Why does the flu virus change every year?
The flu virus, also known as influenza, is a common viral infection that can be deadly especially in a group. The virus spreads easily, and it is usually self-diagnosable. A person can tell they have the flu by identifying similar symptoms from a previous infection. For most lab tests are not required to make a successful diagnosis. On many occasions, the infection resolves itself within a few days to weeks.
Today medication for the flu is available over the counter. It is so common that people often self-treat, making the right assumptions on prescription as well. The recognizable symptoms include having fever, chills, and shivers. They are accompanied by muscle aches, a cough, and sore throat. Almost always, a runny nose and fatigue. The person who has the flu feels tired and dehydrated from blowing their nose often.
The throat also feels dry from becoming sore. Often, it is accompanied by a headache. There is the feeling of having a heavy head and constant headache. To treat the flu, lots of rest and fluids is required. This way the body can fight the infection on its own. However, there are several home remedies that have been conjured and mixed to fight the flu naturally.
It includes having crushed ginger, with lemon slices or juice, boiled in hot water with garlic and some honey is added for sweetening. This home remedy is popular for getting rid of the cold without the use of modern medicine; which some may argue weakens the immune system by becoming over dependent. However, the annual flu can be given to prevent the flu infection and limit the complications associated with it.
It is spread through the air by a cough or sneeze. There are airborne respiratory droplets that increase chances of infection. It can also be spread by skin to skin contact either by a handshake or a hug. This is because, of the usual actions of wiping your nose with your hands in the absence of a handkerchief, or even coughing or sneezing into the hand. It can also be spread at the office or shared spaces by touching a contaminated surface such as a doorknob, table or even a shared blanket.
It is recommended that people should get the flu vaccine at least two weeks before the flu season. This is because it takes about two weeks for the antibodies that protect against the flu to develop in the body. The flu season normally starts in fall; therefore, people are advised to vaccinate themselves and their children by end of October of this year. Most flu seasons develop when the temperatures are lower. Meaning, around fall and winter.
Influenza is detected once every year in the united states when the virus during the months of December to February. Although in some cases it can last till may. Now the flu and common cold are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. The flu is, however, worse than the common cold. Those who suffer from the flu experience more intense symptoms than those of the common cold. Moreover, the flu is more contagious, and at its worst in the first three to four hours after the illness begins.
For most healthy adults, they are likely to infect others a day before they start to show symptoms 5 to 7 days after infection. Flu activity has been monitored in the united states since 1982. Out of those 36 years, there have been various testing done to identify the flu season. The flu season is the months with the highest percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza. The viral infection has had a few peak seasons, describing the months with the highest infection.
February has had 15 seasons, followed by December with 7 and January and March have had 6 seasons each. This describes the changing flu seasons.
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