inflammatory bowel disease diet and lifestyle
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a term for a group of diseases causing chronic inflammation of the digestive (gastrointestinal) tract.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease are the most common types of IBD and recommendations to manage each are different. It is also essential for patients to discuss the best individual treatments with a doctor as well as a registered dietician.
The food that someone eats during IBD helps to reduce and manage inflammation, but treatment with medicine or surgery is essential even when observing dietary guidelines. There is no specific diet with proven capacity to treat or prevent IBD, but some of the dieting strategies help to control the symptoms. Patients can identify problem foods by keeping a record of the items they eat and note if symptoms worsen to determine patterns that indicate problem foods.
Food for Treating Ulcerative colitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative colitis is the inflammatory disease of the large intestine (colon) that often includes bloody diarrhea. Inflammation does not get through the full intestinal wall and does not cause fistulas. Extensive surgery might eventually require surgery to remove the affected area. A person with ulcerative colitis flare type of IBD can manage symptoms by adhering to these dietary recommendations.
- Follow a low residue diet it relieves diarrhea and abdominal pain
- Avoid foods that might increase the output of stool such as vegetables, fruits, prunes and beverages containing caffeine.
- Decrease alcohol consumption
- Decrease amount of concentrated sweets such as soda, juices, and candy from the diet to decrease the water in the intestines as it might contribute to watery stools.
- Try incorporating more omega-3 fatty acid in the diet as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can find plenty of omega-3 fatty acids in fish.
- Nutritional supplements help patients with poor appetite and poor toleration of solid foods
Patients with Ulcerative colitis should take smaller more frequent meals as the body tolerates them better and it is a pattern that helps to increase the nutrition that the body takes in every day.
Food for Treating Crohn's disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Crohn’s is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal tract without a known cause. Inflammation can affect the whole intestinal wall often causing diarrhea, fistulas (an abnormal opening), strictures (narrowing) and mal-absorption.
The complications from Crohn’s disease might require surgical resections of the affected portions of the digestive tract.
- Diet recommendations for managing Crohn's disease flare
- Patients with Crohn's disease can manage their inflammation better by taking these types of foods.
- Take a low residue to prevent diarrhea and relieve abdominal pain. Taking food when cold can also reduce diarrhea.
- Low-fat diet if the stools are oily and foul-smelling because it indicates fat malabsorption. A doctor or nutritionist can make confirmation.
- Smaller, more frequent meals as the body tolerate them better and maximize nutritional intake
- Nutritional supplements for loss of appetite and reduced tolerance of solid foods.
- Avoid nuts, beans, seeds, and kernels if IBD is causing strictures
- Avoid foods that can increase stool output such as vegetables, fresh fruits, caffeinated beverages, and prunes.
- Lactose-free diet for those with signs of lactose intolerance. Lactose is the cause of gas, cramping, bloating and diarrhea 30-90 minutes after taking milk, large amounts of dairy products or ice. A breath hydrogen test can help to determine if someone has lactose intolerance.
People with ulcerative and Crohn’s conditions find it difficult to attain their daily nutritional needs because some of the foods worsen their IBD symptoms. Vitamins and other nutritional supplements are essential at this time as they help to cover essential nutritional needs for people with IBD.
A low –residue diet comprising of soft and bland foods helps to relieve flare-ups. These are excellent examples of the foods that people with IBD should take:
- Bananas
- Applesauce
- Oatmeal
- Eggs
- Lean poultry or fish, plain
- Mashed potatoes
- Rice
- Noodles
- Canned fruit
- Diluted juices
- White bread
- Plain cereals
Many people receive misleading information requiring them to avoid entire food groups. It is not necessary unless they worsen the symptoms. It is best to eat different types of food as possible to increase chances of getting a balanced and nutritious diet. A doctor, nutritionist, dieticians, and other healthcare professionals can help to identify specific dietary needs.