Genetic Engineering Is Not Safe
Genetic engineering simply refers to the scientific manipulation of a specific DNA to modify an organism attributes (phenotype) in a specific manner. This means altering diverse base pairs ,deleting or introducing new copy of the gene (Shiv et al 100). Various technologies have shown that any beneficial technology often comes with various risks unforeseen by its developer. In order to exploit technology,wise decisions must be made. Risk factors should be evaluated,benefits weighed against risks,and a thorough understanding of the impacts assessed to establish if the risks are within acceptable range.
Diverse studies have established genetic engineering to be unsafe in both plants and animals(Watson 88). Inserting new genes to plants or animals have been found to cause unknown reactions affecting organisms behaviors including generating new allergies and resistance to some drugs. For example,by engineering crops to be resistant to either herbicides or pesticides have resulted in altered environment. Engineered organisms could be harmful by the virtue of diverse gene combinations they host. This demonstrates that the risks of GE organisms must be evaluated case by case since the risks differs. So far ,a number of ways have been identified by scientists in which GE organisms could adversely affect entire ecology. The risks posed by genetic engineering are diversified in nature and impacts both animal and plant kingdoms.
Potential Risks to Human Well-being
There are different reasons why genetic engineering is not safe. Many of these reasons are correlated with the growth as well as usage of genetically engineered products from plants and animals (Watson 88). Genetically engineered plants could generate new allergens into consumable products that sensitive organisms such as human beings would not have means to avoid. The modifications that genetically engineered organisms would bring into the environment are purely unpredictable. Similar to exotic organisms,the introduction of new GE species would greatly create an imbalance in the environment. Too,an accident could present countless problems,for instance,an accident involving a genetically engineered gene could aid in developing a newer,stronger and more resistant DNA strain,which,if released would be disastrous to both animal and plants. Numerous studies have illustrated that genetic engineering could ignite serious and catastrophic epidemics if not handled well (Chivian et al 182). Even more catastrophic,cases involving human engineering could be more problematic if an accident occurs in the process,this could result in deaths and myriads of medical problems. Genetic engineering could as well generate foreign side effects or results. Specific modifications in an organism could cause unforeseen allergic reactions to individuals which,in its natural form never occurred. Other changes may include organism toxic spewing out to either animals or plants dangerously.
Allergens in the Food
Transgenic crops have been found to introduce new or unknown allergens into diverse food products that sensitive people do not know how to to avoid (Watson 75). A good example is moving a gene from allergenic product found in animals to another found in plants. genetic engineering often moves proteins from organisms that have never been consumed as food before and this can be lethal if not well handled. And this has resulted in genetic engineering causing previously non allergenic products being allergenic. The challenge lies in that scientists do no have capability to determine if a specific gene used in creating protein would be allergenic,and this is a dangerous gamble with human and animal life.
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Resistance to Antibiotics
Newly designed genes may react differently within another host and the overall reaction could be unpredictable (Chivian et al 182). And once a gene is injected into an organism ,the entire process cannot in anyway reversed. Within medical spheres genetic engineering exploits genes as selectable markers for antibiotic resistance. These markers are further carried into plant tissues resulting in formation of mutants of antibiotic resistance genes,these mutants are lethal to human health.
Toxins Production
All organisms are capable of producing toxic matter. For plant organisms,such substances are used for protection against predators (Smiley 88). In some instances,plants do retain inactive leeways for toxic substances which in their dormant state are not harmful. However,introducing new genes through genetic engineering may reactivate and cause them to increase their levels of these toxic matters.
Environmental Impacts
Basically,genetically engineered genes can greatly create environmental challenges that emanate directly from modified traits. An engineered gene,for instance,may cause a genetically engineered plant to either be invasive or equally toxic in any given ecology. The most notable impact of genetic engineering is the phenomenon allied to pesticide resistance. Globally ,millions of acres are heavily infested with weeds that are resistant to pesticides and herbicides. DDT ,for example,is said to have amassed in fish and eventually thinned and weakened the shells of various fish eating birds such as ospreys and eagles (Smiley 165). While chlorofluorocarbons floated into the atmosphere destroying the ozone.
Heavy Metals
New genes being introduced to the crops have high capability of transferring heavy metals like mercury from the soil and diffuse them in the plant tissue. The aim being making such plants to exploit municipal sludge which have high concentration of toxic heavy metals. Such crops pose high risks of contaminating products with rich levels of toxic materials if the active on/off switches are not fully wiped in edible elements. Too,they pose a potential danger in harvesting ,storage and after harvesting (Chivian et al 182).
There are various reasons and factors as to why genetic engineering is not save. Genetic engineering have contributed in degradation of the environment,endangering plant and animal life,including altering the ecology. Such issues are lethal to human life and have been identified as a source of drug resistance epidemics,spread of viruses,fungi,and bacterias. The scope of altering genes either in plant or animals is considerably harmful since the eventual impacts results in unknown or unforeseen challenges. Genetic modification should be regulated to avert future disasters,either in human,animal or plant engineering.When organisms are disrupted they have a tendency to develop resistance,which if transferred to other organisms becomes dangerous.Numerous cases can attest to such instances globally. What is required is for safe methods to be developed to handle issues which are making genetic engineering to be suitable,yet it is not.