How To Stop Snoring
Around 45% of the adults snore making them a subject of jokes or a nuisance to their partners. The cause of snoring is that airways become narrower making the air run into more resistance when breathing. It causes vibrations which is what we call snoring.
It is something that you can overcome with these natural methods
Modify eating habits
Refrain from eating fatty dairy food before bedtime as they cause mucus buildup in the throat reducing the pathway for the air to move into the throat and increasing snoring. Dairy products, bakes, and fried food cause nasal congestion.
Hydrate well
Drink plenty of water to prevent nasal secretions and soft palate from becoming stickier and increase snoring. You achieve best results by drinking plenty of way throughout the day and not just before bed.
Elevate the head
Elevating the head increases airflow through the nose and mouth to reduce or stop snoring. Elevating the head by around 4 inches makes the jaw and tongue to drop forward and open the airway.
Sleep on your side
Sleeping on your side is safer than your back which causes the tongue and tissue to slide backward increasing the chances of blocking the airway. Sleeping on your side will keep the tongue away from the passage into the throat thus preventing blocking which could snore. It is a simple technique that works well when your snoring is not serious. If you find it challenging to stop sleeping on your back, take a step of sewing a pocket on the back of your pajama or tee shirt and add place some tennis balls inside. It will make you uncomfortable every time you roll onto your back, and after a while, the habit of sleeping on your back will end and sort out your mild snoring problems.
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Stop drinking alcohol before bedtime
Stop the habit of drinking alcohol in the evenings as it has muscles relaxants that induce snoring. Relaxing muscles interferes with an inflow of air to eventually cause snoring. You should instead strive to open the airway.
Humidify the bedroom
Bedroom environment can cause or increase snoring. Dry weather cause congestion on the nose and airway thus causing snoring. If you snore, try sleeping in humid conditions. An ionizer that emits some negative ions into bedroom environment helps in cleaning the air to reduce or stop snoring.
Open nasal passages
You can stop snoring that beginning in your nose by keeping nasal passages open to increase the rate of airflow. The nose works like a narrow water hose. A small hose allows fast movement of water. Clogging in the nose due to cold or another type of blockage will slow fast flowing air causing vibrations that produce snoring.
Avoid smoking
Smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke irritates the nasal and throat membranes blocking the airways and promoting snoring. Quitting smoking provides quick relief to snoring. Sedative and sleeping pills also interfere with breathing by relaxing the muscles.
Change the pillows often.
Allergens in the bedroom and the pillow can be a cause of snoring by causing allergic reactions. Dust mites can accumulate in the cushions to cause allergies that trigger snoring. You should also prevent pets from sleeping on your bed as animal dander is another irritant that will block your airways.
If you only feel the obstruction in your nose and throat at night, allergens or dander could be the cause of this irritation. You can solve the problem by putting your pillows in an air fluff cycle every two weeks and replace them after six months to keep allergens and dust mites to a minimum. You should also prevent pets from coming to your bedroom.
These tips are essential in preventing snoring and improving the quality of your sleep. If they do not work, find a practitioner who can introduce you to throat exercises tailored to stop snoring.