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How Community Preventive Care Health Clinic Boost Health And Reduce Emergency Calls

How Community Preventive Care Health Clinic Boost Health And Reduce Emergency Calls

A new study program is known as Community Paramedicine Clinic (CP@Clinic) that embarked on a project which started several years ago has seen a rise in paramedics passing by once a week to subsidized housing buildings which have a high proportion of seniors. It is evident today that paramedics can do more than offering lifesaving emergencies only. The study finds that when the paramedics offer weekly visits to people who are in social housing premises or seniors, the number of calls made for emergencies is reduced, thereby, improving their health generally.

They use the skills acquired during their training to offer basic health care services to residents such as blood pressure checks, diabetes, as well as group health education workshops in the buildings. The process has seen improved levels of health care as they are able to identify patients that have a high risk of having a complication then refer them for further care.

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McMaster University researchers recently decided to assess how the program has been faring by visiting health residents in three buildings that received CP@Clinic visits for a year while comparing those from the same building that did not receive visits. The researchers found a significantly few emergency ambulance calls that were made by the residents of the buildings that received weekly visits. Dr. Gina Agarwal of McMaster’s Department of family medicine says that the drop-in number translates to a big saving for the health system. She further reiterates how they are fewer emergency calls from social houses from people who cannot access the health system in other ways and says how it is not a good use of resources to keep calling the emergency center rather than go see your physician.

The Community Paramedicine Clinic were also able to pick up undiagnosed high blood pressure from 36 participants and another 75 people who had elevated blood pressure but thought of having hypertension.

A substantial number of residents who received visits showed significant improvement in their quality of life as they were able to perform daily activities compared to others in different buildings that did not receive the extra care.

A 67-year-old patient told reporters of CTV news how he likes the program and how quick and easy it is for him to get check-ups without straining from where he lives. He also believes it’s a great idea to people who are also on blood pressure pills since it will encourage more people to join.

Another 76-year-old person by the name Heidi Weber who also happens to have high blood pressure enjoys how easier it is for her to access healthcare as they are only required to move a fewer step to where the testing is occurring.

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