Types of Headaches
A headache is a pain in the neck and head region. It can be sporadic lasting for a short moment or chronic.
To many people, a headache is just that, and the difference is only in the severity of the pain. What is unknown to many is that headaches are in these different types.
Tension headaches
It is the most common cause of a primary headache which occurs on its own without other causes. It usually begins slowly and gradually around midday. The pain is mild to moderate feeling like a band around the head. The pain often affects both sides spreading from or to the neck. Tension-type headaches could be episodic or chronic. Occasional attacks cause pain for a few hours and in worse instances last for a few days. A persistent headache stays constant for 15 or more days in a month for a period lasting at least 3 months.
Rebound headaches
Rebound also known as medication-over headaches occur after excessive use of medication for treating headache symptoms. A rebound headache mostly begins early in the morning and persist all day. Pain medication could relieve the symptoms, but resumes after the effect wear off.A rebound headache can cause various symptoms and pain that could be different each day. It also includes these symptoms:
Along with a headache itself, rebound headaches can cause:
- Nasal congestion
- Neck pain
- Reduced the quality of sleep
- Restlessness
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A recurrent throbbing primary headache affects one side of the head lasting for few hours to 2-3 days. Blurred vision and nausea often accompany migraine. Many people get a migraine frequently; It is the sixth highest reason for people to miss work.A migraine headache may cause throbbing pulsating pain to one side of the head accompanied by sensory disturbances, light-headedness, nausea and blurred vision.
Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches occur and cause intense pain around one eye. The mostly happen at a time of the year usually for 1-2 months. A cluster headache lasts for 15 minutes to 3 hours happening suddenly in the day once to eight times.
These symptoms signify the occurrence of cluster headaches:
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- Severe, sharp or burning pain around one eye
- Paining area could turn red and swell
- Dropping of the eyelid
- Stuffy and runny nasal passage
No symptoms of headache symptoms occur between the clusters. The absence of symptoms may at times last for many months.
Thunderclap headaches
Sudden and severe headaches that many complain to be the "worst headache."In less than a minute the headache reaches the maximum intensity and lasts for over 5 minutes.It is important to seek medical evaluation immediately after experience a severe headache. It could be a thunderclap headache which that is secondary to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, intracerebral hemorrhage, cerebral venous thrombosis or aneurysms (ruptured or unruptured).
A sinus headache
A sinus headache causes pain within the head's sinus cavities and usually occurs alongside sinus infection. The sufferer gets pain and tenderness in the sinus with discharge from the nose. At times the face swells.
Other symptoms are:
- The pressure around cheeks, eyes, and forehead. At times the head throbs.
- Stuffy sinus
- Feeling of ache in the upper teeth
- Fatigue
- Worsening of pain after lying down or bending forward
Many people confuse a sinus headache with a migraine. A migraine can sometimes have nasal sighs such as congestion or watery discharge. Close to 90 percent of patients who inform doctors about their suspicion of having sinus headache find out that they have migraines after examination.
As you just read, there are different types of a headache. Getting the correct diagnosis is necessary for you to determine the classification of a headache and the best treatment.