How to Write a Nursing Recommendation Letter
Nursing is one of the most competitive fields because it is not just important but also necessary in any society. Nursing staff positions are highly competitive meaning that nursing staff applying to work in clinics, hospitals, and doctor’s offices should have high qualifications with professional, technical and people skills that help with job success.
A letter of recommendation is useful in showing that an applicant has that particular skill reason that makes him or her better for the role. A letter of recommendation (also for or recommendation letter) is a recommendation that a teacher, colleague, employer, supervisor, client or someone who knows the applicant will write to vouch for academic performance and individual work.
The purpose of the recommendation letter is to assure that the recommended person has skills, qualifications, and aptitude for a job. These letters are more of a symbol that represents a vital vote of confidence in a candidate to eliminate the need for a person to make a case to the office of a hiring manager. Most often, the writer of LoR sends it to a hiring manager or admissions office for those applying to join a nursing program. The letter facilitates an introduction or interview of a job or school candidate.
A person who gets a request to write a letter of recommendation for a nurse or student should consider it an honor. It is a responsibility to take seriously by writing a positive and sincere message.
Tips on how to write a nursing recommendation Letter
A letter of recommendation should reflect the content of the resume. I should also mention and specific skills and working experience. Unless a candidate has a form for filling the recommendation, writing it in the way of a letter should take a formal tone.
It should have these critical sections.
Contact information
The first part of LoR begins with the contact information (name, address, email, phone number) of the writer and the candidate followed by the date. Contact information should fit at the top of a letter. An email but not a physical letter should include contact information at the end after the signature.
A letter of recommendation starts with words that acknowledge the reader like "Dear Mr. /Ms. /Dr." before the last name of the addressee. A term like“Dear Human Resources Manager” is more appropriate when you write a recommendation letter without knowing the last name of the gender of the recipient. You should address a recruiting team as one by using words such as "Dear Admissions’ Committee"when recommending a student for an academic program. A general letter should begin with "To Whom it May Concern" or start at the first paragraph.
The writer should explain the relationship with the person who requested the letter and might include the period. The follow-up step is to explain the purpose of writing the LoR. It should include the name of an organization, job position, school or an opportunity that the person is applying. For example, I have been a nursed manager where Miss has been working for three years. I am pleased to recommend her for the position of a nurse supervisor at AB hospital.
Body overview
The body of the letter should include specific information about the personal characteristics of a candidate (understanding, confident, etc) and specific skills like excellent organization and communication skills. The writer should make the description specific as possible.
The first paragraph of a reference letter should explain the connection between the writer and person he or she is recommending. It mentions the relationship (professional or personal) and the qualification to write a letter to support graduate school admission or employment.
Middle paragraphs
The second up to fourth paragraphs should contain the information on the person getting the recommendation. It includes the reason for their qualification and the contributions they can make. It is essential to be specific and share the examples on why the person is a well-qualified candidate. The writer should connect the person to the job or educational program by describing the particular skills or qualities for the role. It is essential to spread the description even if it fits several paragraphs.
Closing paragraph
The last paragraph is the closing point where the writer should end the letter but not before stating availability if there is a need for more information or verbal communication. The writer can also reiterate to recommend the person “without reservation or wholeheartedly.”
A letter of recommendation should end with a professional closing such as "sincerely," handwritten signature and typed name after three or four spaces the contact information (email and phone). It is enough to type the name and contact information if the letter is an email.
Asking for a resume is a crucial step in how to write a letter of recommendation for nursing because it helps in accurate describing of the candidate.