment section of your course syllabus.

Writing assignments for nursing students

Rubric for the first week's assignments

Rubric for the Second Week of Discussion

Rubric for Week 4 Assignments

Rubric for the Week 5 Assignment

Rubric for the Week 6 Assignment

Rubric for the Week 7 Assignment

Discussion Rubric for Week 7

Rubric for Week 8 Assignment 1

Rubric for Week 8 Assignment 2

Rubric for the Week 9 Assignment

Rubric for the first assignment of Week 10

Rubric for Week 10 Assignment No. 2

Nursing assignment website

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Academic honesty is considered crucial for each student's intellectual development at Walden University. Because of this, students and staff should become acquainted with the university's Code of Conduct, which includes the policy on academic integrity, which is detailed in the Walden University Student Handbook. It's also a good idea to be familiar with the Walden Technology Policies.

On the Support, Guidelines, and Policies page, you can find more information on the Code of Conduct and how to get involved.

A violation of academic integrity is any action or attempted action that has the potential to result in the creation of an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for the student, as well as an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other member or members of the academic community in general. The following are examples of academic integrity violations, but they are not exhaustive:

Plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of intellectual property created by another individual without identifying the source of the work. Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of another's ideas, opinions, or insights without their permission, as well as the misappropriation of one's own scholastic work.
Cheating. Cheating is described as the intentional use of deception, deception, or dishonesty in an academic assignment.
False information is being provided. It is illegal to provide false information if you are inventing or manipulating information or data and presenting it as real. It is also illegal to provide false or misleading information to an instructor or any other member of the university staff.
Infringement on intellectual property rights. Walden University recognizes and respects intellectual property rights, and it is the responsibility of all members of the university community to utilize copyrighted materials in a legal and ethical manner when appropriate.
Misrepresentation of one's qualifications. Statements and documentation provided by a student or applicant regarding past or present academic programs, degrees, or professional accomplishments must be complete and accurate in order to be considered for admission.
Theft or destruction of property. Theft or damage to property includes, but is not limited to, getting a copy of an assignment or exam prior to the faculty member's approval of the assignment or exam for distribution.
Documents from the university have been altered. Forging the signature of an instructor or university official on a document, as well as presenting an altered transcript of grades, are examples of document modification at the university level.
Please see the Walden University Student Handbook for additional information and examples of the Code of Conduct violations listed above, as well as information on the review procedure for Code of Conduct violations.

The Walden University Student Handbook is available online.

SafeAssign Policies are policies that are designed to keep people safe.
Visit the Code of Conduct section of the Walden University Student Handbook to learn more about the university's policy on academic integrity. On the Support, Guidelines, and Policies page, you can find more information on the Code of Conduct and how to get involved.

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