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How to Manage Your Migraine

How to Manage Your Migraine

Migraines are a recurrent throbbing headache that usually lasts four hours to three days. It mostly affects one side of the head but can spread to the other side. Sensitivity to light, sound, and nausea are other symptoms of migraines. Migraines are recurrent, and sadly there is no permanent treatment. Luckily there are home remedies that you can use to provide fast relief. They also help in preventing migraine headaches without relying on medications.

Tips to Manage Migraines

Relief with a cold towel

A wet towel is one of the most effective remedies for relieving migraine pain. Damp a towel with water, squeeze the excess liquid then put it in a freezer for about 5 minutes. The cloth will become colder which is the best state for relieving migraines. Lay the cold towel over the tip of the head and eyes. It immediately brings relief, especially around the eyes. A scalp massage also helps in relieving the headache. You can massage your head by applying circular strokes gently to the affects areas for pain relief or get the service of a professional masseur therapist.


Aromatherapy which is the use of essential oils and aromatic plant extracts for healing purposes brings relief by allowing you to breathe in some soothing and relaxing aromas. It also brings in soothing effect to the entire body. Lavender and peppermint oil are the most popular for migraine therapy because of the superior soothing and relaxing properties.

3. Take ginger for pain reduction

Fresh ginger is an effective herbal remedy for reducing the pain of a migraine headache. If fresh ginger is too strong for you, try ginger in powder slightly cooked form as it has the same benefits.

Reduce stress triggers

There are many ways to reduce stress such as spending time with an enjoyable company, doing things you love, exercising, meditating or taking a rest from the usual and stressing activities. Try to determine and change the things that make you tense. Stress management and counseling help a lot. It also helps if you try a biofeedback program that allows you to learn the best ways of influencing certain things such as breathing and heart rate to cam stress.

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Cut down on caffeine intake

Too much caffeine in food or beverage can trigger migraines, but the sudden cutting back can also cause a headache. It is essential to ease off slowly from taking caffeine if it is one of the triggers for your headache.

Have a regular meal timetable

Eat regularly without skipping or having a long period between meals. Staying hungry for long makes the blood sugar to reduce and can cause a migraine. Carry healthy snacks if you will be away from a place where you can make or buy food for long. Unsalted nuts, vegetables with hummus and organic dry fruit are some of the items to consider for a healthy snack. It is also essential to take much water to stay well hydrated.

Perform regular Cardio exercises

A study in Sweden showed that cardio exercises such as cycling indoors at least 3 times a get fewer headaches and less pain after 3 months. Moderate cardio such as jogging or Zumba thrice week is a good starting point. It is essential to gradually build up the intensity of exercise as leaping in too hard or fast sets off a migraine. A doctor can help you to determine the best activities if you get a headache after a workout.

Track triggers of a migraine headache

There are different causes of migraines such as dehydration, cheese, red wine, dark chocolate, flying or flashing lights. It is vital for you to note down the things that trigger your migraine for you to avoid them. You can notice the pattern by recoding the details of every trigger on a paper diary or a smartphone application.

Consider using supplements

Supplementing diet with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), magnesium, vitamin B2 or butterbur herbs helps in preventing migraines. It is essential to consult a doctor about the suitability of using supplements, especially for pregnant or nursing women.

One or combination of the above actions will help in relieving or preventing migraines. Getting enough sleep also helps in achieving the best result.

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