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Can  nurses  play  an  enhanced  role  in  encouraging  patients  with  dementia  to  eat  and  drink?

Nurses role in caring for dementia patient

Dementia is a brain disease that affects memory and behavior of the person affected, it is a degenerative disease meaning it gets worse with time as it progresses. This disease can become so severe for the one suffering from it. Perhaps with the most common form Alzheimer’s, they will need full-time assistance.

The person often forgets simple things and slowly starts to become unable to manage more complex activities. For example, they will not be able to drive, as they will forget their routes to familiar places. This includes their homes and places of work, even where they buy their groceries. The disease can be exhaustive to the family and those suffering from the disease when they feel hopeless because they cannot control the outcome of the disease.

It is incurable, and so for those who are unable to give fulltime care to their loved ones, they often admit their relatives to a care home or nursing facility. This can be anyone form a spouse, to a child or parent. Sometimes the disease can also weigh down those who love you and leave them feeling depressed. They long for the person they once knew and wish they could reverse the disease.

It may also become difficult to control people with Alzheimer’s as their behavior changes and is sometimes erratic, and risky. They do not make sense and react in unexpected ways. This sometimes frightens their family and caregiving relatives. It is also an emotionally straining experience to give full-time care to someone else. They feel sad a majority of the time, physically tired and feel the need for a break from round the clock care. It requires great strength.

Eating and drinking is essential for good health, as well as to maintain a healthy weight. Eating well also delays the onset and progression of many diseases. Making it a significant part of dementia treatment. Nurses who have been trained in how to take care of patients with mental disorders and illnesses can help with treatment. They are trained to be firm but kind, and often develop long-lasting relationships with patients.

This is because of the nature of their work, which might need them to sleep at the facility to be on time for shifts and respond to any emergencies. By building a relationship, they create friendships and become a familiar face dementia patient can associate with. While they will eventually forget them, the nurses and caregivers sometimes grow attached to these patients. Taking more time with them to ensure their wellbeing which can be observed by maintaining a proper diet.

They are also able to know which medication or supplements the patients need to inspire an appetite in them. There are some syrups and prescription drugs that can increase appetite, and nurses are in the best position to know this. Over time, they can also get to know the food and drinks they like, that will increase their chances of eating and maintain that diet for them. This could be able to assist the patients and encourage them to eat their food.

Other than nurses, family members can also make an effort to assist the nurses by giving them a history of their patients. Their personalities, like sand, dislikes before they became sick. This will help them to make more compassionate and considerate decisions when it comes to caregiving. Nurses do play an essential role, and they are much appreciated for their work which often is more than what they should do.

Sometimes nurses extend themselves to care for their patients to make sure they are in good hands and receive the best care even in their absence. This could be making arrangements for their favorite meals and tv shows ahead of time, or in their absence so that they have a better experience.

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