Top 10 Highest Paying Nursing Specialties
Nursing entails working for long hours, walking around the facility and staying on your feet for hours a day. It is a tough profession, but those do not even notice difficulties as they find satisfaction in helping patients to get better. Still, it can be frustrating if you are a nurse but chose the wrong specialty. When you are in the right field, your work will be much easier and enjoyable. The specialty that you want should be what you love most. It is also great if it pays well. Your personal preference and earning potential for your chosen specialty both have a key role in helping you to make a decision. After working hard through nursing school and get brilliant grades, you deserve to get compensation worth your effort and an opportunity to level a comfortable life.
Below are the Nursing jobs with the best salaries in the UK.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Nurses in this specialty earn a median income of £73,000 annually. The job entails administering anesthesia to patients before surgery or other medical procedure that requires numbing of pain such as dentistry or stitching a cut. A certified nurse anesthetist ensures there is the safe administering of anesthesia before a major procedure. He/she works alongside surgeons, podiatrists, dentists or anesthesiologists for.
Certified Nurse Midwife
A Certified Midwife is responsible for providing primary care to expectant women during delivery and the time after birth. Their responsibility includes performing gynecological examinations, labor and childbirth assistance. They also offer family planning advice, prenatal and neonatal care. The annual median Annual income for certified midwives is £58,100. They work in health departments, hospitals, private practices and even patient homes. Working hours for a midwife are unpredictable because the nature of childbirth is not predictable and you cannot be postponed.
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Nurse Researchers
Nurse researchers work as analysts for various private companies. At the end of the analysis, a nurse researcher uses that data he or she gathers on specific nursing, pharmaceutical or medical products to publish the research study. The study can also be on practices. Nurse Research average annual income is £50,000.
Orthopedic nursing
An orthopedic nurse provides care to patients who are suffering from various kinds of musculoskeletal ailments. These are disorders or injuries affecting the movement of the human body or musculoskeletal system that is made up of tendons, muscles, nerves, ligaments blood vessels and discs among others. They include arthritis, muscle strain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. They help patients to recuperate after joint replacement. Orthopedic nurses also have the responsibility to educate patients on the disorders they are suffering from, different support and self-care systems. Orthopedic nursing median annual income in the UK starts at £46,000.
Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing
Some children are born with sickness or become ill when they are still young. Pediatric endocrinology nurses are the nurses responsible for providing care to young children suffering from endocrine system's diseases and disorders. The responsibility of the nurses includes educating children and their parents about physical development issues that may arise from the disorders. The median annual income for UK pediatric endocrinology nurses is £45,500.
Gerontological nurse practitioner
Gerontological nurse practice average annual income is £45,000, the same as pediatric endocrinology. Gerontological nurse practitioners (GNPs) diagnose and manage patients with long-term and devastating conditions. Gerontological nurse practitioners have advanced degrees and specialize in geriatrics. It requires specialized training on evaluating, managing and treating unique healthcare needs for the older people.
Since the conditions in the older people require management, gerontological nurse practitioners work under a physician to carry out regular assessments on the patients. GNPs take a holistic approach to nursing paying particular attention to their elderly patients and providing bedside care to ensure that they are comfortable. They also educate the family members who take care of the elderly persons on how to look after them.
If you do not like one of the above highest paying nursing specialties, you may consider these others that also have high remuneration.
Specialty | Average annual income |
Psychiatric nurse practitioner | £ 41,000 |
Psychiatric nurse practitioner | £ 41,000 |
Nurse practitioner | £40,000 |
Neonatal nurse | £34,500 |
Clinical nurse specialist | £ 32,500 |