Maybuck Carli recalls very well when they and her family set out a trip to an orphanage in Honduras when she was only eight years old. Their mission was trying their level best in trying to uplift the community that was staying there. They spent most of their time donating foods and gifts to the children.
The charity has been a major role in their family since they have continued to travel and filling suitcases with supplies to share with the community. Maybach who is a third-year student at the University of Lethbridge flew to Malawi with more gifts to offer including some health advice, blood pressure monitoring as part of the field study program.
Carli and her classmates have spent a month visiting fourteen communities across every landlocked country in the southeastern African region. There work included teaching grade seven students about HIV and Malaria and leading students in the creation of skills about the diseases. Many students then performed their educational plays about prevention, treatments, and symptoms for thousands of people from their communities.
Ms. Maybuck reiterates how the children from Malawi love performing the skits regarding the topic explaining how HIV is a huge issue and many people do not realize that they can get treatment. She noted that many of the people from these communities’ face stigmatization and would rather die because the medication will not cure but make it non-transmittable.
Carli and her classmates brought malaria nets to the students and the most at risk. They also brought reusable menstrual products so that the girls will not have to miss studies every month. She also carried soccer balls for a little fun and jerseys for the locals. Many friends and families from where she stays donated money for malaria nets and the Columbia Valley Youth Soccer donated eighty jerseys for the community.
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“I’ve always wanted to go to Africa and volunteer in some way,” she said, adding that she was eager to share her newly-learned nursing skills with the locals. “Every single moment was a highlight for me.” Ms. Maybuck considered to returning to Malawi to do her practicum overseas little more than a week after her return to Canada. She envisions potentially volunteering around the world with her nursing career since it is something that she loves to do. “It’s really heartbreaking living in a place like (Canada) when there’s so much poverty in the world,” she said. “I really want to help people.” She says.
Source: www.columbiavalleypioneer.com